How To Activate iOS 5 Beta 1 Firmware?


iOS 5 was announced yesterday at WWDC 2011. For customers, iOS 5 will release in Fall 2011, however, developers got an iOS 5 beta 1 seed yesterday for the SDK. Anyhow, if you're not a developer and have downloaded iOS 5 beta 1, you must first activate the device itself, so that it can run the beta firmware. Installing beta firmware on an unactivated device will make it useless. Here's how you can activate iOS 5 beta 1.

What activating the firmware means is that you have to get the UDID of your device registered with the iPhone Developer Program before you can start (legally) loading beta firmware on it and without facing any problems while synchronizing with iTunes.

What's the procedure for getting a UDID registered?

The best possible way is to simply pay $100 and enroll yourself into the iPhone Developer Program. But if you're not a developer, why pay $100 for just a UDID registration when you're not even going to be developing apps?

So there's another way. Many website on the internet are selling UDID registrations. They price ranges from $5-10 and they would usually get back to you in two or three days. Google is your friend.

How to find UDID of iOS device?

  1. Connect your iOS device to the computer.
  2. Open iTunes and click on the Summary for the device.
  3. Point your mouse over ‘Serial Number’ then click on so that it toggles into UDID.
  4. Note the UDID very, very carefully.

Its going to be a long string of numbers and alphabets. Note it down very carefully. This is what you need to get activated, before you start installing iOS 5 beta 1 on iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. And no, this can not be bypassed.

Those who have the iPod touch, 3G and 4G in the case of iOS 5, don't need UDID registrations. However, they will not be able to sync their iPod touch running iOS 5 beta 1 with iTunes. So if you just want some hands on time with iOS 5 beta 1 and don't actually care about syncing with iTunes, simply download the iOS 5 beta 1 IPSW for iPod touch and do a restore using iTunes 10.5 beta. This is what you'll see in iTunes when you update to iOS 5 beta 1 without UDID activation:

And this is what iTunes shows you when you have registered the UDID of your device:

Make sure that you have dumped SHSH blobs of the current firmware on your device. Because if you like a firmware that's older than iOS 4.3.3, you won't be able to downgrade back to it using iTunes. For that matter, follow our detailed iFaith tutorial to downgrade iOS device back to any older iOS firmware.

Have questions? Drop a line in the comments and we'll be glad to help you out.

Update: Once you have activated UDID, here's how to upgrade to iOS 5 beta 1 firmware on your Apple TV, iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

Update 2: Our iOS 5 PC Free Setup Tutorial For iPhone, iPad and iPod touch is now live. Check it out.

BIG UPDATE: How to Activate iPhone iOS 5 beta without Developer Account - No UDID required!

HUGE UPDATE: Our free UDID activation service is now live ! Go here to get your UDID activated for free.

  • jong

    i already update my iPad 1, how do i activate it without copy the UDID?

  • Arun

    Any official date for iOS 5 final ?

    • Ben

      I heard the release date was the last week of June.

      • Lota Man

        That was a rumor. iOS 5 will be released in Fall.

  • Lota Man

    @Jong: Your iPad will run the beta 1 of iOS 5. However, you will not be able to sync it with iTunes. Not being to sync it with iTunes means that none of your purchases, including but not limited to apps, books and music, will be transferred on your iPad.

  • Lota Man

    @Arun: iOS 5 will be released by Fall 2011. Expect it to drop around mid or end of September.

  • Tohamy

    I upgraded my iPad 2 to iOS 5 without activating my UDID. Now i cannot know my UDID. So how can i restore to 4.3.3 or activate my iOS 5? Please help.

    • Vincent

      Yes, you can not even synchronize iTunes with your device. Download iOS 4.3.3 from here:

      Once downloaded, connect it to iTunes and power it off. Then hold both the Home and Power button for 10 seconds, then release the power button but keep holding the Home button until iTunes recognizes your iPad 2 in recovery mode. Then simply press the Shift key if you’re on Windows or the alt key on Mac and click on Restore. Go to where you have saved iOS 4.3.3 downloaded ipsw and select it. iTunes will now restore your iPad 2 to iOS 4.3.3.

      • Tohamy

        I wanted to thank you after i try it, but it seems that it will take some time. so, thanks a lot, really i appreciate your help. i thought i am stuck alone in this trouble

        • Vincent

          Hey, we’re here to help

          Yes, restoring firmware on your iPad 2 can take ~10 minutes. After that, you can easily backup everything you once had on your iPad 2, using iTunes.

          • Tohamy

            It worked just Perfectly. Thanks again.

    • leif hansen

      Found a much quicker way:
      1. Run System Profiler
      2. Look at USB
      3. Click on device (for me, ipad)
      4. Shows your Serial number! (UDID)

      • tinman

        Thanks! I had forgotten this tip. You can also run iPhone Configuration Utility but this method is easier!

  • Tohamy

    So, i really need the iOS 5. so i want a site that activates my UDID. but i cannot know whether the site is a scam. so i found this one:-

    and there are currently available spots. So if you know a better site i would be even more thankful

    • Lota Man

      Well, we can’t really be sure about the authenticity of any other website on the internet. However, if you bear with us for a day or two, maybe we can work something out for the activation of your UDID.

      • Tohamy

        Thats okay with me. but how will you know my UDID? i need an email to send it to.

        • Lota Man

          We’ll be telling you the procedure in detail tomorrow. There’s going to be a separate post about it, containing all the relevant information required.

          • Ahmed_Kudo

            so I’m the second person wana to activate my UDID with or without money the problem is that I’m From Egypt and paypal isn’t available here so I can’t buy from iosactivate or any other site although I have a visa card

            can you help me ? I need it necessary

  • Edwin Zao

    if i updated my iphone 4 to ios 5 will i still have the phone capabilities and apps?

    • Lota Man

      Yes you will. Provided that your iPhone is factory unlocked. If you have a software unlocked iPhone, it will lose its phone capabilities. Apps will work.

  • Robert

    Same question here, wich one can be trusted?
    I tried to search for reviews and stuff but can’t find it!

    • Lota Man

      Keep checking back here. We’ll be posting an authentic way to activate UDID soon.

  • Ori

    i have ipad 2 runnung ios 4.3.1 and i have saved ios 4.3.3 shsh blobs using tiny umbrella.
    after i activate my UDID, and upgrading to ios 5 beta, will i be able to downgrade to ios 4.3.3 in case i want to?

    and can you help me activate my UDID?

    • Lota Man

      Yes, you will be able to downgrade to iOS 4.3.3. However, you currently won’t need iOS 4.3.3 SHSH blobs cache, as Apple is currently signing iOS 4.3.3 SHSH blobs. When a new firmware comes after iOS 4.3.3, only that’s when you’ll need the SHSH bl0bs cache. However, to downgrade to a firmware lower than iOS 4.3.3, like iOS 4.3.2, 4.3.1, 4.2.1 etc, you WILL need SHSH blobs cache.

      Keep checking back, we’re going to come up with something for all of you, regarding UDID activation.

      • joe

        when will we be able to active our devices? i already upgraded my ipad to ios 5 and I cannot sync it or get to the home screen w/o first activating it. someone help!

        • Lota Man

          You can get to the home screen without needed a UDID activation. You just won’t be able to sync with iTunes.

          UDID activation is required for devices on which beta firmware is loaded. Remember that beta firmware is only for developers, hence it is not available for the general public. Follow this tutorial to set up your iPad 2 on iOS 5 beta 1 without UDID activation:

          However, without UDID activation, you can not sync your device to iTunes. For that, I suggest that you check back here tomorrow, as we’re definitely going to be helping everyone out with UDID activations.

  • lukasprinsen

    who must you fill in the UDID?

    • Lota Man

      You have to get the UDID activated through an iPhone Developer Account.

  • steve

    I am having trouble trying to register my udid to my dev account. It keeps saying that the “device already exists” but its not on the list of devices.

    • Lota Man

      Then that’s an inherent problem with your dev account. However, if it says device already exists, you can try to proceed with the installation of iOS 5. Remember to back up your device before you do that.

  • lawrence

    can you activate my UDID? : )

    • Lota Man

      Drop by tomorrow, and we’ll definitely help you out in the activation of your UDID. Bookmark us!

  • Joey88

    My question would be, if i want to upgrade my ipad 2 3g(at&t) to iOS5 will i be able to use the 3G capability? I don’t care about syncing to itunes so I will not bother with UDID, because it will be for a short period of time, just to try it out and go back to 4.3.3.

    • Lota Man

      You will lose your 3G capability. However, you can very well use it with WiFi and then later restore it back to iOS 4.3.3. IF you need any help with restoration, we’re always here to provide you with the details.

      • Joey88

        I did the restore with iTunes 10.5 and put the developer beta of iOS 5 on my iPad 2 and everything went well until it asked me to connect to my wifi and then it stuck. I couldn’t get it to work and later on I decided to restart when it said that
        “your iPad could not be activated because the activation server is temporarily unavailable. Try connecting to iTunes to activate it or try again in a couple of munites. If this problem persists, contact Apple support.”

        what should i do? looks like maybe I do need the UDID even if i don’t want to sync?

        • Lota Man

          Well, it could simply be an issue with iTunes activation servers. Try after and hour or so, may be the issue will clear up.

          We tested upgrading iOS 5 beta 1 without UDID activation, and it worked flawlessly.

          • Joey88

            thanks!!! I’ll post what’s up later on!

          • Joey88

            nope, still not working for me, oh well have to think of something else … *sigh*

  • http://none Marcus


    I purchased (so I think) an activation from can someone comfirm this site is legit haven’t heard anything back, looks like a scam after all?

    • Lota Man

      Might be. As we’ve previously mentioned, just be patient till tomorrow, we’ve something coming up that will help you with UDID activations.

  • Tohamy

    Guys, i am going to buy the UDID activation of iOS 5 from this site:-

    Did anyone try it before? i really want to know whether it is a scam or not. Any help would be appreciated.

    • Joey88

      I didn’t but definetly tell us how it goes!

    • Lota Man

      Well, we can’t be sure about the authenticity of any other website. However, we can be sure about ours Check back tomorrow as we’ll definitely be coming up with something regarding UDID activations.

  • boilerdam

    Hi, I need help in registering/acitvating my UDID. I went upto installing 5 on my iPad2 and then realised I needed my UDID activated! Could someone pls help me out? If you can, contact me on: and I can send you my UDID.Thanks!

    • Lota Man

      Drop by tomorrow and you shall get all the help you need for UDID activation

      • boilerdam

        thanks! I’ll surely check in…

  • Aaron Wellings

    So is the article implying that iPod Touch 3rd and 4th Gen are safe to update to iOS 5 Beta 1 without a UDID activation?

    • Lota Man

      The article surely implies that you do all of these processes at your own discretion.

      However, technically speaking, the implication can be justified.

  • Oscar

    How do I downgrade after updating to 5.0?

  • Oscar

    Btw if you put some off your music on icloud will you be able to get it without activating the UDID?

  • Marc

    I’m sure my UDID is activated, I have the profile on my iPhone. But every time I try to install iOS 5, it says “This device isn’t qualified for this build”

    • Chefino

      You have to use iTunes version 10.5 (beta), google it.

  • freemanrepo

    please guys i need a help can anyone activate my UDID,
    it is: 27fd23db00e6a5f21fe1305ea107906bc01aeac3
    and email me at:

    • Lota Man

      Please check back tomorrow, as we’re going to help out everyone with UDID activations.

  • http://N/A Brandon

    I’m planning on updating my iPhone to iOS 5 with a UDID registered. Will I still be able to text and make phone calls with my device. I really don’t care about syncing with iTunes anyways.

    • Lota Man

      If you have a registered UDID, you will be able to sync with iTunes.

      As far as texting and calling is concerned, if you have a carrier locked iPhone and you don’t rely on a software unlock, then you should upgrade your iPhone. It will do all of the required tasks.

      • http://N/A Brandon

        Sorry! I meant unregistered!

        • Lota Man

          You just won’t be able to sync with iTunes. That’s all. iOS 5 beta 1 will work fine on your device.

  • Daftpunk4627 I wondered if you guys knew anything I just spent my 7 bucks and waiting for this… If it doesn’t work could you please register my account?..

    • Lota Man

      We can’t be sure about the authenticity of any other website on the internet. However, please check with us tomorrow as we’ll be helping everyone out with UDID activations.

  • Munz

    I wanted to see if you guys can help me out with a registered UDID please? My UDID is: 68b0bf40b2ab61fe2aedf66431c81d9fa5267a03 and my email address is:
    Thanks so much in advance.

    • Lota Man

      Please check with us tomorrow, as that’s when we will be helping our readers with UDID activations.

  • Justin

    Can you guys help me activate my udid for free? Im too young to use paypal

    • Lota Man

      Kindly check with us tomorrow, and we’ll gladly help you out!

  • Johannes

    HI Lota Man is it possible that u register my UDID? Please let me know, my iphone will not restore? Please,

    • Lota Man

      Please check with us tomorrow, as that’s when we will be helping our readers with UDID activations.

  • mjosemozo

    Lota Man, please help me with my UDID, because my iTouch don’t work. sniffff.

    • Lota Man

      UDID activation is only required if you want to sync your device with iTunes. iOS 5 beta 1 will work on it regardless of that.

  • Lota Man

    @Ahmed_Kudo: Be patient. Check back here tomorrow and we’ll be helping out everyone with UDID activations. Just getting the system in place now.

    • freemanrepo

      What do u mean by “Just getting the system in place now”

  • Oscar

    For those activations how much will it cost for UDID activation?

    • freemanrepo

      “We don’t have credit cards” just remember…….
      We can’t use paypal……………

      • Lota Man

        Yes, we have that in mind.

        • Oscar

          Thank YOU SO MUCH!!!! YOU WILL BE A LIFE SAVER!!!

          • Oscar

            Oh and what time exactly will this service be ready by?

  • Lota Man

    @Oscar: Hopefully by this time, tomorrow.

  • vincent

    Hi All,

    i am having the same problem, no paypal and no developer i hope you could help me.


    many thanks

  • john

    My Ipod 4g is stuck on the activation screen….help?!?! how do i get past that screen?

    • Lota Man

      trying restarting your device.

    • Jbq32

      If you triple tap the home button when you get to the screen that says activation failed, and then hold the time, and then double tap the yahoo logo. It will open safari at that point you can press the home button to go to the main screen that we all are very familiar with. (Home screen aka Springboard)

  • freemanrepo

    i recomand using some tweaks like hacktivate for ios 4.3 beta, if i can help u i am good on those things…………

    • Lota Man

      Jailbreak guides are posted here in detail.

  • Abdullah

    Lota Man, are you going to activate our UDID for free because i am too young to use paypal?

    • Lota Man

      Keep your fingers crossed mate

  • freemanrepo

    give me ur email please Lota Man

    • Lota Man

      Sorry, but strict policy.

      However, tweet @adnanfarooqui. He’ll be able to help you out on my behalf. Also, he’s half the weight behind the policies around here.

  • Krit

    I need help!

    I my mistake got the wrong UUID registered and now the iPhone is on the “Not registered screen”

    I was never on OS 4.3.3 , always 4.2.1 and cydia saved my SHSH blobs. How can I get my UUID?

    Help will be MOST appreciated! Thank you very very much.

    • Lota Man

      Please explain what you meant by ” How can I get my UUID?” If you are asking how to get the correct UDID registered of your current iPhone, simply do what you did earlier to register the wrong UDID.

      Downgrading back to iOS 4.2.1 is really easy. Simply follow this tutorial:
      You can downgrade iPhone to all previous firmwares using the tutorial.

      • Krit

        Cheers for that but I’m on a mac and the tool iFaith isn’t available on there.

        What would happen if I simply hit restore under DFU mode in 4.3.3?

        Thanks a lot for the quick reply!

        • Lota Man

          Your device will be restored to 4.3.3 is Apple is currently signing that firmware. However, i’ll recommend that you remove iOS 10.5 beta, install iTunes 10.2.2 or the new 10.3 and then proceed.

          • Krit

            Without any SHSH blobs saved at all?

        • Lota Man

          Yes, as SHSH blobs are only required for those firmwares which Apple has stopped signing. iOS 4.3.3 is being signed right now, and will be normally restored on your device.

          • Krit

            I must thank you a lot (is there anything I can do in return?) for all your help and info.

            In the end, I found the solution. Fired up XCode, opened organiser, got the correct UUID from there and registered it to activate the phone under iOS5.0

            You’re running a great website here, I’ve bookmarked it.

  • Abdullah

    Thank you

  • Javier Matusevich

    Hy, i would love if someone has an UDID left, because, well, im in Argentina, have no credit cards, most credit cards here are not Worlwide purchase-compatible, and it would be just awesome.
    My email is
    Thanks a lot

  • marlon

    dudes be patient i scrolled the whole page and all i see is lota man aswering the same question wait till tomorow for more news

    • Lota Man

      Thank you marlon. I’ve been trying to imply one thing for a long, long time now. However, their impatience is justified. iOS 5 is just too damn good!

  • Javier Matusevich

    Btw, also, im underarge…

    Thanks a lot

  • Javier Matusevich

    Haha, i knew it! its just too damn good!

    • Lota Man

      That is not an issue.

      yes, its really good. Check the new video we just posted of the iCloud feature!

  • Oscar

    What exactly will this “UDID Activation thingy” do, I mean besides the obvious and how will you get it for free?

    • Lota Man

      well, it will activate your UDID.

      • Oscar

        yeah of course i know that, but like how will you do it for free?

    • Lota Man

      wait and see my friend.

  • Kieran crown

    @jong how did you restore it I can’t seem too

  • Luke

    So I have an iPod Touch 4g and if I download iOS 5 and click shift - restore (or shift-update I’m not sure which one is right ) will I be able to fully use my iPod and have all the iOS 5 features except for synching with iTunes

    • Luke

      Also will I be able to keep all my apps and settings that I previously had

      • Lota Man

        Shift + Restore is the correct combination.

        You need to have UDID registered in order to synchronize your iPod touch 4G running iOS 5 beta 1 with iTunes. However, an unregistered UDID will only allow you to upgrade firmware to iOS 5 beta 1, but it won’t let you sync with iTunes, ever. Unless you get the UDID registered that is.

        UDID registration is mandatory for beta firmwares.

  • Ro

    I need a udid.. Ipad 2 running 4.3.3.. haven’t installed ios5 yet.. just have it downloaded and did update itunes 10.5 beta..
    I have paypal.. e-mail me

    • Lota Man

      Bookmark us, and check back tomorrow. We’ll be helping with UDID registrations then.

  • Javier Matusevich

    So anxious now! hahahah

    • Lota Man

      you want to restore iPhone? because we have already posted a guide on how to restore iPhone to iOS 5 beta 1. No UDID required.

  • Lota Man

    @Krit: Your bookmarking our website is the best possible return that you can give us.

  • Tom Fizzano

    i updated my ipad 1 to ios 5 and i can’t activate it, and i can’t downgrade it, and i can’t get my udid. any suggestions?

  • Robert

    @Lota Man
    I have an ipod touch 4G. I have upgraded to ios 5.0 beta 1 but am stuck on the activation screen which says:
    Could Not Activate iPod Touch

    Your iPod touch could not be activated because the activation server is temporarily unavailable. Try connecting you iPod touch to iTunes to activate it or try again in a couple of minutes.

    I have tried activating with iTunes and get an wonderful error telling me that my UDID is not registered as part of the apple developer program.

    I have been trying both ways for the past 8 hours and I get the same error.
    I have looked through every singe comment and googled all over the place but cannot find a solution.

    I also noted in the article that it says that ios 5 will work on the ipod touch 3G and 4G without UDID activation. Are apples servers just down with all this activation business?
    BTW: I have figured out that you will be posting a post on activating UDID numbers. I am awaiting that post.

    This should be working!
    What can I do in the mean time?

    • Lota Man

      Try using another computer for this process. I just upgraded another iPod touch 4G to iOS 5 beta 1 and it is working flawlessly.

      You need UDID for synching with iTunes. It won’t stop the device from running iOS 5 beta 1. You can very well run iOS 5 beta 1 on your device with ever registering the UDID. However, then that way you will never be able to sync your device with iTunes.

      Keep your fingers crossed

      • Robert

        I tried another computer and i got an error message.

        • Lota Man

          what error message now?

          • Robert

            Something about not having a connection pin

    • Jbq32

      When you get to the activation failed screen, triple click the home button to turn on voiceover. Then hold the time. After holding the time for a few seconds, a screen should show up. Then you need to double tap the yahoo logo, and it will open a site in safari. Then you can press the home button again to go to the home screen. | I have done this and got it to work. I just really need to get my UDID registered so I can sync with iTunes. So when Lota Man helps with UDID’s please email me!

  • idoctor

    If I run iOS 5 in my iPhone 4 I will lose my 3G data plan or phone calls?
    I’m on a official operator?

    • Lota Man

      No you won’t lose any of it.

      • idoctor


  • Tom Fizzano

    you can you use an ipod touch 4.3.3 ipsw downgrade to downgrade your device, it may not be 5.0 but it will render your device useful until you find a solution
    here is the link:

    • Robert

      I already downgraded and will stay that way until i find a solution.

  • Oscar

    How much longer do we have to wait for the UDID Activation?

  • Javier Matusevich

    You can use the iPod Touch 4G without UDID, simply triple click the home button, touch the time and then slide with 3 fingers down the notif center. There double tap the weather this will take you to the weather app, then click the home button once. But i found that without the UDID multitasking is ¿imposible? and for accesing the notif center you have to repeat the procedure i told for unlocking it, also, no notifications at the top, just the notif center, which renders it pretty damn unusable. I hope this aint going to happen with an actual UDID activated. If anyone is so kind, tomorrow i might enter this post a little late, so, here is my UDID: aaee6839a64a551a242d9c5740e57d31eed78123 Thanks a LOT

    • Jbq32

      I wanted to say that this is basically what I’ve been telling people. This technique also works for the ipod touch 3rd gen. And I don’t know when I can get on here tomarrow either so my UDID is 927e270d3ef90d2dbbc3186487a610d62228627f I’d really appreciate it if anybody would register it. Thanks soooo much.

      • Abdullah

        Make a tutorial video because i am stuck on my iPod Touch 3G 32GB.

    • sphygit

      your all set javier
      I added you to my dev program

      • Robert

        If I gave you my udid, would you add it to your dev account? Please?

      • Oscar

        Hey pleas add me to your dev program my UDID is ed8df3b5b42abc5e77d9f326ee90915b0fbb8dea

      • Ray

        Would you be able to add my UDID to your Dev account? It’s an iPad 1
        Can I get a little help here, Pretty Please?
        UDID: 7619ab3465a77c189e888be303b81c324089d869
        It’s an iPad First Generation

      • Kareem

        Could you add my uuid please.

  • joel

    sorry if i entered this forum to late but is there anyone here who will register my device UDID please and thank you

  • Monkey

    Can iTunes 10.5 beta be installed in windows xp

    • Lota Man

      Yes, it can be installed.

  • Mike

    @Lota I have iPad 1 on 4.3.2 and I want to restore my iPad to ios 5.0 without UDID.

    Will I have all the contents like apps and music still there after the restore?

    When I restore, should I restore to 4.3.2 or 4.3.3?

    If the next ‘developer seed’ (I dont really know what it is called) is released, just like last time before iOS 4.0 is released, how will I restore to it?

    • Lota Man

      Without UDID, you will only be able to run the firmware on your device. It will NOT sync with iTunes, hence you won’t be able to get any of your content on the device. However, you may purchase music from iTunes and apps from the App Store on the device. But it till not sync with iTunes.

      No, you can upgrade directly from 4.3.2.

      We’ll post the links here, just like we did for beta 1.


    Okay, so I am getting a VERIZON iPhone very soon. Can I now download the iOS 5 on my new phone without a UDID or anything? and without paying?

  • SausageHacker

    Great website, bookmarked and I’ll be back for sure!

    Anyway, I followed your guide for getting around the activation thing using the voice over trick (on my iPt4, clicked the time in the status bar instead of emergency call). Everything happened as promised! Here’s a few issues everyone should know about when activating like this: multitasking is inaccesible, and getting to the notification center requires doing the same voiceover trick you used to get to springboard. Lastly, app store apps get a white icon after a reboot, but they still run. Anyone have a solution?

    PS: quit spamming this guy with UDID requests! Holy crap, I think he’s told 100 people the same thing: TOMORROW. Go to bed!

  • Metaryan

    I have completed the instructions as you’ve provided. I no longer have access to 3g service on my Iphone 4. The screen simply says “no service”. While I’m enjoying ios 5, I kinda enjoyed my device more when it was an Iphone…as an Ipod Touch this thing is only so so…

    Any Help?


  • sphygit

    if you have the apple camera connection kit you can use my method.

    not able to sync with itunes but it will get you to the home screen

    • joxstasy

      Thank you for this - I tweeted if you don’t mind … anyway, I am still trying to work out how to make the rest work.. although I am waiting for my development kit anyway, but just for the fun of it! Thanks again.

  • Ryan C

    i was wondering i did update my iPhone 4 to 5.0 worked great just couldnt use phone at all i am waiting till tomorrow but was that normal? just wondering

  • Ades78

    News for the activation of the UDID?


  • freemanrepo

    Does the UDID change when updating the firmware……..
    And what’s about u Lato Man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    What happens about UDID Activations…
    Why we don’t use Hacktivate for ios 4.3 the same for ios 5 beta????????????
    I need to activate it right now……….
    Pls help me!!!!!!!!!!!!
    anyone can help me, email me at
    thenks, for those posts guys…….

  • Thorsten

    I just tested http://*********/ and got an email minutes later:

    “Hi, Thanks for signing up with ********s UDID Activation Service. Your UDID has been successfully activated to install betas. This will last your Devices lifetime. Congratulations.”

    I will test it, as soon as I’m at home (currently at the office)

  • marlon

    you can exploit the activation just when you installled ios 5 slide it when it says no auth possible triple click home for voice over then click the time on top and then slide 3 fingers down for the notification center then triple press home go to weather when it is done click home and there you are at the home screen

    if you want music without syncing to itunes found out my self:
    download the app ifileexplorer in the app store and then watch the ip above put it in the adress bar of your browser including http:// not ftp
    click the green button and select the music you want
    then when it is done got to my files at the bottom of ipod and play music al night long

    • freemanrepo

      Dude without activation you can’t see the notification bar and the multitasking……………
      And the most importent is syncing with iTunes……………
      I need to activate it because i have all my information in it
      pls answer me why we don’t use Hacktivate……….

      • marlon

        hacktivate 4.3 as the name says 4.3 only

        but you can sync music with 2 second message and the notification center is possible just triple press home anywhere and slide it down
        oh and you need to go to general settings below accesability triple click home set it as voiceover then you can use notification center first try then post

  • freemanrepo

    But you can’t use Facetime and game center and imessages…………they activated the iphone for free and now you can sync it with iTunes why they don’t do that with iPod touch 4G………………………..

  • ghostbuster

    Hello, I’m having a slight problem with the activation. My iPhone 4 (factory unlocked) has a registered UDID (a friend of mine is a developer) and I loaded iOS 5 from iTunes 10.5 beta on the phone. When I have to pick the Wifi network I enter the password and I am taken to the next step. Then the phone won’t activate.
    It says that “could not connect to the activation server, please try a little later or try to activate through iTunes”. iTunes tells me that the SIM is locked and that it can’t activate the phone… What is your suggestion?

    • Lota Man

      It can simply be an issue with iTunes Activation Servers. I suggest that you trying activating your device after an hour or so

    • freemanrepo

      Can u tell ur friend to add my UDID please: 27fd23db00e6a5f21fe1305ea107906bc01aeac3
      And i can help u in anything u want………..
      This is my email:
      Thanks, for your help…………

  • mike

    could somebody please at my udid to his dev program i can’t wait to see ios5 in my hands if somoene you made one person so happy


  • joxstasy

    Lola man - any news on the ‘tomorrow’? hehe

  • joxstasy

    Sorry I meant Lota man

  • henZy

    please add my UDID list
    Thanks a lot.

  • sara

    please add my udid

  • freemanrepo

    Please add my UDID: 27fd23db00e6a5f21fe1305ea107906bc01aeac3

  • Blackout046

    Should we post our UDIDs here? Will you do anything with them Lota Man?

  • Oscar

    @lota man. When will ur program go up?

  • Ori

    if i register my udid using the websites that do that or through you, will i be able to install all the future betas or only beta 1?

    and, is there something new about you helping us out with our udid registration?

  • marlon

    just ))testing(( taptap revenge 4

  • marlon

    tested trying to get mail notifications to work

  • joecool007

    love the work and sense of community here! While I by no means am trying to spam and cause more of a headache by adding another UDID to this list, I just figured I would give it a shot if anyone were to be so kind as to add it to their program. Really wanting to see what iOS5 can do. I don’t think i’ve been this excited over a software update in sometime. Cheers, all.


    • joecool007

      I had a buddy that was able to get mine. All working great! All I can say is AMAZING! I hope you guys can try it out soon.

  • marlon

    dont use imessage youtube or anything you need to log into except appstore cause suddenly my wifi doesn’t work anymore in am going to do a restore

    • marlon

      nevermind what i said did a reboot 2x and it works again

  • iOS 5

    LOTA MAN Rocks…! These tutorials have made many things easier for me

  • Mightee

    this UDID thingy just sucks
    if you get stuck because of some error, there is no one to help :S
    forum discussion not working for me :S

  • Bob

    I cannot activate to the new iOS beta. Keeps stopping and giving me an error (1) message. Seems like it may be because I have a non-intel PowerPC G5… any ideas or workarounds?

  • Ray

    Can I get a little help here? Thanks Guys!

    UDID: 7619ab3465a77c189e888be303b81c324089d869

  • Ray

    Can I get a little help here? Thanks Guys!
    UDID: 7619ab3465a77c189e888be303b81c324089d869

  • Ray

    Can I get a little help here? Thanks Guys!
    UDID: 7619ab3465a77c189e888be303b81c324089d869
    It’s an iPad First Generation… Sorry forgot that part…

  • freemanrepo

    So what now Lota Man any work arround about free activation…………..
    You said tmrw at this time u will show us ur work……..
    So what now………
    Damn man we r waiting The free activation a second by a second………….
    Waiting ur reply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    My UDID: 27fd23db00e6a5f21fe1305ea107906bc01aeac3

  • heartkreuz

    we’re waiting for you Lota man… wanna be able to sync my itouch 3G back to itunes again.. one question Lota.. can i sync to itunes if i jailbreak the iOs 5 like MuscleNerd do ?

    • Lota Man

      No, you won’t be able to sync if you jailbreak iOS 5 beta 1. How will do that actually? You don’t know how to get root access to your device, do you?

      • heartkreuz

        hahaha you’re right.. im quite new to this iOs thing.. never done the process like this before coz usually i upgrade only to the official ipsw release through itunes & never done any jailbreak too.. please kindly enlighten me sir. eheheh

  • freemanrepo

    Lota Man, you said that u will have the soulotion yesterday……..
    So what now……………
    Are u gonna help us or not………

    • Lota Man

      I’m definitely going to help all of you out. Just be patient please. These things take time.

  • freemanrepo

    And i want to ask anyone………
    Does the UDID change if i upgraded the firmware……

    • Lota Man

      No, the UDID does not change if you upgrade the firmware. The UDID is related to your device, not your firmware.

      • freemanrepo

        i am jailbreaking ios 5 beta 1
        and i think it will Be jailbroken
        1-jailbreak with limera1n
        2- boot tether with redsn0w
        i am booting tethered right now………….

  • Abu7Med

    Hi Lota Man,

    Since you seem to be the man here i’m going to reach out for a desperate request. I had a comment earlier but somehow it got deleted. I am in need to unlock my iPad2 as it is now locked after upgrading my iOS and realising i couldnt use the notificaion swipe exploit on it! I have paid to activate 2 UDID’s through [edit] but that was 2 days ago and i am still waiting. Somebody help an iOS 5 victim and turn me into an iOS 5 user

    iPhone4: c74a4b9f32222fda41aac095b8049ad318161ce0
    iPad2: 4f2018ae3329b05600bf39950c86d2ea398c8b91

    Thank you

    • Lota Man

      We’re working as fast as we can to get the UDID activation system in place. Once that is done, we are definitely going to help everyone out. Kindly bear with us till then. We appreciate your patience.

      • Abu7Med

        Thanks mate.. looking forward to getting my iPad operational again and seeing iOS5 in action on both my iPad and iPhone..

        Much appreciate the prompt response and the generousity in assisting fellow iOS’ers


        • Lota Man

          you can still downgrade your iPad 2 to iOS 4.3.3 btw. For instructions on how to do that, please follow our iFaith tutorial mentioned in the article above.

          Our pleasure to help you out.

          • Abu7Med

            Thanks for the tip Lota Man. I have given that a go but unfortunately i hit a brickwall with dumping the SHSH blob for my iPad (spat out an error). Not sure if it’s because my iPad is on iOS5 right now!

            Anyway I will just leave iOS5 on there and sit tight until you activate my UDID then explore the goodness of iOS5.

            Many thanks

        • Lota Man

          Download SHSH blobs from iFaith server and create a signed IPSW from it. Then connect your device to the computer, start iTunes and power off your iPad. Then, put your iPad in restore mode: hold Power and Home button together of 10 seconds. Then release Power button but keep holding the Home button until iTunes recognizes your iPad in recovery mode. Simply do a shift + restore and select the IPSW that you created. Your iPad will now be downgraded to iOS 4.3.3 or the firmware of your choice.

  • Ray

    Good Morning Lota Man. I know you are working hard trying to help us but only have one question… When do you think you’ll have a UDID activation solution for iOS5 speciaically for the iPad (first generation and 2 for that matter). Thanks for all of your help and information!


    • Lota Man

      As soon as our system is in place, we shall help everyone with UDID activation, regardless of what device they have.

  • freemanrepo

    Lota Man, do u have a paid developer account?
    Or any of ur friends.
    Why u don’t add our UDID to that account?

  • Alex Kearney

    so i have an apple developer account, but i dont know how to register udids with it, lota man can you help?

    • Oscar

      You can do it in the dev page, can you add me please?
      My UDID is ed8df3b5b42abc5e77d9f326ee90915b0fbb8dea

  • Lance

    Please add my UDID (6c4a6291558f4134a216e2bcc49415800db4dbf5). I am only 10 years old. I have no paypal account. My dad won’t pay for the UDID registration. please add me! PLEASE!

  • abu alnoof

    guys any updates about the ipad 2 users i had one and alreafy upgraded to ios 5 and waiting for activation
    any where trusted you recommend for buy a UDID activation with CC (credit card)

  • freemanrepo

    I tried to purchase the UDID activation…….
    Does someone know anything about this site>…..
    I spent 10 Euros and wiating for the activation!!!!!!!!!!!1
    I Hope it Works

  • freemanrepo

    I had read that if i activated my UDID in the website:
    That if i activated the ios 5 beta 1, i won’t be activated in the Featured Beta firmwares, this only in iPod touch 4G, iPhone 4, iPad & iPad 2……….
    IS That true
    I saw ur post Lota Man that says it will work for all Betas firmwares in the future!!!!!!!!!!

    • Lota Man

      Yes, your activated UDID device will run all future firmware betas.

      • freemanrepo

        But i read that in the website u can check it www.*****

        • Lota Man

          That is misleading my friend.

          We’re here to help you out and provide all legitimate information

          • freemanrepo

            OK, Thanks Lota Man but what happend about your free activation srevice……………….?

      • henZy

        I thought that my udid is activated, you do not add much.
        It would be good as I would my udid activation, please.

  • Charles Sparks

    Hi could anyone register my UDID for my iPod touch 4G? Its: 3ec8f3b5138fdd430df533efb94b4ad3fc26b6fe

  • Andrey

    Hello all From Ukraine=)
    Please friends activate my UDID: fbd965767de89d40f9351e92fa212ba1c9a61dfa
    Best Regards
    I wait for IT=)

  • JohnH

    Got iOS 5 loaded. So far so good.

    I paid for an activation.

  • freemanrepo

    Lot Man, damn i just put a passcode for ios 4.3.2 after i downgraded to.
    I downloaded too many apps and games. and the worse thing that i forgot the passcode do u know a way how to get the passcode without restoring……..?
    Thanks for ur help.

  • Sandeep

    For ipad/ipad2 users, the notification window comes blank so here is an alternate method:
    Use the camera connection kit with a SD card, the photo app opens up! And enjoy!

  • Sandeep

    For ipad/ipad2 users, the notification window comes blank so here is an alternate method:
    Use the camera connection kit with a SD card, the photo app opens up! And enjoy!

  • Dylan

    hey guys, If you can register my UDID, thanks so much, i lost 2,000 songs when i tried to update my ipod touch 4G and it wont allow me to restore my ipod, i have tried everything but the Restore Option never comes up, and I’d rather activate my ipod rather then restoring it to previous versions.
    My UDID: bc08ee2c7447c1288ebc61de2e2f9e5c3898c981

    Just email me @:

  • evAn

    I wanted to do the restore into iOS 5 beta and do the VoiceOver then swipe down technique, but during the restore into beta something seems weird cuz it said on iTunes “verifying restore with Apple” but my screen was blank on my iPod. Before, on this step it would show the apple logo with the progress bar. Then, it was just stuck on the blank lit screen and verifying screen. Then iTunes just turned off and I was stuck with a fancy paperweight that lit up. I forgot how to do a hardware shutdown so pretty much DFU mode isn’t a option.

    • evAn

      Nevermind!!! So happy, reset my iPod touch 4g 10 times till it went into recovery mode one time when I reset it. 1 question, do u have to sign up to be considered to be helped with UUID activation? I do not know how to sign up. I’m 11 yrs old, plz help me cuz I don’t have a credit card at this age. Plz

      • evAn


  • SHubham Sharma

    Lota MAn Please do mine

    UDID - 000da0081e3773b8cbc0c517277abdced67fd7ed

    Thank you

  • Bryandude

    Hey i registered my udid, got the confirmation email. Downloaded the new itunes beta, and the beta firmware for my ipad 1. Put it into dfu and hit restore +shift and selected the beta. Says extracting, then says verifying with apple, then says error. What do i do?

    • Lota Man

      Kindly let us know the exact error you’re getting and we’ll help you out in every possible way.

      • Bryandude

        3194 thats the error code

        • Bryandude

          Anything yet? Ive tried several times and i just keep getting error code 3194. Is it cause i have wifi sync on my computer? Its not on the actual i device.

  • Abu7Med

    I have good news (for myself at this stage) but the website I paid for to get my udid’s activated came through finally and i have managed to unlock my iPad and iPhone so I am quite glad !

    Thanks to Lota Man for his offer to help me and the rest of us.

    Lota Man. once you have you activation service going I might ask you to activate my wife’s UDID

    many thanks

    • Lota Man

      Yes, we have good news coming for all of you tonight, we’ll be glad to help as many of you as we can

  • freemanrepo

    Thanks, Lota Man i just restored to IOS 5 and ACTIVATED it using: it works great and i am trying the new featured things. Just wanted to say thanks for everyone Helped.
    Specially you Lota Man………

    • Lota Man

      Our pleasure, its not just me, its the whole team at iPhoneism.

  • Tom

    I used They seemed to register my UDID for me fine.

  • marlon

    who sais lota man is going to make a udid activation service maybe he is making a patch or something that would let itunes think it is activaated but it has been activated with a hacked server or he is making a whole new patched ipsw fully activated
    these are all thoughts just like the activation service rumor it isnt even confirmed by THE lota man

    • Lota Man

      Very true

  • ELiot

    Hi, I am attempting to upload iOs 5 onto my iPOd touch 4th GEn and I am NOT a developer, merely wanting to play with it a bit. I have a basic understanding of houw to do however I do not want to get to a place where I am unable to downgrade either iTunes or back to 4.3.3 iOs. If anyone would be able to help me with this and assure me that i would be able to downgrade and some simple steps in which i am able to download iOs5 beta onto by ipod touch 4 currently with 4.3.3 that would be great! Thanks!

  • Ray

    Looking forward to tonight then LOTA MAN. been waiting patiently for activation of my iPad 1 & 2 as well as my iPhone 4. Best site I have stumbled upon in a long time! Much appreciated.


    • Lota Man

      Thanks for the appreciation.

  • Kareem

    Hey, Lota MAn. Can you activate my (UUID) or anyone.
    (UUID): 6060dc682c9ddfb61d7b223f53ec5ff16501607d

    Thank you!

  • abet

    Hi Lota,

    With a kind heart, please help activate my UDID

    many thanks,

  • evAn

    UDID: 685a2e47fbcc3e009de04ec79087c06a6f40eb18

    Plz help from anyone… I’m 11 and have no credit card. Anybody who has a dev account (idk what that is) add their UDID to their account. Also, anybody know a site for beta iTunes cuz when I was restoring to iOS 5 beta on 10.2.2 iTunes it crashed after verifying the restore with apple. Each time I would have reset my iPod and restore it to 4.3.3… Very frustrating cuz I’ve googled 10 pages each one saying somethin like they had to remove the link… all help greatly appreciated

  • ELiot

    Thank you so much Lota man, I got iOs 5 onto my iPod but when I get to the activation stage where it says ‘this may take up to three minutes’ it says “Your iPod Touch could not be activated because the activation server is temporarily unavailable. Try connecting your iPod Touch to Itunes to activate it or try again in a couple of minutes. If the problem persists contact Apple Support at” What should I do from here? I believe your earlier post says I don’t need to buy one of those numbers…

  • ELiot

    By the way thank you so much for the help! I would have never made it this far alone!

  • ELiot

    Also sorry to bug you so much but I never wrote down my UDID and now that I am unable to activate my iPod and I want to switch back to 4.3.3 to get my UDID, activate it, and then re-upgrage but when I plug my ipod in it give me no option to restore and I cant use ifaith because I only have a mac. Does this mean I am stuck in a broken iOS5 Forever?

    • evAn

      I’m not an apple expert, but I heard that just put it into DFU mode then hold down option key while pressing restore. That will open up a pop up and you locate the software that you downloaded. Click that, then click open and it will restore ur device to that firmware. Oh, I forgot u have to download the 4.3.3 software off the Internet, google it and save it to ur desktop so you can find it easily. if u dnot know how to enter DFU google it.

  • evAn

    But ask lota man, he’s the smart one

    • ELiot

      Thank you, I just got it by holding down the home and power buttons and then when it began to restart i plugged it in and held down the home button. Now I am activating my UDID and trying it again. Thank you!

  • Ray

    Good Afternoon Lota Man,

    Around what time should we expect the good news? Just wondering.

  • pranav shah

    hey hi..i got ios 5 on my ipod(3g) without udid..cant connect to itunes…since it doesnt show device information..i see cannot complete ur activation window in itunes..!will i never b able to sync my ipod again??or there will b a way out?
    pls reply as soon as possile


    • Lota Man

      It can merely be an issue with iTunes activation servers. Try restarting your device a couple of times or wait it out for an hour or so.

      You can always downgrade your device if you want to sync with iTunes. However, with an unactivated UDID, you can not sync your device, running beta firmware, with iTunes.

  • evAn

    Is it possible to save iTunes beta as a separate iTunes on my Mac and don’t load anything on it, so I can just delete it when I’m done upgrading to iOS 5 and would not delete any music I have on the other real non beta iTunes? Yeah, I problely don’t make sence

    • Lota Man

      No, multiple iTunes installations will cause conflicts and we won’t recommend it.

      Also, i am glad that you found a way to downgrade to iOS 4.3.3. Our pleasure to help you out.

      • evAn

        Thank you! So is it that I delete the iTunes I have right now and replace it with the beta? Do I need to delete other files that downloaded with iTunes? Like Apple Mobile Support? Thank you for all help given.

        • evAn

          Also will I be able to keep my backups I have for my iPod? Could I just move the iTunes content file into a non system file like just drag it on my desktop? Then after I’m done playing around on iOS 5 I can delete the beta iTunes, redownload iTunes 10.3, oh, and I’ll take a note where I found the content file so when I’m at this step, I’ll just move the content file(s) into where they used to be. Does that sound good?

          • Lota Man

            iTunes will detect previously made backups, so please, do not tamper with new App Data on your computer. Just install iTunes, all your apps and music will be displayed like it was previously being displayed.

          • Lota Man

            our pleasure to help

        • Lota Man

          Yes, remove the iTunes you have now and install iTunes 10.5 beta. No, you won’t need the other files. Just iTunes.

          • evAn

            Thank you!! I heard on other forums saying stuff like removing Apple Mobile Support files and other stuff. Thank you very much cuz I don’t know anything about computers. Srry for my constant stupid questions though.

  • Oscar

    @Lota Man. What time tonight? Like in 2 hours or more?

  • Copy

    Help guys, my iTunes 10.3 does not restore my ipod touch, wen i clicked the button “restore” its says - the software necessary for comunicating whit the ipod isnt very good installed. Reinstall iTunes again to install the software for the ipod. - and dont tell me to install again cuz i have istall it like 20 times. I need very help and you guys supposed to be expert’s

    • Oscar

      Do you have iTunes 10.5 beta? If not then that is why your iPod won’t work

      • Copy

        I allready install iTunes 10.5 beta and did not open. Now i have install 10.3 to make a restore to my ipod touch to 4.3.1 and i can not enter the recovery mode on itunes

  • Oscar

    Disinstall iTunes 10.3 then install iTunes 10.5 and then restart your computer.
    Put iPod in dfu mode and do the rest that should help.

    • Copy

      I am telling you that the iTunes 10.5 beta does NOT OPEN in my computer.

      • Lota Man

        No need to worry. Simply remove all installations of iTunes from your computer. Now redownload iTunes 10.5 beta from any other source, not the one from which you previously downloaded. Then simply follow our guide to upgrade to iOS 5 beta 1. I can assure you it works, i installed beta 1 on my device in the first time, using iTunes 10.5 beta on my Windows PC.

        • Oscar

          If even that doesn’t work try another computer

        • Copy

          I have windows xp and iTunes 10.5 does not open and i dont now what seems to be the problems

  • evAn

    Idk why, but just thinking of all these people asking impatiently for the udid activation service (which is said to be FREE) just gets me angry. I guess I’m kinda okay with posting ur udid just in case someone might be nice (lol, cuz that’s what I did) but saying stuff like “hurry up lota man!!” or “ur 2 hours off the time you said you would activate our code thingys!!” just makes me kinda angry. Guys, he even said he would do it for FREE. Cant u be grateful at all?? Just wait… Jeez

  • Bryandude

    Im really getting stressed, i wanna getvthe beta on my ipad but it keeps saying error code 3194. I have installed itunes beta 10.5 and i dont know why its not working. I have the udid registered.

  • pranav shah

    hey thanks 4ur reply..can u pls give me info on how to downgrade from 5.0 to 4.3.3….n should i do it?

    since i hv ios 5….don wana lose it.. i get that setup screen everytime I start my ipod..then have to use that voiceover hack..

    at the same time i fail to get the sync to itunes..

    i was jus excited with os 5 n all…but din no about d cons …!nowwhat do u suggest?since i got os 5 illegally w/o developer login etc…!thank u..


  • pranav shah

    and pls tel me f i can downgrade to 4.0 or not? n also giv d link for d same..with steps explained..since m new to this..sryyy 4 bothering so much..thanks a lot


    • Lota Man

      Please follow the iFaith tutorial mentioned in this article to downgrade to ANY firmware from iOS 5. Its pretty easy.

  • evAn

    Holy crap… I just restored my ipod to the beta using itunes 10.5… restore failed to unknown error (1) my ipod just had a blank screen but was lit up. I held down power and home buttons until it reset, and it was in recovery mode. So from there, i heard to downgrade you should restore using itunes 10.3.1. Downloaded that, but when i open it up it says: iTunes has found the library file “iTunes Library.ltl because it was created from a newer version of itunes. Would you like to download itunes now? so i click download, it opens software update but software update says my computer is up to date! The beta version changed my content and itunes will not let you open it unless you update it! so plz plz help i no ur really anoyed by me but my ipod is pretty much a brick!!! oh, i could use my parents computer but i want to keep my backups of my device. Oh, btw im 11 thats why i could use my parents computer, still live with them.

    • Lota Man

      Please remove ALL installations of iTunes from your computer. Then, do a fresh download and install of iTunes 10.3.1 beta. Follow the procedure i mentioned earlier to restore your device with 4.3.3. The procedure will go smoothly and without any hiccups.

      • evAn

        Thank you once again! I just restored on another computer and now going to do as you mentioned. I forgot to say that I did remove 10.5 beta before installing 10.3.1 but I’ll try again

        • evAn

          Omfg still showing that screen of newer iTunes. Checked for updates just in case but there’s no updates available. What do I do now?

          • evAn

            1 sec, on apple support article says you can create a new iTunes library.itl it just contains ur songs. I just want my backup for my iPod. Should i proceed with that, I can redownload my music for free.

    • evAn

      Thanks for all help! Found out the solution, just hold down option key when opening iTunes and press create new library. Had to redownload music and apps, but backups of my iPod remained intact

      • evAn

        Any reasons though that everytime I restore to beta I get error 1? 10.5 beta iTunes, powerPC G5 processor, currently running leopard cuz snow leopard is too new, all software up to date.

  • pranav shah

    search itunes..and remove all d files related except for d downloaded 10.3 version file…i m through wid gettin d 10.3 tryin to ddowngrade:)

  • Oscar

    Lota Man how much longer do we have to wait for your UDID activation program goes up?

  • Patrick

    Hi Lota Man,

    I would really appreciate if you could add my UDID.
    I want to try developing but don’t have the $99 yet for Apple Dev. Center

    Here’s my iPhone 4 UDID : 5d7b6cfbac3b971e05c34818ee1327c94a2cd361

    Thank you very much Sir,

    Best regards,


  • Charles Sparks

    I have the 5.0 beta and the iTunes 10.5 beta but I want to be able to sync my iPod the udid is: 3ec8f3b5138fdd430df533efb94b4ad3fc26b6fe so if anybody can activate it I would be very pleased my email is:

  • pranav shah

    heey got it..thank God:)

    thanks Lota Man………..

  • Ros

    14 year - Czech republic - no pay card
    please add my UDID

  • Al

    my iPad udid:ed76ff3092937485e1e2698189a8a27e2c58dc74 I was hoping you had another spot available to activate my udid.It would be greatly appreciated!!…thank you

  • Eric

    Is something still in the works? Will we be able to get our “UDID”s registered?
    Is there going to be some other great revelation?

    If not - that is ok. Some times plans don’t fall into place like we would hope. But silence is….

    If not - does anybody know how to get past the UDID check on an iPad (1) 3g? There are no widgets to select - tried twice - rolled back twice.


    • Lota Man

      Yes, we’re still working very hard on the solution and hope that it be finalized within 24 hours.

  • Lota Man

    @ALL: Our free UDID activation service is now live. Go here:

    Don’t forget to bookmark us

  • Ray

    Hey Lota Man, are you guys going to let people know when you activate the ones you approve? We’d like to know if you’ve done it already and if we are NOT on your list of selected activations we won’t wait anxiously

    • Lota Man

      Everyone will receive confirmation emails. Please be patient

      • Ray

        My apologies. Just wanted to know either way so I don’t go crazy waiting. LOL. Will wait patiently. Thanks Again!

        • Lota Man

          Much appreciated.

          Keep checking our blog for lots of more interesting stuff!

  • Johnreput

    i’m waiting in patient…;)

  • Johnathan Wald

    I installed iOS 5 beta and 10.5 itunes beta. After installing both betas I lost all service on my phone. I think I downloaded an incorrectly labeled beta and got the beta for Verizon and not AT&T. So now I get the “We’re unable to complete your activation” screen. How can I downgrade to an older iOS? I know, I’m an idiot. Please Help!!!

    • Lota Man

      If your iPhone is locked to AT&T, you need to download the iOS 5 beta 1 ipsw labelled GSM, and not CDMA which is for Verizon iPhone 4.

      Downgrading is not a problem. Simply use our iFaith tutorial mentioned in this article to downgrade your device to iOS 4.3.3.

      Any further questions? Don’t hesitate to ask!

  • Lota Man


  • Bangnguyen2001

    Can someone activate my UDID please, thanks in advance.

  • Toniozzzz

    your URL is wrong or your website is down
    Did you mean ? in this case it is €6,50 ! …but still affordable

    • Lota Man


  • ipod dude

    i downloaded itunes 10.5 beta and ios5 beta for ipod 3g and now when i restore it says the ipod “ipod touch” couldnt be restored because the firmware file was not compatible
    what should i do now?

  • Lota Man


  • Gmgold

    • Lota Man


  • SASpirit

    Hey are there still UDID activation available?

    • Seb007

      If not, try to google “register my beta” …there’s a link (also mentioned below)
      Very reliable website, registered my iPad+iPhone within 5 minuts

    • Seb007

      If not, try to google “register my beta” …there’s a link (also mentioned below)
      Very reliable website, registered my iPad+iPhone within 5 minuts

    • Lota Man

      Yes they are.

  • Frank Brown

    Get your iOS activated by an Apple Developer! Send me your UDID to!

    • Lota Man


    • Lota Man


  • Yhs91

    Me now suck at We`re Unable to complete your activation…what i need do now?anyone can tell me step by step?

  • Archy_min

    hey, i think the easier way is to buy form some developer. I bought from here: they are nice guys, sent me pretty quickly

    • Lota Man


  • Laggah11

    Hello there, i would like to know , the folliwing :
    im running on ipod touch 4G 4.3.3 Jailbroken, and would. like to know if i need to activate my UDID on my ipod touch 4g or is that only for iphone user who have to activate their UDID? Thanks in advance.

    • Lota Man

      You need to get the UDID activated.

      • Laggah11

        “Those who have the iPod touch, 3G and 4G in the case of iOS 5, don’t need UDID registrations. However, they will not be able to sync their iPod touch running iOS 5 beta 1 with iTunes.”

        Do i still need too??

        • Lota Man

          It is evident in your quote that UDID activation is NEEDED in order to sync with iTunes. Rest is your choice.

        • Laggah11

          ok but what happens if u dont want to sync music, videos, etc? Do you still need to activate your UDID? or can you just install iOS 5 on your ipod touch 4G?

          • Lota Man

            If you don’t need to sync, you can install iOS 5 with UDID activation.

        • Laggah11

          you mean i can install it without the UDID? or with?

          • Lota Man


        • Laggah11

          ahahah, alright thanks in advance , i am currently downloading this now!

          • Lota Man

            Sure. Let us know if you need any further help.

  • Nick Deperto

    i have a question: I want to still be able to have all my music and contacts on my phone when I update. I want to update just like any other update. I applied to (hopefully) be given a UDID activation and did all that, just waiting on an email. Last time I tried to do it, i activated my phone myself and i had no service because i did the manual activation and everything was erased from my phone, therefore i had to restore it to get everything back. I don’t see the point in doing all this shit to have an erased phone… So basically my question is: If i get a UDID activation will i be able to have my phone just like it is now BUT with iOS5 on it? Or do I have to wait for the public version to have it?
    The reason I ask is because i think it is completely pointless to update to iOS4 beta NOW on an iphone if you have to erase your phone to get it…kind of defeats the whole purpose…

    • Lota Man

      Sent from my BlackBerry® Smartphone provided by Ufone

    • Lota Man

      Sent from my BlackBerry® Smartphone provided by Ufone

  • Josjoshlozano

    On my iPod it won’t let me do iMessage or FaceTime but it lets me use the Appstore

  • Andrew


    • Lota Man

      You get the UDID registered.
      Sent from my BlackBerry® Smartphone provided by Ufone

      • Stephen Hagans

        How do you get the UDID once you’ve already restored to IOS 5 beta 3?… I can’t setup, restore back.. nothing.. I’m stuck.. HELP!!

      • Stephen Hagans

        How do you get the UDID once you’ve already restored to IOS 5 beta 3?… I can’t setup, restore back.. nothing.. I’m stuck.. HELP!!

  • Oscarylalos

    I have a mac osx version 10.5.8 computer. I have always had unlocked 3, 3gs phones. I recently purchase a 4G phone. When I connected the 4g phone to sinc to my lap top. It states I have to download Itunes 10.1. I went to Itunes and downloaded Itunes 10.1. It states that the download is complete at the end of downloading. When I go to open Itunes it shows that it is a 9.0 version of itunes. I have downloaded Itunes 10.1. several times. But still it does not upgrade my itunes from a 9. to a 10.1. I can not sinc my locked Iphone 4g. I think that something is in my computer from my unlocked phones that Itunes 10.1 or 9 is causing it to have a problem. How do I fix this so I can sinc my 4g iphone wit my mac computer?

  • Dontbscary

    what network will ios5 be? 3gs or 4g?

    • Lota Man

      Network doesn’t rely on the software.

  • galliver

    Hi everybody.
    this is my UDID 24df92b168d2784b054fb38e09f51a5b3ac0d15d
    i have an ipad G1th.and im so confuse …
    plz help me i don’t have credit card and also i need this activation ..
    tanx alot

  • Future012

    I updated my Iphone 4 into IOS5 after all that has been done and the network unable to activate and and i wont be able to use the phone.
    is there any ways to solve this problem?

  • snoogins

    UDID updatewould be appreciated please!

  • veryunholy

    My UDID is fcb0133b7ee267bbb09d69340098e54d11434a8 could someone please register this for me.

  • Wbuhl

    Can someone activate my UDID as well please and then email me when it has been activated at

  • Alwayshappy

    Hi I have upgraded the IOS5 Beta with out the activation. And to know the UDID I restored the 4.3.4 using itunes from DFU mode. Now i got the UDID but unable to update to IOS 5 beta. It throws the error when extracting the software like “Unknown error found (20)”. And itune identifies my iphone4 in Recovery mode. I am a registered Developer. But unable to upgrade to ios5. Kindly help.- Jai

  • Michaelcosta

    i used this site for my iPad and iPhone ios5activate .com their quite quick at activating it an the features for iOS 5 is sick i would use them again.

    • Lota Man


  • Stachowiak_14

    I just updated to iOS 5 Beta 4 and I do not have a registered UDID. I have an ipad 2, can anyone help me or activate my UDID except now in iTunes its in recovery mode and I cant figure it out. Please help me or email me

  • Zorenstein

    F*ck F*ck F*ck i tried doing this on my ipad 2 without the UDID thing and now i cant use my ipad and the ipad window in itunes is not help either. CAN ANYONE HELP ME PLEASE!!

    • Lakesmith

      Plug the iPad 2 into the computer.
      Hold the power button and the home button simultaneously for 10 seconds,
      Release the power button, but continue to hold the home button for 15 to 30 additional seconds or until iTunes recognizes the device in recovery mode.

      Your screen should be totally black.

      If you are not interested in jail breaking and custom firmwares, then restore as usual.

      If you need to keep 4.3.3, make sure you have ipsw for iPad 2 4.3.3 downloaded to your computer. (if on windows) hold down shift and click restore in iTunes and select the ipsw of your choice. If on Mac, hold down option or one of those three buttons next to command lol and click restore. Then select the ipsw of your choice.

      Apple is still signing 4.3.3 software so don’t delay if you want to return to it.

      If you are interested in downgrading to an ipsw below 4.3.3, you must follow other advanced steps involving YOUR SAVED shsh blobs, spoofing server request, and all that other good stuff.

      Hope I helped!

  • Verysaddeveloper

    I upgraded my iPhone to iOS 5 beta 5 without registering my UDID ( I am a registered iPhone developer) .. So my phone got stuck saying cannot activate so I put into DFU MODE and restored back to iOS 4.3.5 not iPhone is workin after that I registered my udid and upgraded again but still iOS upgrade got stuck saying cannot activate does anyone know y ?? Pleeeeeesae help

    • Lota Man

      Software unlocked iPhone?

    • Lota Man

      Software unlocked iPhone?

  • Verysaddeveloper

    I upgraded my iPhone to iOS 5 beta 5 without registering my UDID ( I am a registered iPhone developer) .. So my phone got stuck saying cannot activate so I put into DFU MODE and restored back to iOS 4.3.5 not iPhone is workin after that I registered my udid and upgraded again but still iOS upgrade got stuck saying cannot activate does anyone know y ?? Pleeeeeesae help

  • Jhodory

    Can someone please let me use their Dev account so i can use Xcode to downgrade my new iPad from 4.3.5 to 4.3.3 so i can jailbreak. I would really appreciate it. You can email me at if you don’t trust me then you can change your password. but you can trust me.

  • Kelvin410

    Do You Want To Try iOS 5 Badly ? Can’t Wait For The Features Like iCloud , Well Wait No More Your Can Get Your Chance To Try iOS 5 Right Now . You Just Pay $5 For The UDID Activation And They Will Activate For You Instantly When They Get Your Money . I Got Mine Activated 10 Minutes After I Email Them My Details . You Can Contact Them By Email :

  • Jon Bra Hoo

    Will trade 5 google+ invites for UDID Act. Email me!

  • Readerjack97

    i added ios 5 beta, but its giving me an error message saying im not registerd. is there a way i can downgrade?

  • Walker

    i got the download from on my mac and it won’t let me upgrade by holding option and pressing restore it is blanked out please help me my email is please help it is itouch 4th gen and iOS 5 beta 7

    • Lota Man

      Use latest iOS beta and iTunes beta.
      Sent from my BlackBerry® Smartphone provided by Ufone

  • Macbryce

    Please somone can register for me these two ID, I really need to try airplay remote display from an iPad 2 before final release

    iPad2 : 60934c38c6f749ed76db4d38d42b77c76df3724b
    AppleTV : 4219caea488e231f0ce62d718d84e7cc50ae0970

  • Denniz Persson

    Hi. send me a mail. to with the UDID
    Then i will aktivate you !

  • Dieuha1993

    I have just bought an iphone 3gs and now it’s completely stuck! when I try to activate it, it shows” your Iphone counld not be activated because the activation service is temporarily unavailable. I plug it in laptop and itunes says” There is no SIM card installed in the iphone you are attempting to activate”. How can I do now?