How to Activate iPhone iOS 5 beta without Developer Account


So since everyone has been asking Lota Man how to activate iOS 5 beta 1 without Developers Account, Lota Man thought it was time to finally put them out of their misery. So this guide will tell you how to activate iOS 5 beta 1 on iPhone without a developer account.

First, you must download iOS 5 beta 1. Then download iTunes 10.5 beta to upgrade your device to iOS 5 beta 1.

Remember: These procedures are of advanced level. If you’re not aware of the intricacy of these steps, it is advised that you do not try this at all.

Step 1: Follow the link given above to upgrade iPhone to iOS 5 beta 1. You shall now see the new activation screen.

Step 2: Basically this is a hack which fools the Voice Over, so you have to activate the Voice Over. Click the Home button three times and Voice Over will be activated.

Step 3: Now click the Home button thrice again. Emergency call option will pop up.

Step 4: You have to quick in this step. Tap Emergency call and when it switches, quickly swipe down from the top using three fingers. You will now see the new Notification Center of iOS 5.

Step 5: Don't lose your head in the excitement.

Step 6: Tap on the weather widget. You'll notice that the weather app loads without requiring activation. Check the weather.

Step 7: Now click the Home button once. You will see the Home screen of your device. Yes, your iPhone is now activated, without a developer account, on iOS 5 beta 1.

Step 8: Hold the applause for Lota Man.

Remember: Since the Emergency call option is only available on the iPhone, you will not be able to do this on iPod touch 3G, 4G and the first generation and second generation iPad.

Rejoice: You don't need a UDID now to sync your iPhone on iOS 5 beta 1 with iTunes. Its fully activated and will work flawlessly with iTunes.

Enjoy your iPhone activated on iOS 5 beta 1 without developer account !

  • Tyler

    I did this, i think correctly. My phone has iOS5 but it wont let me sync with itunes… any help would be appreciated

    • Lota Man

      What is the error that you are getting?

    • Cdiff

      Hey, I have the same problem. It is because you are not a registered developer and there is no way to fix this. Even if you get the iTunes 10.5 torrent (Which I did) it will not let you. You will need to find some other way to add music. I am in the process of finding that. Any help with mine would also be appreciated.

  • ADrian

    did this… ended up with no phone…. is there a fix??

    • Lota Man

      Don’t tell me you did this procedure on a software unlocked iPhone.

      • ADrian

        sorry… posted insted of reply…. do you have any idea of whats whrong??

  • ADrian

    nope….i got a real good ol iphone from my carrier…. but…. it ends up like an ipod when you do this…. =\

    • Ryan C

      same issue no cell service! restored back for now was on official 4.3.3 now back to it
      sorry didnt mean to post reply on below post

  • Remi

    How can we hacktivate ipod touch 4 because I can’t get my home screen….(not talking about the iTunes sync.

    • Ryan C

      same issue no cell service! restored back for now was on official 4.3.3 now back to it

    • Patric

      I tried almost the same thing on the ipod touch 4th gen and it worked, turned on voice over and then touched the “ipod” word on the top and then was able to pull down the notification center and then double click on the weather to switch to the app and then press the home button to get out of the app

  • Lota Man

    Now that’s an unusual problem. Try restoring the firmware again.

    • ADrian

      me or the other guy?? =P

      • Lota Man

        Actually, this applies for both of you gentlemen.

        • ADrian

          is yours working fine??

          • Lota Man

            yes it is.

  • Josh

    You can with the ipod touch by doing the same steps but instead of Step 3 just click the time in the status bar then swipe 3 fingers down and follow the rest of the steps.

    It still wont sync, any help with that it says:
    “We are unable to complete your activation.
    This device is not registered as a part of the iPhone developer program.”
    What can I do?

    • dev


      E P I C ——-> =D

    • Toshik Agarwal

      Oh thank you bro. It revived my bricked ipod Touch 3G. thanks. But I got no music, videos and my Itunes wont validate the device…how do I sync music. Or is it possible too downgrade to 4.3.x by some means Thanks

  • Henry

    This does not allow you to use the cell. Is there a way around that? It is pointless unless I can use it as a phone.

  • chschuldiner

    I am also having the same problems listed above.

  • Gekkofrance

    I have an iPhone 4. Process worked well as far as getting iOS 5 running. But as per other comments I cannot use cellular functions and iTunes 10.5 says it is not activated. Any thoughts anyone?

  • maruf

    same problem as ADrain …
    I managed to get in the phone … but it doesn’t find my carrier anymore …. it searches for about 3-4 mins and then says no service and if I restart the phone I get stuck on the same activation screen …

    any solution?

    • Nathan Primeaux

      did you find a fix for this…my iphone 4G is working lik a charm however my other 3gs iphone IOS 5 b4 will not pick up signal…says no service…tried to downgrade and it still gives me the same problem.

  • Tom

    how can i Activate ipod touch 4g ?????

    • Logan Digges

      okay, get 10.54 itunes beta, download ios 5 from a download site (just google it) go to itunes with ur ipod plugged in, press shift on pc or option on mac and click on restore, this will bring u to ur computer, find the ios 5 file and hit open, play the wait game just wait, then wehn slide to set up comes up slide it, then turn voice over on (triple click home button), tap the clock up top on ur display, swipe dowm with 3 fingers, the niotification center will come up, turn voice over off and tap the weather widget and it will take u to weather, then press the home button and u will be on the home screen…there u go….(just to tell u using this back door makes it so the new notification system wont work and multitasking wont work and all dtat will be erased from ur ipod and u have to do this every time u reboot)

  • Mt

    im guessing this isnt recomended for my only iphone 4 that i use? When beta 1 ends will we not be able to update to beta 2 without developer account?

  • anthomx

    Ok I did this, and I was able to get to the home screen, but I am unable too use this as a phone. Itunes says we are unable to complete your activation.

  • ferris

    Doesn’t work for iPad 1G. Yes you can put it on, but no activation. 6/7/2011.

  • GeekApple

    Thanks N finally i’m on home screen now I am
    Unable to use my phone. It says noNetwork…..!

  • Bryan

    So I have an iPhone… Doesn’t this mean you’ll get at error before it even starts restoring? Tried on my iPad 2.. gave me a 3002 error before the extracting firmware stopped

  • Nick

    i have an ipad 2 (wifi only) running 4.3.3. every time i try to upgrade i get error 3194. I have itunes 1o.5 beta. can someone please tell me what I’m doing wrong?

    • Mauricio

      The problem you having, is you jailbroke your ipad, or another iDevice, and saved your ssh on your computer, so what you need to do, is remove the ssh cydia conection.

      • tito

        how do you remove the ssh cydia conection please?, thanks

  • MK

    This basically leaves you with an iPod touch running iOS 5 that can’t sync with iTunes. Tried it. Twice.

  • Jsteezy

    hey i just had the same problem and so i had iBrick too… luckily me and my friend figured a way to get your phone up and running on your old os. not iOS5 but hey it works now
    so heres what you gotta do:

    1) put it in DFU mode by holding the sleep button and the home button for 10 seconds exactly then let off the power button and it’ll pop in itunes
    2) next hit the “Restore” button and hold option and select your old firmware.
    and TADAAA! a working iphone )

  • ricky

    ok! i was about to try this but after reading the comments above, im not sure anymore.. if your phone does not sync with itunes does it at least work? like do u still get cellular service??

  • boilerdam

    this method doesn’t seem to work on my iPad2, neither does tapping the clock work…any thoughts?

    • iandrio

      hey i know another method. when u are finished installing it. and it says welcome. dont unlock. simply click the home button 3 times, brings up the voice over. then tap on the clock, when its highlighted swipe down with three fingers. the notification center comes up, and then u know what to do from there.

      • boilerdam

        iandrio: thanks for the suggestion…I actually went uptil the activation screen after wifi setup & stuff to try this. I’ll try the new method as well. But as I noticed yday, my notification center (when i click on the clock and swipe down) is blank. is it supposed to be that way or should it already have simple widgets like weather etc? btw, did this method work for your iPad 1/2?

        • abney713

          I have the same problem!

        • b0redb1rd

          Same Problem, please help us. (iPad 1)

    • jose fernandez

      Hello out there have same problem with iPad 1 is locked do´t see anything can i use lake function on the normally screen

      please i appreciate any help to solve this problem


      • boilerdam

        iandrio: thanks for the suggestion…I actually went uptil the activation screen after wifi setup & stuff to try this. I’ll try the new method as well. But as I noticed yday, my notification center (when i click on the clock and swipe down) is blank. is it supposed to be that way or should it already have simple widgets like weather etc? btw, did this method work for your iPad 1/2?

  • ricky

    if it does not work will i be able to downgrade back to iOS4.3.3??

    • Joey88

      Yes you will be able, just put it in recovery mode then restore previos firmware

      • Toshik Agarwal

        how do i put it a device on recovery mode i.e. ipod 3G? Thanks

  • Arman Mass

    It is not working when I swipe the three fingers

  • ricky

    yo iT gets upgraded to iOS5 but the cellular doesnt work!!

  • ricky

    y dont you put up a video tutorial for this.. using an iPhone

  • Dexx

    Is there any way to get the cellular part of the iPhone working? Also I have to repeat this every time I turn on my iPhone

  • Nathan

    Same problem as above. I have iOS 5 successfully running, but I cannot make calls and iTunes says “We are unable to complete your activation.”

    I’m running iTunes 10.5 beta if that matters.

  • ppp

    not work

  • Greg

    Sooo… is there a reason everyones phone service is getting shut off? Is there a fix for this? Nobody has answered the question!

    • moncerth

      Answer please!

  • iOS 5

    LOTA MAN please put a video tutorial…!

  • SausageHacker

    Here’s a video tutorial I made for all you guys:


  • PeetMoss

    You guys rock! Cant wait for you fix..Cheers!

  • robin

    how do i get ios 5 on my ipod touch 4G? im searching for tuts sinds it came out ;$

  • Willrob

    So many websites give the same information but lets get this straight, non of it works on any ipad 2. Does not matter if it is WiFi, 3g or you tore open your ipad and somehow made it 4G. IT DOES NOT WORK.

    • IT SAYS

      its cause you need an IPHONE to use this

  • Sam

    Hi guys, I was also able to install this and get to the Springboard but I also cannot sync since it says Not Activated. I think if a Jailbreak is released for the beta iOS then we can do it my modifying a plist file entry but this one from my personal experience is somewhat useless sadly. We need another way to activate this crap lol.

  • Different Tyler

    I cannot even get it to install the software. It says it will restore and verify the restore with Apple, it sends a ping to Apple and it tells me in an error: “The iPad XXX could not be restored. This device isn’t eligible for the requested build.”

    How can I get iOS 5 onto my iPad? I have bought an activation, yet it won’t go.

    • SausageHacker

      You need iTunes 10.5 beta.

  • GreG

    I have a factory unlock iphone 4 and i would like to upgrade to Ios 5!
    But i see that you say tha unlock iphone should not be upgraded? Why? And what will happen?

    • Lota Man

      Factory unlocked iPhones can be easily upgraded. It is the software unlocked iPhones that should not be upgraded, as there is no unlock for iOS 5 beta 1 right now. You can easily update following our tutorials.

      • samlop

        I have a factory locked iphone 4 and i use gevey sim pro to unlock it to use it on another carrier. If i upgrade to iOS 5 will i be able to use my phone still on another carrier using gevey?

      • GreG

        Thanks a. Lot.i will try it! And let you know!

  • Kodger

    So there is no way to activate ios 5 on a ipod touch 4 yet? or is there?

  • Julianjpg

    Hi I tried all the procedures, Throw weather I got in to the homescreen too.
    The only problem is
    *I cant load my Operator list anymore. and make calls (it says unable to load the operator list)
    (wifi is perfectly working)
    *And I cant sync throw iTunes since its not activated it says. (I got 10.5 Beta)
    Did I miss something??
    Please help!!!!

    • Bickeyb
      • Lota Man

        Sent from my BlackBerry® Smartphone provided by Ufone

    • Mjb231569

      iOS 5 beta will not allow you to sync with iTunes 10.5 beta unless you have a dev account. I got the same problem on my computer, but strangely enough the same process worked perfectly with my friend.

  • Julianjpg

    And my iPhone 4 was a “Factory Unlocked”. as most of them were.
    I am left without the phone:-(

  • Steve

    I have iOS 5 on my iPhone. I am not a dev, and I don’t have a dev account.

    I cannot restore to 4.3.3, and cannot upgrade to 5.0.

    How can I restore to 4.3.3 while using 5? iTunes is telling me that I need to get a newer version of iTunes, so when I use iTunes 10.5b, it says I cannot activate the phone because I’m not a dev and don’t have a dev account.

    Any help would be appreciated. Otherwise I’m putting my tail between my legs and going to the Apple store.

    • Lota Man

      No need to do that Steve!

      Here’s what you need to do:

      Create a signed iOS 4.3.3 ipsw using iFaith:

      Then, once you have done that, connect your device to iTunes and power it off. Now hold both Home and Power button for 10 seconds. Then release the Power button but keep holding the Home button until iTunes detects your device in restore mode. Simply to a Shift + Restore and select the signed 4.3.3 ipsw you previously created. iTunes will now restore your device to iOS 4.3.3.

    • Tim

      They came out with iTunes So download that and see how that goes.

    • michael

      put it into dfu mode and then connect it again

  • david

    i downloaded ios 5 and i tried the hack with emergency call its not working any tips??

  • dafly

    how do i do this on an ipod touch or ipad?

  • neil

    did everything you said - all good, just cant seem to get the three finger swipe working once i have turned off voice over and activated emergency call. Any tips?

  • GreG

    Hi Lota Man,sorry to bother again!! Im Thinking of getting my udid activated for 8$ ( because i heard that i should do all these steps,and also some others inconvenient, when we dont have the udid activated by apple!
    What do you advise me to do?

    • Lota Man

      That would be awesome.

  • dizz

    My itunes shows non-activation error, and every time I boot the phone I have to do this voice, swipe setup series AND the phone doesnt work, cant make or receive calls.. SOS pls.

    • Lota Man

      Please do a clean installation of iTunes 10.5 beta and repeat the restore process of iOS 5 beta 1.

      • Shahbaz Ali

        help me man i ve factory unlock iphone i wanna downgrade unactived ios5 beta 4 to ios 4 plzzzz help mee

  • Evan Stoddard

    I have figured out how to do this on an ipod touch, it is fairly simple but with a few more steps.

  • Michael L

    i got to the home screen but How Do you get phone and data?? is it possible

  • Oscar

    Yo lota man what happened to the UDID activation service?

  • Erick

    So if I do this to my iPod touch 4g, I can’t put music on it? that doesn’t sound very cool. I’ll look for things to trick or bypass it, if I fail, im going back to 4.3.3 jailbroken until the iOS 5 officially comes out.

  • tito

    I was able to install ios5 with iTunes 10.3?, my problem is I am stuck in the activation, I try reinstalling ios5 after I installed itunes 10.5 but I am getting 3194 error, I try activating by following the steps above and on (Step 3: Now click the Home button thrice again. Emergency call option will pop up.), can not get it here., any advice please. THANKS

  • miApples

    Advised method posted here not working on iPhone 4 / iPad 1

  • Kris10kevin

    found a way to activate ipod touch 4g in ios 5 beta without having a developer account
    first press home button three times.then click the lock icon over the top of the screeen.when the voice control will say to swipe your tree fingers from top to bottom. after that unlock your ipod.then press the home button three times.then touch the local weather twice .then immediatly press the home button once .your home screen will have an activated ipod!.i tested it on ipo0d touch may also work for ipads

  • Kris10kevin

    found a way to activate ipod touch 4g in ios 5 beta without having a developer account
    first press home button three times.then click the lock icon over the top of the screeen.when the voice control will say to swipe your tree fingers from top to bottom. after that unlock your ipod.then touch the local weather twice .then immediatly press the home button once .your home screen will have an activated ipod!.i tested it on ipo0d touch may also work for ipads

    • Fluzzarn

      Works for Ipod Touch 3rd gen also, couldnt figure out “click the lock icon over the top of the screeen” but it is just the top part where your battery,time,wifi,etc is show

    • Saif-zero

      its not really activated because whenver u turn it off and back to it, it comes back to the activtaion screen.

    • Baulderaire

      damn i love u

  • Bluescruise2000

    you need to register your phone for ios5 to work!! everything else is a lie!!!!!

  • Bluescruise2000

    you will not be able to use cloud, or make phone calls with iphone 4 unless you register!!

  • Lota Man


  • Lota Man


  • Lordben777

    It didn’t work for me, like, it is on iOS 5.0 but my Sim Card isn’t working.

  • proz solomanz

    damn i love you giving out awesome thing!!!

  • Dananaakyroyd

    It’s amazing how many people can’t read. All they want is the IOS running.

    You need to register your UDID before you can make calls. The method above only allows you into the phone / ipod or whatever.

    And 99% of those UDID activators are scams just after your money. So don’t waste your time.

  • Aaditotjo

    Can someone please help me out, because I’ve followed these steps and I can use my iPod Touch 4g perfectly fine (springboard access), but can’t sync to iTunes. It says that the device isn’t registered. Is there a way to get around this? (Quoting the guide: “Rejoice: You don’t need a UDID now to sync your iPhone on iOS 5 beta 1 with iTunes. Its fully activated and will work flawlessly with iTunes.”)
    Its not flawless for me :,(

    • fuck you

      he is refer to iphone fucker !! noob

  • yuda5148

    Yo is it possible to upgrade to iOS 5 without the UDID registration?? or to fix the 3002 iTunes error when you try to “update” instead of restore?? Thanks

  • iphone 3gs killer

    i can make calls with this?

    • Lota Man

      Sent from my BlackBerry® Smartphone provided by Ufone

  • Mason Schmitt

    does this work on windows?

  • Mikejaeger15

    so what your saying is that i can get IOS 5 i just cant make calls unless i pay 99 dollars for the year or for the 2 months until IOS 5 really comes out

  • SJT

    I forgot to get my UDID before installing does anyone know how to restore my iPod Touch? Please help me!! Please help me restore my iPod back to 4.3.3!

  • Stephen Turk

    I forgot to get my UDID before installing does anyone know how to restore my iPod Touch? Please help me!! Please help me restore my iPod back to 4.3.3! Sorry for the double post but I want to make sure I get an e-mail.

  • Mason Schmitt

    ok so ive looked everywhere and this is the only way i can find out, but!! im jailbroken on 4.3.3. if i could upgrade to ios 5 im ok with not being jailbroken but do i have to restore my iPod and delete the jailbreak to upgrade?

  • dbrowne

    This does not activate your phone fully meaning you can’t make calls or texts. Email me at with your UDID and I will register your UDID for just $5

  • Plarguinho

    Working like a charm here on iOS 5 b2 on the iPhone 4! Just follow the instructions as Stevelayhe said below and it will work. Some iPhone take some time(read: reboot 1 or 2 times), for the keypad in the Emergency Call to appear. My iPhone took about 2 min. for the keypad to appear. After entering in pwned DFU mode, I did the change to the file, rebooted and presto…iOS 5 with phone calls!

  • Leonardo_muller_95


  • Poppylot

    does this work with beta 4?

  • Paulopallasguizar

    Please help, I did the upgrade to iOS 5 without the uidi activation and now i’m stuck, I cannot restore to 4.3.3 by any means, even with tiny umbrella

  • Kelvin410

    Do You Want To Try iOS 5 Badly ? Can’t Wait For The Features Like iCloud , Well Wait No More Your Can Get Your Chance To Try iOS 5 Right Now . You Just Pay $5 For The UDID Activation And They Will Activate For You Instantly When They Get Your Money . I Got Mine Activated 10 Minutes After I Email Them My Details . You Can Contact Them By Email :

  • Marcel Elgar

    I have gotten everything to work accept my phone won’t pick up my carrier is there anyway to get that working?

  • Hhp21

    hi. i tried all the procedures possible but when i do the three finger swipe, the notification center wont show up. what do i do! Please HELP!

    • Lota Man

      Why are you trying to install beta now? Download the public release of iOS 5.