Free device Udid Activation for iOS 5 beta on iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch


So, previously we have posted a couple of tutorials on how to activate iOS 5 beta firmware with a udid, and even without a developers account, but now we are bringing an even authentic and useful service for all our readers that will simply blow you away.

Unlike most other services, which offer to activate your device udid for a price, we are offering to do the same but for free. Only the issue is that since we can only offer limited udid activations to our readers so it will be on a first come and first served basis.

All you have to do is like our page on Facebook and tell us which one of the many awesome features in iOS 5 is your favorite? Those lucky enough to receive activation will be notified through email. Here are the steps to follow:


  1. Follow the tutorial on How to find device Udid for iOS 5.
  2. 'Like' our Fanpage on Facebook; this is a must.
  3. Leave a comment on this post telling us about your favorite iOS 5 feature.
  4. Fill out the details on this form and wait for 24 hours.
  5. Wait and see if you are lucky to receive an activation email by us.

Once activated, download iTunes 5 beta for Windows or Mac, follow the upgrade tutorial for iOS 5 beta and make sure to download iOS 5 beta for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad.

Important: This is a first-come-first-serve offer so make sure to follow the steps accordingly. Those who fill up the form but do not leave a comment as mentioned would not be entertained. Oh and please use the same name/email in the comment and activation form.

Also note that you opt to do this at your own risk so we do not claim any responsibility for the case where you end up bricking your device; although we are to here to help always.

  • Patrick Allen

    My favorite feature is that i can sync with my pc in wireless

  • Jonah Moroh

    My favorite iOS 5 feature is the camera shutter button. It makes it MUCH easier to take a picture. Love all the new features Apple has put in too.

  • Robert Jones

    I really like being able to sync and update without plugging into Itunes! Seems like it’s going to make the whole process a lot easier as i’m not a huge fan on Itunes itself!

  • Omer

    can’t wait to test iOS5

  • iPhoneized

    Hey! May I get my UDID activated? Would be awesome!

    Thank you.

  • Kyle King

    notification center!

    • w2

      notification is the most excited feature i wish to go for iOS 5.

      • Alraben

        Hi, I try to install beta 6 :-S

  • Joshua Xu

    Notification Center widgets

  • Imisaiahjm


  • Jonah Moroh

    Volume Button camera shutter. Should have had this feature forever!

  • Mike Vandergoot

    favorite ios 5 feature is the notification center!

  • Patrick Trant

    The Notifications Center is the best part of iOS 5, and it’s about time!

  • Mike Vandergoot

    Favorite ios 5 feature is notification center!

  • Oscar Ponciano

    Favorite thing about iOS 5 is the OTA updates. No more PC!!

  • Chris Booth

    Loving the new iMessage feature

  • Carlos Elcarmuniez

    imessage and notifican center for sure!

  • Kareem Michel

    I love Software Update & Wifi Sync. =D

  • Ros Venc

    New iMessage - bets feature!

  • Jacob

    Wifi syncing!

  • corinne

    split keyboard for ipad!

  • Kwiecien8

    Updated notification!

  • Ray

    iPad 1 UDID: 7619ab3465a77c189e888be303b81c324089d869
    iPad 2 UDID: 5102aa161a5b8b3e89c3795c495826b4447a421

  • Aeron States

    I like the new notifications features bar!

  • Ray

    Best feature for me on the iOS 5 is the imessage feature
    iPad 1 UDID: 7619ab3465a77c189e888be303b81c324089d869
    iPad 2 UDID: 5102aa161a5b8b3e89c3795c495826b4447a421

  • Eric

    I am looking forward to iMessage.

  • Ryan Coleman

    the iMessage and notifications feature is awesome I hope i’m lucky enough to try it out early!!

  • Ray

    I LIKED” you on facebook buy it is not the same email I placed in the form. the email i usefor facebook is The email I used on the form is Thanks Lota Man I totally appreciate all of your help and I hope my unwavering patience pays off. BTW, I put UDID for iPad ONE and 2 in two different forms. But you don’t have the option for iPad 1. Just a note. The iMesage features is the best for me followed by the Notification features. Thanks Lota Man!

  • Parvizchitsaz


    • Ikeok

      Oooh, I had heard of imessage, but I massage sounds even cooler.

  • kris

    iMessage and Notivication Center !

  • Tfryer

    notifications features!

  • Alyravian

    new notification system

  • Yahya Bint Ali

    The notification bar definitely is the best feature!

  • MaximiliumM

    New iPad Keyboard ! That’s a must.

  • Greg Durelli

    my favorite ios 5 feature is imessage

  • Greg Durelli

    my udid:06acefa32b2203c9c4e8af7805657c24dfdeb241

    • Hello Hm_6

      Someone may track your online status (position or others) through your udid. Don’t do such stupid things anymore.

      • Lota Man

        That’s not possible.

  • Evanbrown24

    Notification Center!

  • Fernando Antônio

    i love iMessage is the best iOS5 new featurette… its like and best of the BBM! iOS5 RULES! and the Notifications Center is really cool!

  • Fernando Antônio

    Imessage is the best iOS5 new featurette… its like and best of the BBM! iOS5 RULES!

  • Anonymous

    Notifications is the best feature for me definitely

  • Fernando Antônio

    i love iMessage is the best iOS5 new featurette… its like and best of the BBM! and the Notifications Center is really cool!

  • Thinh To

    Notification Center is a great new feature!

  • Ashton Lay

    My favorites are the new Notification Center and Twitter integration

  • Alex Ting


  • Eli Crabtree

    Notification Center is my fave! I love how it can show notifications when you arrive or leave somewhere!


  • Janet Clapp

    Being able to get to the camera from the lock screen

  • takuma kanayama


  • Chris Davies

    Updated notifications are desperately needed and they look to be a huge improvement.

  • Hdragun

    The Notifications center makes ios so much more usefull

  • Thomas Norman

    Notification center and iMessage! Kick-Ass!

  • Craig

    Notification Centre & Safari improvements

  • Ori Dahan

    notification center..

  • Koolkidkorey

    I can’t wait for wifi sync, ota updates, and the split iPad keyboard!

  • Gilchrist 1

    I will love to have notification center and wifi sync thanks

  • Agilmore09

    I can’t wait for the wireless syncing and iMessage!

  • LoDeD420

    Most wanted features for me are the notification center, iMessage and the OTA updates.

  • IOS5herewecome

    I like the Uninterupting notification system and imessage best!!

  • Edrmrz


  • Jake

    Notification Center of course…and the new vibration patterns? crazy features they’ve got up their sleeves…

  • Řudra Ťrivedi

    the keyboard shortcuts and wifi syncing

  • Evan Conlon

    iOS 5 notifications and imessage!!

  • angeline adrianne

    really love the camera shutter on the volume button.. and the notification bar for sure !

  • angelo andreean

    the iMessage, Notification bar, and the ability to split the keyboard on the iPad !! so amazing !!

  • Ahines1987

    custom vibrations is the shit!

  • Ahines1987

    custom vibrations is the shit!

  • Jimmy Breedlove

    I just L O V E the new pull down notifications!

  • Corey Clark

    I did this already, but forgot to use the same name as in the form. I can’t wait for wifi sync, ota updates, and the split keyboard!

  • Harvitpal

    notification centre and the reminders, can you snooze the reminder for a time desired rather a default period?

  • Řudra Ťrivedi

    keyboard shortcuts and the clutter-free safari pages are my faves

  • Řudra Ťrivedi

    keyboard shortcuts and the clutter-free safari pages are my faves

  • Josh Foster

    Favourite iOS 5 feature has to be the notification center, the stupid notification system has always bugged me before and it’s good it’s finally been sorted out.

  • Wassup

    really love the new the new pc free feature, so sick and tired of losing my purchased music and apps cause I haven’t synced it to iTunes for ages

    • Wassup

      How come I haven’t got a confirmation email yet?

      • Anonymous

        same i waited 2 days so i just tried to enter again

      • Anonymous

        same i waited 2 days so i just tried to enter again

  • Naillik L’inconnu

    notification and imessage of course!!!

  • Dean B.

    i love notification center

  • Kostenzerm

    I really like the keyboard shortcuts and the new notification center

  • David Mosco

    my favorite feature on IOS 5 s the Notifacations Center

  • Ray

    Hey Lota Man. How are you? Could you please post it when you send the activation emails? This way those of us who ARE NOT recipients of activation will know and not have to wait or bother you.


  • Jake Hodory

    Notification center!!!!

  • Kurt Gray

    Notification center !

  • Elabusadorjomar

    My favorite iOS5 Feature is the Notification Center and iMessage

  • Khadijah Pace

    I am looking forward to iMessage! Finally, a chat system like Blackberry Messenger for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch!!!

  • William Au Yeang

    i like the ios5 new keyboard feature.

  • Julian Semerene

    My favorite feature is the pc free feature as now my iPod can be a device on its own

  • Mjc3bb

    the notifications bar is going to be awesome. i also like the imessage app and the wireless syncing feature

  • Fearefirenze

    Notification center

  • Jpbjr21

    notification center!

  • Jeff Coe

    My favorite feature is definitely the new notification center. Drew me away from Android!

  • Rifat Nabi

    Tweeter & Notification Center

  • Randall

    My favorite feature would have to be Notification Center! Finally, arguably iOS’s weakest point is upgraded and taken far and beyond what was expected!

  • miApples

    My fave nwebie in iOS 5 is for sure the new notification system!

  • Tihomir Gutev

    I can’t wait for icloud

  • Nikhilb923

    Nikhil- I would comment about the Ios 5 features, but for some reason i can’t seem to install it on mine.

  • kidcarter


  • Oscar Ponciano

    Has anyone gotten an email saying that they have gotten there UDID activated?

  • Frogonaplate

    I am really excited for the new notification system (widgets look awesome;)

  • Anonymous

    Widgets & Wireless syncing (without JB of course) - Thanks for the possibility of activiation! - Ben

  • Joel Santos

    notification center and iCloud are amazing.

  • Luke

    Notification Centre and OTA updates/sync

  • Connor Horton

    I am looking forward to the new keyboard for the iPad and also the widgets

  • mrussell93

    I really like the new Notification Center setup. And the shortcuts when you text.

  • Erick Lopez

    Wifi sync is amazing

  • Ethan Arbuckle

    i LOVE the imessage feauture!!!!!

  • Annoynomous

    Notification center and iCloud!!

  • Jay Patel

    iCloud is my favorite feature. It is going to be amazing!

  • Ray

    Good Evening… Any word yet on the activation winners?

  • Oscar Ponciano

    is this like a first come first serve basis or is all just at random?

    • Lota Man

      As mentioned, its first come first served.

  • Saleh A. Al-Tamimi

    The notification center is the best

  • Saleh A. Al-Tamimi

    The notification center is the best

  • Nikhilb923

    Better multitasking, and ability to backup files and automatically download apps and other multimedia on various devices simultaneously

  • Nikhilb923

    Better multitasking, and ability to backup files and automatically download apps and other multimedia on various devices simultaneously

  • Kyle Luksa

    I really like the Notification Center feature included in iOS 5…having all of my alerts in one easy to access location will be awesome! Being notified of any of my alerts, but not being interrupted has been something I’ve needed since the iPhone first launched. Keep up the good work and love iPhoneism’s format and content!

    • Lota Man

      Thanks for the appreciation !

  • Kevin Jang

    I had a jailbroken iPhone and needed to use 3rd party notifications applications. Notification center looks so slick!

  • Joseph S Claus

    I love the fact that you can split the iPad keyboartd into two! Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for that feature? Since say…day 1 of owning an iPad 1, then upgrading to an iPad 2 on launch date!

  • rich

    I want it all. Location based reminders are neat.

  • Monto

    Please send the activation email. Thanks Lota man

  • Aaron Michael de Silva

    I love the new iCloud function & Notification Center but my favorite iOS 5 Feature is the Wireless Sync. Have you guy ever just wanted to put 1 song into your iPhone/iPod but hate the entire plug it it.. waiting for PC to find it.. i know i have so this would be an awesome feature to have.

  • Sami Alfhaily

    My favourite features: 1-WIFI Sync, 2-Notification Center, 3-iCloud, 4-Reminders, 5-OTA software update. i Love Apple!

  • Ejmiv89

    Just went out and wanted dev access super bad, but it only works on mac, I better save up this summer! I’m stoked for the icloud integration and absolutely drooling at the iMessage app for iOS messaging over all devices and 3g/wifi! plus theres more, thanks for your help!

  • James_Prass

    I’m really looking forward to the ‘deep twitter integration’ and the new notification system… Push sucks

    anyways I hope I win real bad I’d love to try the new betas!

  • Stephen Marquez 

    My favorite feature of iOS 5 is the notification panel and wireless syncing. So cool.

  • Grayson

    ive fill the form hope u can activate my UDID
    very very thanks for iphonism
    good luck

  • Eric Lemanissier

    My favorite feature of iOS 5 is the notification center.
    Thanks a lot for proposing free activation !

  • Johnreput


  • Ray

    Good Morning. Any word on the activation winners yet?

    Sorry to bother, just been waiting to hear back.

    Thank You!

  • Domimax

    My favorite feature is notivication center

  • Leon Kuzmin

    I Love Notification Center. Although Android’s works better I think.

  • Leon Kuzmin

    I Love Notification Center. Although Android’s works better I think.

  • Kosmo Kosmowski

    iMessage and iCloud

  • Sirichins

    Like everyone else… notification center!

  • Marlon

    notification center ofcourse

  • PeterApokotos

    Let’s see, favorite features are iCloud, notification center, camera update, custom alerts (vibration and led), updated mail, and iMessage.

  • PeterApokotos

    Let’s see, favorite features are iCloud, notification center, camera update, custom alerts (vibration and led), updated mail, and iMessage.

  • Frankie Jawor

    My favorite part about ios is the wireless sync feature. I can’t wait!!!

  • Stevo2105

    I love the notification system

  • Trollmannfabian

    My favorite feature is the notification. i didn’t like push.

  • Mirk Zwart

    The new notification center is my feature that has the most importance to me, also OTA updates are great IMO

  • Yos Sumarjono

    i love the new notification center…as well as icloud.

  • Rgrad748

    Has anyone got an email? I’ve been waiting more than 24 hours

    • chopper

      Man you have to wait more than 24 hours to receive it I don’t receive it yet but with patience we will receive it, you can count on it.

  • Marcel Arthur Winklmüller

    Wifi-Sync and notification senter is neeed.. and the splitted keyboard for iPad!!

  • Hasegawa Soujiro

    i fav is pull-down notification and camera features…

  • Hasegawa Soujiro

    i fav is pull-down notification and camera features…

  • Allen Schiffman

    Favorite IOS 5 feature is iCloud and Notification Center. This is really cool that you are giving out free UDID’s! I hope I get one!

  • Quique

    My favourite iOS feature are the new and awesome notifications!

  • Rick Hallenback

    Favorite new iOS 5 feature: integration with iCloud!

  • Manuel Serra

    my favorite ios 5 feature is pc free and imessage!

  • Ivar van der Zee

    my fav feature is the notification center

  • Julian semerene

    Have you done it yet?

  • Sam Blayney

    Im a huge fan of the new notification centre and the wifi sync!

  • Sam Blayney

    Im a huge fan of the new notification centre and the wifi sync!

  • Anonymous

    notification center is the best feature

  • Anonymous

    notification center is the best feature

  • Brian

    Definitely when I get the iOS 5 upgrade the top features for me will be Notification Center and the iMessage integration.

    • Slmnte

      imessage, notifications center.

  • Helder Couto

    I would really like to try ios 5 on my iphone 4.
    Are you still offering free udid activations?

    • Lota Man

      Yes we our. Kindly do the procedure mentioned in this article.

  • Jared Facino

    my favorite is the new camera on lock screen and the new notifications

  • Mannu P

    I like that volume up button can be used as shutter release.

  • Oscar Ponciano

    has anyone else gotten an email because i know i havent…

  • Dave

    my favorite ios feature is imessage!

  • Ray

    No Emails Yet. Don’t know what’s up.

    • Lota Man

      Try to understand the fact the phenomenal amounts of UDIDs are being hurled at Apple for activation, so the procedure takes time. Please be patient.

      • Ray

        My apologies. I thought it was the 24 hours you had mentioned in the description. It is understandable that Apple has so many UDIDs to deal with. Patience is a virtue, I shall wait.

        • Lota Man

          Thank you

  • Mws1986

    im probably too late but would love to start using the better notifications

  • Anonymous

    hey Lota Man when am i gna get my email???
    plz hurry cause i cant wait to start using IOS 5

    • Lota Man

      Please be patient, activation takes time.

  • Josh

    My favorite feature is the new Notification system. I wasn’t a fan at all of the older one

  • Jorge Franqui

    iMessage, icloud and Notification Center

  • Albert Kim

    I really like the notification center because i only jailbroke my iphone for that feature and now that its going to be integrated into iOS … its gonna be awesome

  • Marcelo Montero

    My Favorite feature is the Imessage , cause it sends free sms between iphones
    Thank you

  • Chris Prather

    Gotta love the wireless syncing!

  • Mrhock

    My fav feature is the volume button camera snap.

  • Marcososa_1986

    My favorite iOS 5 feature is thw wi-fi sync, I like the automation of getting home and charge my iphone while at the same time it syncs with my mac =)

  • Imisaiahjm

    I think wireless syncing will be awesome.

  • Anonymous

    Activation will be notified by email? 48 hours - nothing

    • Bobbyvandme

      I know, I wonder are they still doing it. I know they have a lot of requests but it would be nice if they would update us on whats going on.

  • Jorge Franqui

    imessage, notifications center.

  • AIdan

    OMG!!! It Has To Be iMessage

  • Kez

    can’t wait for iMessage

  • Petri Malm

    Notification Center and WiFi-sync.

  • Augusts Kolms

    As an iPod touch user, I’m gonna love iMessage. WiFi sync is cool as well, as I don’t connect my iPod to the computer that often.

    • J Jacobson133

      How can you be using wifi sync it’s not out yet.. Even in the beta release

      • guest

        He didn’t say he had it, just that it was cool.

  • Joker1121

    imessage and Notification Center

  • Joe Couchman

    iOS 5 notification centre is awesome as

  • Aneesh0111

    i cant wait for notification center and icloud!!

  • Adibdibzie

    My favourite feature about the new iOS 5 is about the Notification Centre, twitter and also the reminders

  • Platypuskngang

    Notification center is THE BEST!!!

  • Kevin Cramer

    Who needs a jb with the new Notification Center and being able to make photo’s with the vollume button

  • Adibdibzie

    My favourite main features about iOS 5 is Notification Center, Twitter and also Reminders

  • Lota Man


  • Marlon Melieste

    why do you post this on a free activation website, it’s just stupid to post it here

  • Allen09

    Sent email.

  • Terrificpuneet

    Notification center and icloud, imessage are just greatt….

  • Frédéric Morin

    Notification center is the best new feature

  • Guest

    has this worked for anyone yet

  • Guest

    this is fake, don’t do it

    • Lota Man


      • Bobbyvandme

        Hi, I sent in my information, can you please activate my UDID?

  • Guest

    fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake 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fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake 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    • Lota Man

      Sent from my BlackBerry® Smartphone provided by Ufone

    • Scam

      Why has no one thanked you on the site for activating udid?
      Because you haven’t

      • Lota Man


    • Anonymous

      CAN ANYONE READ IT SAYS TO WAIT 24 hours read number 4

  • BigD

    Split keyboard on iPad 2 is gonna be awesome! THanks for this guys!

  • Johnnyboy

    Notification Center FTW!

  • Jorguan96

    i think that the best iOS 5 features are the pull-down notifications and the extra information on the lock screen…and the camera icon on the lock screen

  • Tech

    It would seem that a lot of traffic has been generated, notice the new ads. A lot of free advertising was given via Facebook pages. Seventy two hours in, looks unlikely anybody will get what they traded their email adresses, and Facebook “spam” for. Hope I will be proven wrong - but it looks like they are milking this.

  • Chimichan

    This site sucks!!!

    • Anonymous

      CAN ANYONE READ IT SAYS TO WAIT 24 hours read number 4

      • Tech

        Your point, it does not say wait 72 hours or more. So, I think we can read.

    • Lota Man


  • AIdan

    Is There A Way To Op Out?

  • statepkt

    I am still waiting for my activation email as well after filling out the form

  • Anonymous

    i love just about everything on iso 5 but love the new notifaction system

  • Anonymous

    CAN ANYONE READ IT SAYS TO WAIT 24 hours read number 4

  • Ryanchoi0305

    My favorite feature is the notifications; just like the android

  • Joel V

    my favorite feature in OS5 is the revamped notification center. very nice

  • guest

    My favorite feature for the new iOS 5 is the new notification center!

  • Zavodimarci

    I love the Notification Center!

  • Fong Ho Ming

    My favorite iOS 5 feature is the camera button in lockscreen and the volume up button feature. As you know the views or incidents just appear for a short time, but I still have to wait for the camera app to open. The iOS 5 can open it quickly and let me keep memory of good things in life.

    • Fong Ho Ming

      I used my Facebook name as Ho Ming.

    • Fong Ho Ming

      I used my Facebook name as Ho Ming.

  • Mike Iemanddiejijnietkent

    deffinitly notification bar and live mail support

  • Tarzan

    Notification center is the best!

  • Domimax

    My favourite feature is the Notification Bar, cause its pretty amazing

  • Noam Teymaninja Cohen

    camera on lock screen

  • Noam Teymaninja Cohen

    camera on lock screen

  • JAnderson

    Nobody got their UDID activated

  • Míra Holeček

    My favorite feature is the notification bar.

  • Adimahmoud

    I like The reminder Way its really so so great

  • Habbache7

    iMessage , Notification Center and icloud

  • Mansoor

    I love Software Update & Wifi Sync. =D

  • Billy Torres

    Imessage/Notification Center

  •فارس-العسلي/100001230535889 فارس العسلي

    i like the imassege

  •فارس-العسلي/100001230535889 فارس العسلي

    i like the imassege

  • Hamid

    New iPad Keyboard . Updated notification . iMessage

  • Wayne Tsang

    i-cloud is the main reason i want to upgrade 5.0, and the new notification!

  • Ghassan Elkahloot

    I’m looking forward to use IOS5

  • Maytham albaqshi

    I like icloud

  • Jeqob

    i like the Notification center and the imassage really wann try this as soon i can

  • Levnetsahin

    My favorite Features are iMessage and Wifi-Sync.

  • Falastini_88

    i love imessges

  • Imrtash

    my favorite ios 5 facebook

  • Saad Hamid

    iOS 5 activations have been rolled out to around 50+ users and they have been confirmed through email. More confirmations will be rolled out daily to users

    • Lota Man

      You heard the man.

    • Josh Foster

      Good stuff. Are you doing them based on who commented and filled out the form first? I did it quite early and still haven’t had an email yet.

    • Josh Foster

      Good stuff. Are you doing them based on who commented and filled out the form first? I did it quite early and still haven’t had an email yet.

    • Anonymous

      sounds good

    • Garethe2008

      Hi Saad I havent had confirmation of my activation yet…

  • Evanbrown24

    OMG!!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! DONT LISTEN TO PEPS SAYING IT’S FAKE I JUST GOT A CONFORMATION EMAIL!!!! THX SOOOOOOO MUCH!!! OTHER PEOPLE, DONT THINK U DIDN’T GET CONFIRMED, I LOST HOPE AFTER 2 DAYS BUT 2 OR 3 DAYS LATER OF ME LOSING HOPE THEY SAID THEY CONFIRMED IT!!!!!! OMG OMG THE INSIDE NERD OF ME IS FREAKIN OUT! Thank you once again im so happy. 1 question, will this fix the error 1 I get cuz I think it will cuz I get the error while verifying the restore with apple. Hope it does! Thank you and guys, it’s not fake at all!

    • Lota Man

      Hope this is enough reassurance for everyone! Those who called us spam or fake might not be so lucky after all

    • chopper

      Really man so that means that if I don’t receive the email in 24 hours maybe u have to wait more than one day?

  • Jomar

    Did you guys deleted my post? cuz i dont see it. My favorite iOS5 features are the Notification center and iMessage.

    • Lota Man

      No we don’t delete your posts.

      • Jomar

        ok, my bad i see it now

  • Alexander Allenz

    WOW, I recently receive the good notice that my iPad has been added to the developers program. So, I can test the iOS5. Thank you Iphoneism.

    • Lota Man

      You’re very welcome

  • Jake Hebert

    for all you doubters, i just recieved my udid activation confirmation!
    thank you soo much iphoneism peeps!

  • Brandonblancochin

    My favorite IOS 5 is the new notification system where it has a smooth drop down message, instead of just popping out in the middle of everything.

  • Eric

    I just got my email - have to try it out. Will report back. Thanks iPhoneism, Saad Hamid and Lota Man.

  • Kareem Michel

    Thank you so much. iPhoneism, Lota Man, Saad hamid for activating my uuid and helping me. I’ve install i0S 5 and I love it. I love the notification i’ve been wanting to see and play with i05 for myself instead of reading about and I must say I love it.

  • Prabal Saha

    My favorite feature are the notifications. I no longer will have to jailbreak my device to get better notifications.

  • Oscar Ponciano

    Thanks dude my udid was activated THANK YOU!!!

  •Виктор-Соловьев/725522769 Виктор Соловьев

    Notification Center and full name of songs in ‘iPod’

  • Marokino18

    My favorite iOS 5 Feature si the notification center,because its something very new in all the iOS history,very useful and I think i’m not the only one imprest by this new function!
    thank you and Iphoneism is the best! ;D

  • Herrkutt

    Thank you for adding my UDID! I got your email on my way to run the “errand list” lol, now I’m rushing to get them all done so I can try out ios5. Thanks again for your help, I will post again once I’ve tried it out

  • James Cooper

    i think thats the no more computers thing that is going to be awesome

  • James Cooper

    i think thats the no more computers thing that is going to be awesome

  • Will Key

    My favorite iOS 5 feature has to be imessage, it will shut up all those BBM addicts !

    • Lota Man

      Now now, even I use a BlackBerry.

  • Will Key

    My favorite iOS 5 feature has to be imessage, it will shut up all those BBM addicts !

  • Chekmyswag10

    I GOT AN ACTIVATION EMAIL!!!!! thanks iPhoneism getting ready to install everything now! Thanks again!!

  • Chekmyswag10

    I GOT AN ACTIVATION EMAIL!!!!! thanks iPhoneism getting ready to install everything now! Thanks again!!

  • Joel Fitzsimmons

    OTA stuff hands down

  • Joel Fitzsimmons

    OTA stuff hands down

  • Michaelcosta

    IOS 5 Update
    ios5activate .d.o.t. c.o.m is the site i used for my ipad and iphone it took like ten minutes to activate after i paid. it costs a £5 or $7.99 to do its easy. i tired two sites before which were cheaper and after a few days it still wasn’t activated.
    I think this site is good sso use it or if you find another cheaper one use that one

    • Lota Man


  • Jonah Moroh

    Just got UDID Activation email. Thanks so much. Being activated immensely improves the experience from when i wasn’t activated. You guys rock and did a great job!

  • Ray

    Hello, I was one of the first to respond and request a UDID activation and I still have not received an activation email… ANy problems? iPad 1 activation…

    • Lota Man


  • Aeron States

    Thank you for activating my Ipod touch. I really enjoy the new notification system and really appreciate that you have kept to your word and had successfully activated my udid. I can’t wait to explore this even further!

  • Justin

    iMessage, Notification Center, Wifi Sync

  • chopper

    i want to register my udid for ios 5 use because i like imessage, notification center also the newstant and finally the reminds. i spect to win.

  • Clint


  • Evanbrown24

    Help! Downloaded itunes 10.5 beta, installed it, oh, i already removed the older itunes and emptied the trash and then rebooted my computer, downloaded ios 5 beta 1 for my ipod touch 4g, put my ipod into recovery mode (not dfu), and did the option+restore method. It was taking about 5 minutes during verifying restore part until a pop up came up saying an unknown error happened (1)! im so effing angry cuz i got excited this morning when i got a conformation email from iphoneism saying i got accepted but i cant upgrade to it! plz help anyone….

    • Lota Man

      Try using another computer.

      • Evanbrown24

        Thx I’m pretty sure that’s the reason… When I jailbroke my iPod (I unjailbreaked it months ago) I could not jailbreak it cuz my computer that I manage my ipod on is a powerPC G5 Mac… Jailbroke it on my parents old MacBook cuz they got a MacBook Air and it worked… Problem is, it pretty much broken. It keeps on showing a folder with question mark, which apple says means it can’t find system files or they no longer exsist, my parents will NEVER let me use their very new iMac with intel processors, which is the kind I need. Any kind of workarounds? Really want to try iOS 5 beta…

  • Rafael Aviz

    many new features, but the notification bar and photos in the cloud are the best.

  • Craft Brasil

    Notification Center + Reminders

  • Johnreput

    happy when many people got the activation email…;)

  • Tony Li

    My fave feature would be iMessage. I can’t afford a phone plan right now, and iMessage is PERFECT because my friends aren’t always online in IMs but they always have their iPods/iPhones with them.

  • Patrick Trant

    I received the confirmation email and have completed the update to 5.0! Thanks, iPhoneism! I’m looking forward to trying out all the new features!

  • chopper

    i spect to get the registration code. i´m crossing the fingers to receive it.

  • Adib Raup

    The new notification center and the Reminders. iPod touch UDID : c782d8b70a9af2329e9a9db0fac678fb99ed1714 I hope you activate mine

  • Chopper

    The new Safari , imessages, wifi sync, and the use of the volume Butrón for the camera

  • Jeffro

    my favorite feature is Notification Center

  • Slaveware Rose

    i like the imessage fitur…..someday iphone user can communicate like the BB user

  • Simongo7

    I have to say notification center and wireless syncing are my favorite. Oh an the fact that we no longer need a PC to do a lot of stuff; like making photo albums directly on the device!

  • Markharrissw15

    The notification centre is brilliant.
    (well overdue)

  • roxasfanta

    My favourite feature about iOS 5 would have to be either the wireless sync/update or the fact that you can now not get distracted by annoying pop up notifications, instead, having them all in a unified place.

  • bencher eon

    My favorite is the new Newsstand, now i don’t need to go to a shop just to grab a new edition of my fave mag, with this app I will be the first in line to read the mag as soon as it is out on the shelves

  • Guy

    thank you !

  • hoho

    my favorite iOS 5 feature is “Simple Chinese Input”. The Notification Center also very cool. And Happy about UI animation is faster than pervious iOS.

  • Guy Hatzav


  • Guy Hatzav

    notification center

  • Guy Hatzav

    Leave a comment on this post telling us about your favorite iOS 5 feature:

    notification center

  • Tomer

    My favourite iOS 5 feature is the wireless sync and notfication system! and activating without a computer.
    THX in advance!

  • Chris

    The notifications centre would be the best feature for me
    Seems much easier to use than the current pop up one in iOS 4

  • Anonymous

    i like the notification center, because is new on IOS and it’s very cool ;D

  • Mark

    Can’t wait to try out iOS 5 Notifications! Unfortunately

  • Justin Fortin

    I’m loving the notification center and the new messages

  • Anonymous

    the notification center and wifi sync ;D

  • Emmanuel Nee

    My Favourite is notification center,

  • Matt Hammond

    My favourite feature is either the multitasking gestures on the iPad or the notification centre, I can see them both being so useful!

  • Cm9876

    notification centre

  • Maakhan96

    news stand

  • chopper

    Man it is necesary to Wait 24 hours?

    • Josh Foster

      You’ll be waiting a lot longer than that.

  • Giovanni

    Hoping to get my activated udid soon =D

    Grtz Gio

  • Giovanni

    Would really enjoy the use of the new safari and notification system!
    And offcourse the wifi sync thats just awsome!


  • chopper

    wait i have a doude, the activation mail will arrive to mi mail next of 24 hours or between the 24 ?

  • Zirbel23

    My favorite would be imessages!

  • Zirbel23

    I really like the messaging system that they have for all iDevices and the notoification system

  • Blake Z.

    I like the new messaging that they have for all iDevices and the notoification system. Thanks!

  • Anonymous

    I really like the messaging that they have for all the iDevices and the new notoification system. Thanks!

  • Anonymous

    I really like the messaging system and new notoifications! Thankss

  • Anonymous

    My favorite feature would be iMessages and the notoification system. Thanks!

  • Anonymous

    My favorite would be iMessages and the new notification system. Thanks!

  • chopper

    specting for the activation and if again my favorite new feature is the new safari feature and the notification center. also the imessages. Zirbel23 stop comment more than 5 times in good sence. sorry for my bad english

  • Yuukirito

    notification center

  • Yuukirito

    my favourite feature is notification center

  • Otaku_deii

    my facourite feature is imessage

  • chopper

    my favorites are imessages, notification center, newstand and icloud. THANKS

  • Evan Conlon

    Hey I just wanted to ask if I did anything wrong. I don’t mean to bug ya and I’m sure you’re busy but I was one of the first and I just wanted to check up. Thank you very much lota man

    • Evan Conlon

      Under username iOS5herewecome

    • Lota Man

      We’ve had an overwhelming response to our service. Kindly be patient as emails are being dispatched daily.

      • Evan Conlon

        Ok. Will do. Thanks!

  • Jdbeyer16

    My favorite iOS 5 Feature is definitely the wifisync and software updates from the ipod. Also the notification center is just sexy ^^!!

  • Joshua Beyer

    My favorite iOS 5 Feature is definitely the wifisync and software updates from the ipod. Also the notification center is just sexy ^^!!

  • chopper

    Ee someone can respond me please do I have to wait exacly 24 hours or more time to receive the activation message? Thanks

  • Goodweather

    iMessage and notification center!

  • WGray

    Absolutely the new messenger

  • T.C. Covert

    I would say the face that you can remove a song/ video from videos/ipad app from the IOS device its self is AWESOME and a long awaited update.

  • Joshua Jacoby

    My favorite iOS 5 feature which I’m not sure is real because I saw it on Wikipedia, but I love that you can use your iDevice while syncing!

  • Huston Smith

    iCloud and the Notification Center are what’s really intriguing me

  • chopper

    Imessage ,notification center and icloud. Thanks

  • M25121997

    i Like the new Notification system, and the WiFi Sync, and iMessages.

  • Majd Alfhaily

    i Like imessages and Wifi Sync, And notification center

  • Kevin Jang

    Notification center replaces my old jailbreak app

  • Devan Singh

    Definitely the Notifications!

  • chopper

    Waiting for the activation mail. Thanks

  • Tfryer

    Received my activation from and updated to iOS 5 on my iPhone 4. Works perfect!

    • Lota Man


    • chopper

      Congratulations man

    • Anonymous

      lucky how is iOS5?

  • Brad Molen

    I love the idea of having custom vibrations set so you can tell who’s calling or texting you. Also, different notification tones finally for email and voicemail!

  • A_mak

    it has to be imessage and the notification system! wireless sync will be very nice as well

  • Emmanuel Hernandez

    My favorite new feature is the wifi sync because its so much easier to put new things on my iPad!

  • Emmanuel Hernandez

    Why isn’t there a choice for iPad 1 for device type on the form?

  • Anonymous

    My favorite thing is iMessages, the Notfication Center, WiFi sync and iTunes Match ;D
    ..Thanks alot

  • akbc

    Definitely the notification centre

  • Michael Brewster

    My Favourite Feature for IOS 5 would most likely be the notification centre finally non-disruptive notifications (yay) and also twitter integration awesome!

  • Cameron Beacham

    The pull down notification center is pretty sick

    • chopper

      Your face

  • Umair Zaman

    Received the UDID activation from iphonesim and upgraded to latest version works flawlessly , you guys are the gr8 thank you very much for providing such exclusive service to apple die hard fans you guys rock

    • chopper

      Hey how Many time did you wait for receive the active. Mail??

  • Allaboutdatruth

    ok so uhh…. i have AT&T…. the 4……16 GB…….not sure if i should download ios 5 GMS or CDMA? whats the difference?

    • chopper

      If you have at&t you have to download the gsm iOS but if you have Verizon wireless you have to download the CDMA . I wish that this helped.

      • Ray

        Been waiting 6 days for my activation:

    • Julian semerene

      cdma is for verison get gms

  • Andres Dandaras

    My favourite features is notifications and icloud which svaes all my data on server

  • ZackArts15

    ehh, favorite thing would have to be a tie between the new iMessages (I have an iPod Touch) and Notification Center. My MLS Matchday keeps interupting my watching YouTube….

  • ZackArts15

    Favorite thing would have to be a TIE between iMessages and Notification Center. They both seem to be GREAT additions for iOS, and iMessages is a HUGE breakthrough for iPod Touch users. And, even if I DON’T get the activation email, I’m still coming here for all of my iOS issues/troubleshooting!

  • Páris Bence

    notification bar

  • Ray

    Been waiting 6 days for my activation:
    iPad 1 UDID: 7619ab3465a77c189e888be303b81c324089d869

    • chopper

      I’m waiting for 3 days please register my udid

  • Ray

    Been waiting 6 days for my activation:
    iPad 1 UDID: 7619ab3465a77c189e888be303b81c324089d869

  • Whisky_wein

    in iOS5, I like the new Notifications Center, iCloud.

  • Azman Ismail

    i like new Notifications Center in iOS5, kudus to Peter Hajas & Apple.

  • Azman Ismail

    iOS version of BlackBerry Messenger, an iMessages, bye bye Whatsapp Messenger

  • Evan Schoffstall

    My favorite iOS feature is the non-screen blocking notifications.

  • Evoandroidevo

    my favorite iOS feature is the imesages love it

    • Evoandroidevo

      ok yall know that u can press ctrl+c to copy the udid when its showing in itunes it makes it easier

      • chopper

        you can´t i tried it but it didn´t work

        • Evoandroidevo

          it works for me so idk

        • Bob Stein

          No, u do edit and copy in iTunes after u clicked serial number.

    • Evoandroidevo

      waits excitedly for the email

    • Evoandroidevo

      i have a question are yall still doing this

  • bjerke89

    notification center by far the handy!

  • Julian semerene

    Hey Lota Man I have been waiting 6 days yet no cigar.. any reason… Sorry to bother you…

  • Imisaiahjm

    Thanks so much! Im really liking the reader in Safari and the new split keyboard.

  • Bob stein

    YES FINALLY, I’m counting on u guys- I beg u to do it by the end of this week.
    Apart from using my phone to actually call (I did it w/o activation, calling doesn’t work), I’m very excited about ICLOUD AND CUSTOM VIBRATION TONES!!

  • Bob Stein

    Plz I need this for a meeting on friday!! Or else I need to buy a new phone!!! Mine doesn’t call!

    • Evoandroidevo

      hmmmm looks like a you need to restore or b you need to restore

      for it look like it takes longer than 6 days for alot of people to get this

      • Bob stein

        Nah I can’t - I’m just using my friends old phone till I get this activated. Hope they do it soon.

    • Thezboy

      Seriously? U deserve it more than anyone else here. All these people here are just excited teenagers. They don’t have a job. They don’t have responsibility. If I was doing the activation, I would give it to you.

      • chopper

        Hey watch your mouth boy and I’m not a teenager and mainus an adult.

    • Thezboy

      Seriously? U deserve it more than anyone else here. All these people here are just excited teenagers. They don’t have a job. They don’t have responsibility. If I was doing the activation, I would give it to you.

    • chopper

      Man you can restore but if you had a jailbreak on iOS 4.3 and you saved your shsh you can succeed in downgrading to iOS 4

      • Evoandroidevo

        u didnt have to be jailbroken i went to ios 5 on my ipod and then downgraded to 4.3.3 in an hour

  • Jacob smith

    Oh wow, I feel bad for you.. Hope they activate it for you. good luck.

  • Trevor Reynolds

    Well lets give this a shot…. lol iCloud seems cool!!! Wi-Fi sync will be outstanding!!!! The new notification center seems cool… The whole look and feel of the new iOS looks awesome!!!!!!!

  • chopper

    Dammit I confused mail sorry but my name is the same

  • chopper

    Done now this mail have a Facebook account

  • ameenthemachine

    notification center for sure…and the new messaging thing

  • Ben ‘Violet’ Green

    iMessage, definitely.

  • Ben ‘Violet’ Green

    iMessage, definitely.

  • Cole Veroba

    iOS Feature , Twitter Integration * I love it *

  • Cole Veroba

    Just need to wait and see (: couldent get passed the UDID so ..

  • Alberto DL

    The notification centre is by far the most important news!!!!It’s fantastic!

  • Shako90

    my favorite is the keyboard!

  • Plunkett Devlin

    iMessages is the best feature

  • John Real

    the camera lock screen shortcut is the best

  • Xonny

    notification center and the new multitask gestures


    i like imessage…

  • Michael

    My favourite iOS 5 feature is iMessage service. That is going to be great for me!

  • Azeen Swe

    My favourite features is notifications and iMesseges

  • MoneyMoney MyMoney

    My favorite feature is the Notifications center. It looks so good.

  • Brock Appleby

    my favourite ios5 feature is being able to take photos from the lock screen with the volume button

  • Ahmedeg2

    i love ios i messenging

  • Adam Keegan

    My favorite feature is the Notifications center.

  • NWPR

    WiFi Sync is my favorite Feature

  • UNHAPPY Camper

    I seriously thought this was a legit service. Silly Me. Been waiting 8 DAYS for activation and I was about the 4th person to apply for activation. God knows if the people here that say they have been activated are the exact people that are running this site so they can look good. This is not right. They got hundres of “LIKES” on their facebook page and it was all for publicity.

  • Dell7722

    my favorite feature of ios5 would have to be the notification center. very cool

  • Andy

    icloud is awesome

  • Abbas7886

    my favorite ios 5 feature is imessages its the best of best

  • Vanasak

    iOS 5 keyboad

  • mcpossity

    My favorite feature is iclous with the sync of my data to all my devices. Thats a nice feature!

  • RobBerry23

    My Favourite Feature Is iMessage =D

  • Giuliano

    my favorite iOS 5 feature is iMessages and iCloud

  • Marlon

    I waited for 13 days now no activation mail yet and i don’t think it will ever come still on ios 4.3.3

  • Sandskeefer


  • Sandskeefer


  • JhonLightning

    my favorite would be the new notification center, it makes things much easier to manage your messages and all the other goodies

  • Nick Deperto

    my favorite feature of iOS5 is the updated Notifications system and the button for the camera shutter. I’ve always liked iphone more than android due to its more responsive screen, crisper screen, no viruses, and extremely easy to use. This new iOS, however, I believe will convert the android fanboys, finally.

  • Mike Alves

    Notification Center is definitely the best feature. The push notification system is too clunky with modal updates that take over your screen constantly

  • Josh Gomez

    the reminder app looks sweet





  • Anonymous

    notifications center and iMessage!!

  • MikesiPodHelp101

    My favorite iOS 5 feature is the ability to take pictures with the volume up button now. I think that’s going to make it much easier for people and it’s been a long awaited feature. Thanks for holding this contest! Good luck to all!

  • proz solomanz

    thank for the awesome thing !!!!i love it!!!
    cool !!!!

  • Johnnypanos johnny panos

    Icloud and notification center

  • Ieverything98

    My favourite feature is that we can activate the device without using a conputer !
    Email ID:

  • Ieverything98

    The activation without a computer and iCloud are my favorite features !

  • paul young

    most people seem to like the notifications best, i just like the new safari. so much more responsive! but having to go back to 4.3.3 after 20 minutes with 5, and i’m sold. it’s awesome!

  • Jamesjr0204


  • Jamesjr0204


  • Nam Hai Tran

    My favorite iOS 5 feature is the new Notification Center.

  • Tsagaraev Beckhan

    i’m crazy about the notification center and iCloud

  • Melvin

    Haven’t seen the IOS features yet…I wish i could

  • Melvin Engelhart

    Haven’t Seen Iphone 5 IOS features yet… I wish I could

  • NicK

    The best new features on ios5 is certainly iMessage

  • Nightghostcannis

    I like imessage the most, as the server is always down for whatsapp and sms is way too expensive

  • MikesiPodHelp101

    My favorite iOS 5 feature is the ability to take pictures with the volume up button now. I think that’s going to make it much easier for people and it’s been a long awaited feature. Thanks for holding this contest! Good luck to all!

  • Jeff

    Notification Center and the over 200 new updates that are supposed to come with IOS5

  • 201011cowens

    My favorite feature is reminders and notification center!

  • Christian

    My favorite feature is the notification center

  • Christian

    my favorite feature is the notification center

  • Daniel Chea

    I like iOS5 very much and I really need the activation code.

  • Ryan Broom

    Notification Center for sure! I can’t wait to get the beta

  • Fadi_saleh


  • Noorchasib

    i like everything it is just amazing but i like notification center

  • Aashir

    Notification Centre and tab browsing are my favourite features in iOS 5

  • Noah Kelley

    My favorite thing about iOS 5 is the upgraded notification center.

  • Aaron Teo

    iMessage is my Favourite!!!

  • Aaron Teo

    iMessage is my Favourite!!!

  • Dpatterson402

    My favorite feature would be the iMessage. Ive allways wanted a blackberry like messenger for my iPhone. Also the Android like notification bar.

  • Bruno Paciencia


  • Huang Eric

    The activation without a computer and iCloud are my favorite features !

  • congo597

    Non-intrisive notifications!!!

  • George

    I generally like iOS 5 but I love the non-intrusive notifications and iMessages.

  • JV

    non intrusive notifications!

  • Carlos Santamariña

    I really like the interface tweaks as far as the un-intrusive alerts go. Id like to actually use it to opine more.

  • Lukabenet

    I like the Notification Center most

  • Alain Najare

    Thanks in advance !!

  • Corey Barnard

    I love the new notification center and reminder app! WiFi Sync is gonna be awesome too!

  • Corey Barnard

    I love the new notification center and reminder app! WiFi Sync is gonna be awesome too!

  • Bj1105

    iLike the new notification tray.

  • Nick Landis


  • Kevin

    I love the new notification center.and this website btw

  • Kevin

    I love the new notification center.and this website btw

    • Lota Man

      Much appreciated!
      Sent from my BlackBerry® Smartphone provided by Ufone

  • n8vyc

    I love imessage and wireless sync!!

  • Tom Marly

    the computer-free activation is prob one of my favorites… the icloud concept is also pretty neat

  • Alexmatt

    My Fav. feature on iOS 5 is imessage, i can¡t wait to use it!!

  • Bill A.

    i like keyboard split fucntion in IOS5
    Bill A.

  • Bill A.

    i like keyboard split fucntion in IOS5
    Bill A.

  • Po Chuen Wong

    Notification Center is definitely the best feature. The push notification system is too clunky with modal updates that take over your screen constantly

  • Saud Malik

    My favorite iOS 5 Feature has to be the Wireless Sync, feels like Apple keeps stealing the ideas of the Jailbroken Apps.

  • Fautechtalk

    I immediately loved Notification Center but as a MobileMe subscriber, my favorite feature is definitely iCloud. Now I won’t have to pay for a feature that should have been free in the first place!

  • Michal Cural

    new notifications system

  • Sector_2001

    icloud Rules on 5

  • Tim

    My favorite feature about iOS 5 is the notification center. This is my favorite because it allows me to keep on what I am doing without having to stop.

  • Juanito925

    NotificTion center!

  • dennis tran

    Notification center ftw!

  • dennis tran

    Notification center ftw!

  • Stephen

    I like the new iMessage feature & integration with Notification Center. I feel like Notification Center will greatly simplify my life because I receive tons of push notifications to the point where it drives me insane!!

  • Stephen

    I like the new iMessage feature & integration with Notification Center. I feel like Notification Center will greatly simplify my life because I receive tons of push notifications to the point where it drives me insane!!

  • Nile Jones

    My favorite feature will definitely be the reminders. It will eliminate the need to write everything down and the fact that it will has integrated GPS, so it reminds you to buy the milk WHEN you get to the store.

  • Michael Korosec

    I am excited for the Notification Center, as well as the split keyboard on iPad.

  • Rms Wildman

    iMessage rocks!

  • MoneyMoney MyMoney

    Not to be rude or annoy you but I applied almost a week ago and haven’t gotten a confirmation email. Were you still activating UDIDs when I applied?

  • Pat

    I love the wireless syncing i hope i can get an activation!

  • Shadisharit

    Best feature ever is : Notification Center

  • Jackson Isted

    i love the new set up and the wifi sync features……….they will be sooooooo useful…

  • Elementlab

    Definitely love the notification system~

  • Elementlab

    Definitely love the notification system~

  • Yoon Lee

    Favorite Feature
    1. iCloud
    2. Wifi Update

  • Anonymous

    My favorite iOS 5 feature is most definitely Notification Center. The current system always gets in the way!

  • Yoon Lee

    Favourite Things About IOS 5
    1. The Wifi Update
    2. The New Notifications
    3. The New Startup Interface

  • Yoon Lee

    Favourite Things About IOS 5
    1. The Wifi Update
    2. The New Notifications
    3. The New Startup Interface

  • Josh Foster

    Are you still doing this? I was one of the first to follow all the steps and I haven’t had an email yet.

  • Oakyurt

    WiFi sync and Notification center will be wicked!

  • James Clause

    I love the Wi-Fi sync and new notification features of ios 5

  • Raddi

    My favorite iOS 5 Futures are the new Notification Center and the new Camera-Features like the +-Button to take a Picture.
    I’m really looking forward to the final version.

  • Προκόπης Βερδελής

    i like the notification center very much!

  • Nithin Kumar

    Love Wi-Fi sync n iMessage

  • Bram

    I love the over-the-air syncing… I think that will make life of so many people so much easier… Apple should have put that feature in ios a long time ago… Also the new notification system is on the things i like… It’s much better that the current system. Actually, i love ios 5 in total… Everything. Please register my UDID so i can get ios 5 my self.
    Thanks in advance (:

  • Musty_rox

    Notification Center is the best feature in ios5

  • Musty_rox

    Notification Center is the best feature in ios5

  • Peter

    iMessaging. Looks awesome!

  • Fred Chan

    My Favorite Feature of the iOS5 is the iMessage addition. This will enable me to contact my friends without the need of paying extra money (like through SMS/ text messages)!

  • Akevin8919

    My favorite feature is iMessages

  • Daniel Adams

    I can’t wait for the new notifications center

  • Daniel Adams

    I can’t wait for the new notifications center

  • SmadaLeinad

    I can’t wait for the new notifications center!

  • Joel Fitzsimmons

    Camera tap deffinately!

  • Joel ‘Georgie’ Fitzsimmons

    My favorite feature would be the notification center hands down!

  • Jonathan Borden

    my favorite new features are wireless setup/syncing and iMessage!

  • Daney

    I like how apple finally integrated hotmail onto their mail app because before I wouldn’t have been able to reach my other folders made in the hotmail account only the inbox folder which really made me mad. Also how when you double click the home button on the lockscreen you get two things that pop-up instead of one, first thing of course is the music controls, and second one is a copied idea from the jailbreak community, the access to the camera. Those are my favored features of the new iOS 5

  • Daney

    I like how apple finally integrated hotmail onto their mail app because before I wouldn’t have been able to reach my other folders made in the hotmail account only the inbox folder which really made me mad. Also how when you double click the home button on the lockscreen you get two things that pop-up instead of one, first thing of course is the music controls, and second one is a copied idea from the jailbreak community, the access to the camera. Those are my favored features of the new iOS 5

  • Daney

    I like how apple finally integrated hotmail onto their mail app because before I wouldn’t have been able to reach my other folders made in the hotmail account only the inbox folder which really made me mad. Also how when you double click the home button on the lockscreen you get two things that pop-up instead of one, first thing of course is the music controls, and second one is a copied idea from the jailbreak community, the access to the camera. Those are my favored features of the new iOS 5

  • Daney

    I like how apple finally integrated hotmail onto their mail app because before I wouldn’t have been able to reach my other folders made in the hotmail account only the inbox folder which really made me mad. Also how when you double click the home button on the lockscreen you get two things that pop-up instead of one, first thing of course is the music controls, and second one is a copied idea from the jailbreak community, the access to the camera. Those are my favored features of the new iOS 5

  • Ahmadsappleemail

    I would really love to see the new notification center on my device and I just can’t wait like another two months for that:((( Although other features are also insanely tempting for an apple fan….

  • Biikman

    I like the wireless syncing the best.

  • daria amiri

    my most favorite feature of the new ios system is the notifications! very cool! i just hate how i am havig so much problems with the phone. :/ i have itunes 10.5 beta 2. on my iphone i have ios 5 beta 1. i want to download ios 5 beta 1 so i can sync my itunes because its not letting me sync help pleaseeeeeeeeeeee.

    • Lota Man

      Remove iTunes 10.5 beta 2 completely from your computer and download iTunes 10.5 beta 1 once again.
      Sent from my BlackBerry® Smartphone provided by Ufone

  • Penrod024

    I like the new notifications! Now I won’t have to fine every app in all my folders!

  • Colin Gelinas

    How about the to-do list? mmmmmmmmmmmmm

  • Steven Cacner

    syncing without a cord to itunes

  • Reed

    I like the new message indicators that are less intrusive. Also, iMessage! Yay! Finally!

  • Justin Bieba

    I love the iMessenger it looks soo cool!

  • David Van Loon

    My favorite iOS 5 features are the revamped notification system and WiFi sync.

  • Justin Bieba

    I love the iMessenger it looks soo cool!

  • Michael Schade

    Hands down: iMessage. Excited to be able to use that to communicate with members of my family who have iOS devices like the iPad but not text messaging.

  • Jason Alexander Mullins

    i love the camera lock and the icloud syncing!!!!

  • Claudiodavid86

    mi caracteristica favorita es el centro de notificaciones y icloud
    saludos desde Argentina

  • Angus Wong

    I like notification!

  • Supercowrider

    Notification Center is definitely the best feature.

  • Daniel Dunphy

    WiFi Sync is the best feature to me

  • Jtamez

    Looking forward to the new todo list features


  • Christoffer Handkerchief Julin

    OTA update!

  • EsDotLivi


  • Jeremy Bejanin

    The new notification center!

  • Robert Jae

    the iCloud would be my favorite additon.

  • Peter Cao

    I really like the gamecenter update, the iOS 5 notifications, the iCloud feature, and the integrated Twitter application.

  • Peter Cao

    I really like the gamecenter update, the iOS 5 notifications, the iCloud feature, and the integrated Twitter application.

  • Fernando Soto Donoso

    I think iCloud and the notification system are the best iOS 5 features

  • Tim Richter

    In my opinion the OTA Updates are the best Feature in iOS 5!

  • Joe Bozzo

    definitely notifications, so much easier and simple then opening idividual apps

  • Joe Bozzo

    definitely notifications, so much easier and simple then opening idividual apps

  • Trey D

    i love the wireless sync

  • MMM

    Notification Center

  • Melvin Montecillo

    Notification Center

  • Morris Montecillo


  • kees lam

    i like the new imessage a lot couse its free

  • Takura Changwa

    i am getting cold sweats waing for ios5 release, please acttivate my udid

  • Vtecths

    The Notifications and iMessage for sure are 2 of the best features in my opinion.

  • Troy Hagan

    I LOVE the iMessage center.

  • Mike R Thomas

    My favorite iOS5 feature is notification center

  • Daniel Muñoz

    I love wireless syncing and PC-Free!!

  • Brandon Mai


  • Jonathan Reyna Contreras

    my favorite feature is icloud

  • Anonymous

    My favorite feature will be Wireless syncing and the new notifications system. Is this still going on?

  • Angel Santoyo

    Hope there’s still opportunity, Notification Center is one of the best new features!

  • Walt Patel

    Favourite iOS feature is wireless syncing. Message centre and OTA updates are also cool features.

  • Prabal Saha

    I entered my details and didn’t get the udid activated yet. Still Waiting…

  • Jacob Allen

    my favorite feature is that you are doing this for free

  • Scottw721

    I love iMessage!

  • David Pendergrass

    id have to say that the notification center is my favorite new thing!

  • Shupp94


  • Danish Urooj

    I have jailbreak my iphone 3gs before so will I be able to upgrade to new iOS 5 beta version as I have already registered my UDID with you. Kindly reply thank you.

    • Lota Man

      Sent from my BlackBerry® Smartphone provided by Ufone

  • Eirik Luka

    My favourite iOS 5 feature is notification center

  • Haid Avila

    I’m looking forward to use imessages!

  • Allen Thomas Sokol

    My favorite feature is the new notifications that are available…makes me even happier I got rid of my Android phone!!

  • Artazart

    Loving the new notifications in iOS 5!

  • Shaun Day

    The best feature is the notification centre, tells the user everything from emails to texts, brilliant update.

  • Info


  • Vinod

    I love all the features of the new iOS5 but the that I eagerly wait for is the custom vibrate mode

  • Chris Andrist

    I am most excited about wireless sync.

  • Vinod

    Hey will I be able to still make and receive calls after I upgrade?

    • Lota Man

      Yes. If you’re on a factory unlocked iPhone.
      Sent from my BlackBerry® Smartphone provided by Ufone

      • Vinod

        Thanks buddy.. I’m so very eager now.. just can’t wait for the reg to complete

  • Danielius Radvilavicius

    my favorite features are icloud and notifications.

  • puay

    I love all about ios5 yeah! )

  • gues

    i love how you can download updates to the firmware without having to look for a usb cable

  • Roei1989

    my favorite is: Notification System!

  • Luk Wilson

    the notification center and the volume up for taking pictures are my favorite iOS 5 feature.

  • Debi Stephens-Nichols

    I love the wifi sync in ios5. Its wonderful

  • Mag-it

    i really like gestures & more. is this service still workin?

    • Lota Man

      Sent from my BlackBerry® Smartphone provided by Ufone

  • Spartan1509

    I think the best feature for IOS 5 is i Message. Very, very handy.

  • Marco Ares

    The iMessage

  • Mcorbo

    My favorite feature is the Wireless activation and upgrades. I support several hundred ipad devices on a Corporate network for a remote Sales team and this will make life MUCH easier! I’d love to be able to try out IOS 5 Beta 2. Please contact me at mcorbo at lifecell dot com

  • Leslieboy

    I like the new lockscreen. Sort of a copy of SBSettings. Faster camera should be better as well.

  • Sherdil

    the lock screen notifications, lot easier and cooooooooool

  • Qing

    You guys ROCK!

    My favorite iOS feature is notifications!

  • Supercowrider

    PC free is my fav

  • Chaitanya

    My Favorite Feature is wifi Sync

  • Carolyn Olsen

    Notification center! I jailbreak my iPhone so I can get something like this, and would love to get it without the pain of rejailbreaking every time I update firmware.

  • Nahum Getachew

    my favorite feature is photo stream! PC Free is really cool too.

  • Derek419

    Cloud is my favorite feature on ios 5!

  • Chris

    I dont mean to bother you guys, i’m sure you’re working hard, but is there any way of knowing how many more spots are available?

  • Dereksmail00

    Cloud is my favorite feature on ios 5!!!!!!!!

  • Derek

    Cloud is my favorite feature on ios 5!!!!*

  • Felipe Cabral

    I like the new method of notification and the iCloud….

  • chopper

    Oo come on i Have 11 days waiting for the confirmation email, what’s going on?

  • chopper

    Oo come on i Have 11 days waiting for the confirmation email, what’s going on?

  • Fshanks

    i love the new the new ‘lockinfo’ like

  • Jiehao Khor

    i absolutely love the notifications center

  • Alexandru Manea

    My favorite iOS 5 Feature is Notification Center.

  • Joe

    imessage !!!

  • Craven buitendach

    Definitley like the new notification Center!
    Come on iOS5

  • Chris Yip

    This’s the most AWESOME feature!

    • Chris Yip

      Still waiting for the mail…
      So long.

    • Chris Yip

      Asked a friend to help me, so ignore my request, plz…

  • Florian Schneider

    My favourite feature is the integrated iMessage.

  • Jonathan Anderson

    I really like the new notification center.

  • Adam

    I like the Wireless Sync feature the most,! thats my favorite feature about ios5.Now i better get a free UDID kit.

  • Thomas G. Heflin

    My favorite features in iOS 5 are PC Free and iCloud.

  • Yanksbaseballguy

    Favorite iOS 5 feature has to be Notification Center for me. Instead of having those annoying messages pop up right in face, iOS 5 keeps your notifications out of the way

  • Robin

    Notification Center!

  • Jonathan Peter Campbell

    I like the notification center and imessages

  • Ross

    I like the iMessage although it is buggy right now…

  • Jon

    i like the camera features -> the button on lock screen and using hard buttons to snap pics

  • Setrag Kechichian

    I like the new notification feature! you do not need to quit what you are doing in order to respond to a message which should have been thought of since day 1 by apple.

  • Nathan Andrew Nichols

    Hahaha, I’m not sure what the best feature is, or is going to be… Obviously i’m posting here to get my UDID updated

  • Nathan Andrew Nichols

    Hahaha, I’m not sure what the best feature is, or is going to be… Obviously i’m posting here to get my UDID updated

  • Squirrelboy5758

    wi fi syncing and imessage

  • Justin Lybrand

    Favorite Feature: Notification Center

  • Stephen Diplan

    i love how twitter is now implemented on ios 5 and you can take a picture and post it directly to twitter AWSOMEEE

  • Stephen Diplan

    i love how twitter is now implemented on ios 5 and you can take a picture and post it directly to twitter AWSOMEEE

  • rd

    5 days and still waiting for my email. As a business, if you are promising a service or product, you should make good on that promise. This doesn’t instill confidence to continue supporting your company.

  • Ferrarithebest0

    Notification Center is the best and wifi sync

  • Vinoth Subramanian

    I love the new notification center and the delievery report feature just i heard as it is on ios 5.. I am looking for it eagerly for so many days..

  • N8rboy1

    really like the notificatoin features…wow..

  • Giorgos Chouz

    Hi , I did the steps about 2 days ago and I haven’t received any mail from you , is there a problem with my mail , fb account or Udid ?

  • Giorgos Chouz

    That’s strange . Where did my comment go ? -.-

  • Pranavkodali

    camera on lockscreen

  • Mlehrbau

    wifi sync

  • vietdt

    notification center!!! alot more useful

  • Eduardo Alejandro Solis Ibacac

    My Favorite Feature definitely is wifi Sync

  • Max Stoller

    my favorite ios 5 feature is the notification center!

  • Talonted91tsi

    I would really like to have my UDID activated by you guys I really want ios 5.2…

  • Jetoine Mathurin

    i love iMessage and notification center

  • fahdoc

    iCloud and iMessage

  • Lauren

    Love the notifications!

  • Demetrius Radford

    my favorite feature on ios 5 is wifi sync. thanks iphoneism for keeping me updated

  • chopper

    hey guys i have been waiting for 2 weeks what´s the matter?

  • Rick Pryde

    Great new features. Plus is the wireless sync.

  • Kirn Douglas

    the new notification system has to be my favorite

  • Siddharth

    definitely best feature is the new notifications centre!

  • Firaaz Iqbal

    My favourite feature is the Notification center.

  • Almarazeeq 92

    notification center

  • Andy Maraloi

    i love the notification center

  • Jjdavis699

    my favorite feature is notification center

  • Joe

    My favorite feature is the new notification center and the ability to have and add widgets to it

  • Mr Man

    My favorite feature is iCloud integration.

  • Jstersh

    most definitely the over-the-air software updates. apple needed to implement this a lot sooner!

  • Ender Wiggin

    iCloud, wifi Sync

  • Talonted91tsi

    Guys dont even waste your time. I dont think theyre activating udids anymore. It would be nice to get some sort of update.

    • Lota Man

      Activations are being rolled out.
      Sent from my BlackBerry® Smartphone provided by Ufone

      • Talonted91tsi

        That’s good to hear! Thanks for the update, I’m sure there’s some who are really anxious to know if their UDIDs are getting activated or some sort of an update. Will you be sending out emails per UDID still to confirm UDIDs have been activated. Thank you very much for posting progress.

        • chopper

          that´s what you say but i have been waiting for 2 weeks i think that this is a fake.

      • Talonted91tsi

        That’s good to hear! Thanks for the update, I’m sure there’s some who are really anxious to know if their UDIDs are getting activated or some sort of an update. Will you be sending out emails per UDID still to confirm UDIDs have been activated. Thank you very much for posting progress.

      • fahdoc

        You guys mentioned in the post that after submitting the form we would have to wait 24 hours for the activation, but it’s been 6 days since I filled and submitted the form and I haven’t received anything yet. Are you guys still activating? I’m asking because this status was given 4 days ago. Thanks

  • Rodney Hubbard

    I can’t wait to the OTA updates!

  • Rodney Hubbard

    I can’t wait to the OTA updates!

  • Rafael Santos

    I love the new notification.

  • Agerberi

    Fav feature is obviously the 3D google maps! woot!

  • Jacob

    My favorite feature is wifi sync

  • G99

    Love iCloud (so I can stop paying for mobileMe)

  • G99

    Love iCloud (so I can stop paying for mobileMe)

  • Gretzky

    Favorite: iCloud (no more money dumped into mobileMe)

  • Jille19

    My favourite is iOS 5 feature is wifi sync

  • Marc

    Wifi Sync

  • Razvan

    I love the new Notifications Center

  • Zarcu123

    I think the camera option is pretty amazing. The one in the lock screen.

  • Lwiding Vasquez

    I love the iMessage feature! No longer will my friends with BlackBerrys bother me with BBM.

  • Michael

    Hey…there are too many features that could be my favorite so i’ll name a few iCloud, Notifacation Center, OTA Updates, being able to use my device while syncing…i love them all and many more

  • Colin

    my favorite thing about ios 5 is the notification center and wifi syncing

  • Josh

    Wifi sync is definitely the mist useful feature if iOS 5. Not having to connect to a computer makes everything so much easier.

  • Rodho

    the best feature would be the way that notifications are viewable on your locked home screen!

  • Anonymous

    the best feature is the wireless syncing for suuuuureeeeeee!!!

  • Anonymous

    the best feature is the wireless syncing for suuuuureeeeeee!!!

  • Nealczsh

    My favorite iOS5 feature is the wifi-sync for sure.

  • Derek

    notification center is my favorite feature

  • Vincent

    Hey Lota Man..

    Thanks for offering us such a good service.. submitted the form today and looking forward to ur reply..

    Thanks so much..

  • dustin

    my favorite feature is wifi sync and imessage. and btw r you still doing this?

  • dustin

    my favorite feature is wifi sync and imessage. and btw r you still doing this?

  • Anonymous

    Well ill try this one last time. Notification center for me!

  • Binhsupper

    Rat thich tinh nang dong bo du lieu tren ios5. Nho bai veit nay ma duoc hieu them nhieu ve cac ung dung cua apple. Thanks

  • Donny

    My Favorite feature is the Wifi Sync. its a creat way to not connected your Iphone or Ipad anymore!! IOS5 Rulez!!!

  • Donny

    My Favorite Feature is wifi Sync

  • Pete

    Custom sounds for SMS messages!

  • Ethan Vanderkooi

    I love the wifi sync now I don’t have to plug it in the computer!

  • Talonted91tsi

    I really like the notification center!

  • Brian Short

    I can’t wait for the Notification app. That will be great

  • Timzy Badeau

    i love the way the Notifications will be on the ios 5 as i am sick of the notifacation taking up the hole screen

  • Giles

    Notification improvements!

  • Penpenhamtaro

    imessage is awesome, so is icloud

  • Aharonhillel

    I love the location notifier when leaving someplace to do something. I aslo enjoy the ability of the new notification system.

  • Aharonhillel

    I love the location notifier when leaving someplace to do something. I aslo enjoy the ability of the new notification system.

  • Tyme

    Looking forward to wireless sync!

  • Ryan Lybeck

    The notification changes will be great!

  • Ddumond13

    my favorite feature is wifi syn

  • Rohit Singh

    WIFI Sync would be my favorite feature without a doubt

  • mikeybra20

    I like how that apple is releasing icloud, going to be the best feature for apple, Michael Nardi

  • Bobby Stenger

    i absolutely love the wireless sync that ios 5 is supposed to support, as well as never needing to connect to a computer!

  • Colin Cusack

    my favorite iOS5 feature is notification center

  • Ctyoungb

    Wifi sync is my favorite for ios5!

  • Skeeterbarton

    the notification bar is the best feature

  • LanderOS

    I like EVERYTHING in iOS 5! Some things pop out, such as the wifi-sync and iMessage. A few friends told me they got their hands on a iPhone with iOS 5 and they paid for their UDID (not just €8, $11, £6 but way to much!), but I don’t want to pay for this. I hope I receive your holy mail, that would make my day. :p

  • heezy

    notification bar for sure. ios needs to quit interrupting my angry birds games

  • Anonymous

    The notification bar is the best IOS5 feature by far

  • fuck u

    u guys r fucking assholes we all have done what we were told to but none have had our udids activated so when u cnt stand by ur fucking promise don let it out ur fucking mouths u bastards. u can go fuck urselves now

    • Talonted91tsi

      Just unlike their page on facebook…

  • Ranel Abanto

    iMessage rocks!!! Now iPods have more uses for me!!

  • Jonathanlw

    My fav ios5 feature is the Notification! It’s amazing and I don’t have to jailbreak for that!

    •çois-Moutte/1160305692 François Moutte

      Notification and Messages ! Cool !

  • Jonathan Lw

    My fav ios5 feature is the Notification! It’s amazing and I don’t have to jailbreak for that!

  • Guy

    The notifaction center is my fav

  • Dannytrack

    Love opening tabs in background…

  • Blake Wyatt

    I agree with the person below the notification bar is probably the best because you would use it the most. But out of everything and what would be most useful would probably be a tie between the wireless setup the wireless itunes sync and the wireless updating.

  • lowbri

    I love the notification center and the fact that the notifications don’t just pop up in the middle of the screen. Thanks for your time with the activation!

  • Nil Liu

    the notification centre is my most wanted func. thx!

  • Kyle Joyce

    my favorite feature of ios 5 is the new notification system

  • Noahfoster6

    my favorite feature is iMessage

  • Vic Po

    the notification bar is the biggest improvement

  • Joonshik78

    ilike the reminder… its so useful

  • Gigabutt

    The camera feature is awesome!

  • Raffli16

    new notification system is probably the best new feature

  • Taylor Michel

    My favorite is definitely the notification bar!! Despite the fact that it looks similar to android, it is way superior in its usability and sheer awesomeness!!

  • iman shahmri

    the new notification system looks like the most interesting feature

  • Dgreggo

    There are many great features, but being an avid texter, I’m looking forward to the ability to text from the ipad2 via imessage.

  • José Ignacio Esparza

    The notification bar is one of the most awesome features that apple could give to iOS

  • Jabby81

    I can change the calendar alert sound!!! That was by far the worst thing about my iphone - I couldn’t hear it!

  • Jlsh09

    I love the new iMessages app.

  • Jlsh09

    I love the new iMessages app.

  • Tbrown89

    Notification centre is the best new feature

  • Tyler Simpson

    My favorite feature is the new notification system.

  • Riteshgehi

    icloud n notification centre

  • Jake Hodgson

    Syncing with out Cords

  • Jake Hodgson

    Syncing with out the cored
    and i put my name as Jake Hodgson on the form
    -Sorry for the repost

  • max stoller

    how do i know if i have been activated yet?

  • Tobias Neumann

    i like the new notifications most..

  • Fernando P

    The notification bar is the best feature

  • Dominic Richardson

    Notification bar

  • Kalub92

    I love the OTA updates!

  • Tyler Sheppeard

    Most definately the new notification system and iMessenger will save money for those with friends that have iphones

  • Sacopotatoe

    the new quick camera access from the lock screen is really nice

  • Marcus Borchert

    I like the wireless sync feature on iOS 5

  • Mike Newham

    Personally, I like the location reminders on iOS 5 as the ipad i just got has GPS built in… Cheers, Mike N.

  • Udaragunawardena

    The new notifications are the best feature

    •çois-Moutte/1160305692 François Moutte

      Notification for Twitter !

  • Martin

    Notification center is the best new feature!

  • Erik Birkholz

    the best feature by far is the new notification system. that is enough to finally pull me from android!

  • Leovan Fla Minggo

    i like ios 5 for notification center n imessage,really good features

  • Sjb

    Notification bar is fantastic

  • Christopher Gould

    Looking forward to wifi sync

  • James

    I’m excited to try wireless sync.

  • Hardened

    My favourite notification feature is Shortcuts! This was something unique ONLY to BlackBerry and now is available for iOS5 - very VERY happy. PS I’m Canadian.

    • Hardened

      Submitted the form. Would like to thank this team well in advance for such help, guide and the tools to get this happening!

  • Connor

    My favourite part of ios 5 is the pc free. It makes it much easier to sync.

  • gtournie

    I like imessage

  • Gareth

    iCloud FOR SURE!!! I have many ios devices and this will be extremely useful…

  • Ryanstewart456

    ,my favorite feature is the lockscreen - its taken them sooooo long to take the hint lol

  • stewartie4

    wifi sync is a really good feature - i’m sick of being tethered to my PC!

  • Ada

    Reminders are definitely the most useful feature.

  • Anonymous

    The Wi-Fi Sync is my favorite feature

  • Larry DeLaney Jr “JR”

    Split keyboard. Awesome.

  • Ivan

    notifications and split keyboard

  • placid

    imesages is veeeery cool

  • Wwthorner

    I am looking at using OS5-2 the wireless connection as I am a classroom teacher so I woud like to try the beta and would need to activite it.

  • Jacob Lecuyer

    Sync with iTunes over Wifi is a wonderful idea from Apple!

  • Kushagra Sharma

    My favorite feature is the new notification bar

  • Jrgabrieljr

    I Really Love The Wireless Sync Ability. Its Awsome

    -Gabriel Jones
    Twitter : @Gabriel_Sweat
    YouTube : Gabrielondeck

  • Cale

    Love iCloud cant wait to try the web UI out

  • Jonathan Martin

    I really like the new notification screen

  • Anonymous

    Notification shade is my most coveted feature!

  • Adam

    The notifications are the best. I hope the pop ups die a painful death!

  • Blake

    My favorite feature by far is the Notification Center. I hope that by the GM version, something like SBSettings and more 3rd party widget API’s are implemented.
    I’ve really wanted to start developing for iOS 5, but don’t have the $99 to dish out.

    Thanks for the chance at a UDID registration, regardless of whether I get it or another deserving tester.

  • Baris Kilic

    The best feature is the notification center.
    It’s great that we finaly get widgets !
    I jizzed in my pants !

  • Anna

    the best is the imessage!!

  • Osman Syed

    Its definitely a tie between iMessage and the new Notification system center !

  • Nor Akmar Ahmad

    Love the notification, love iMessage and now I’m really looking forward for the new gesture function!!!

  • Alex

    the new notification center is definitely the best feature

  • Wes Burton

    favorite iOS feature is the imesages

  • Kazumanj3

    LIKE the custom tones for message

  • Kazumanj3

    LIKE the custom tones for message

  • Steven Cacner

    I like the Notification Center the best, but, I think, that the coolest thing about iOS 5 is how you can still use your iphone, ipod touch, etc, as it syncs to the computer.

  • Erik Holtan

    Notifications is by far my favorite feature. It may be better, although very similar to, the android notification system.

  • Tyner Holmes

    i most definitely like the new notification center as well as having all the great new airplay and tv mirroring abilities.

  • Tyner Holmes

    Oh and ready for beta 3!!!

  • Benjamin Foreman

    My favorite feature of the new IOS is by far WIFI sync.

  • Benjamin Foreman

    My favorite feature of the new IOS is by far WIFI sync.

  • Saadj55

    Wireless sync is a great feature

  • Glynn

    My favorite feature in the new update would be Notification Center.

  • drewwy

    Am I activated yet? its been 13 days

  • Playinggod94

    integrated twitter is the best feature

  • Playinggod94

    integrated twitter is the best feature

  • Richard Polet

    must be the sort of intelliscreen and offcourse the iCloud….

  • Ryanvw

    the new gestures are the best feature in ios 5 beta 3 en the notification bar also the best feature please activate mine for ios 5

  • Anonymous

    The best feature in my mind is the Notification Center

  • Jay


  • tareeqs

    the notification bar is awesome

  • tareeqs

    the notification bar is awesome

  • Logan Mikel Lang

    I think being PC Free will be one of the best new features. With that I will finally be able to convert some friends and family to the glory of the iPhone. And with iOS 5 at my fingertips I might be able to convert them even faster…

  • Thil3000

    I really like Notification Center and reminders, i will probably not jailbreak my iPod Touch again with those features

  • Tim Arnell

    I’ve gotta say that the wi-fi sync sounds pretty cool. It’s about time they cut the wires xD

  • JomBe

    I really like the idea iCloud! It could be very useful

  • Lombado!

    I’m a sucker for innovative ideas, so the iMessages is definitely my favorite newest feature/service available. Between that and the notification changes, I can’t wait for an official release I can make calls with

  • Geoffrey Morris

    Notification center was a much needed feature, love that. And the ability to use custom tones for messages, no more confusing others’ tri-tone alert for my own!

  • Jack Burke

    The notification center!

  • Tony Tien

    I love Notification Center. Notifications on the iPhone used to be so intrusive.

  • Lander Kemp

    I like iMessage! I just LOVE it! ;D

  • Tor

    Sync over wifi is the reason why I got an iPad

  • Joonshik78

    i like the notification center… sorry i sent the wrong udid several times i couldn’t find the right one… the last one is the right one

  • Jay

    Activation without a computer and iCloud are dope!

  • Stephen Hagans

    Notification Center….

  • Akmaahi

    i love the notification center stuff!

  • Juanchotacorta123

    i love the notification center it is pretty cool and i love the imessage to this r awesome ideas

  • kamboozal

    Notification Center

  • Mbaur

    Notification Center and the PC Freeness.

  • Matteo Saccomanni

    My favourite feature is Notification Centre

  • Matteo Saccomanni

    My favourite feature is Notification Centre

  • Rex Joseph

    I love the iMessage feature as well as the wireless syncing

  • prince

    My favorite feature would have to be Notification Center! Finally, arguably iOS’s weakest point is upgraded and taken far and beyond what was expected!

  • Ayush Mishra

    I like all the features of iOS 5 especially imessage and notification center.

  • Trent Karr

    Over the air sync and just the whole iCloud is a pretty neat idea. No more having to worry about whats on my portable drive to sync up.

  • Faraz Taheri

    My favorite features are iMessages and new notification center. iCloud and PC Free are cool too.

  • Waleed

    My favorite new feature is either the Notification Center or iMessage, I still can’t choose one between the two

  • Trev Sweetnam

    Notifications! No more stupid Popups!

  • bryan gonzalez

    i like the notification center, much better then the old one

  • Jonathan Kaleve

    I like the new iMessage app because I ever missed Messages on my iPod. If you want to send a message to a friends iPhone, iPod or iPad and your mail account is not supported, you can now send him a (much cooler) Message with the iMessage app!

  • Corentin.L

    Like notification center.

  • Tyty13

    I think in iOS 5 I’m most excited for the Twitter integration, and fOr theNotification Center. Im constantly on Twitter and it’s frustrating to switch all the way to twitter go fin the photo I want to tweet and then post. I want to just post right away. And notification center, I hate not seeing my notifications when I need to! Instead I have to go the all the apps individually and find out some aren’t even important.

  • Prabal

    My favorite feature is the notification center. And with notification widgets from Cydia, I can drop SBSettings, and Activator. I may even be able to not have to get Mobile Substrate.

  • Simon Karoly

    Notification Center and Wireless Sync

  • Carlos Rojo

    Notification Center and iMessage are the hottest features on the iOS 5

  • Carl Slaughter

    Wireless syncing! And the new Camera features are what I like best for my iPhone and iPad 2!

  • Carl Slaughter

    I love the new wireless syncing, and the new camera functions and of course iCloud which I just installed on my Mac, howling to get activated soon on my iPhone and iPad.

  • bluewaters

    My favorite feature: new notifications bar. Finally IOS rules again!!

  • Max Stoller

    i just got a replacement unit from apple today, so im going to email you my new udid if thats alright?

  • Rowan Blue

    I like the split keyboard the best, but newstand is good too.

  • GuynamedGuy

    Reminders by location… definitely. I’m too forgetful to have to wait for the stable release.

  • Benny C

    My Favorites are Imessage and the notification center

  • Alexm778

    The notification bar will be great!

  • Chris Lee

    My favorite new iOS 5 feature is that you can do airsync. My ipod can barely connect to my computer because it’s so loose.

  • Juan_manuel_rodriguez

    I can´t wait for WiFi Sync!!! It looks awesome.

  • Juan_manuel_rodriguez

    I can´t wait for WiFi Sync!!! It looks awesome.

  • Ejkelly87

    Twitter integration into ios 5 is brilliant. Makes me wonder what will apple do with ping.

  • Ejkelly87

    Twitter integration into ios 5 is brilliant. Makes me wonder what will apple do with ping.

  • Aaron Bowss-Anthony Cassar

    the new camera features and the notifications pane.

  • Dustin

    Yea, PC Free will be one of the best features

  • Steven

    my favorite feature in iOS is by far the notifications, how you can pull down the menu for it and how they no longer interrupt you is just amazing

  • Eran Eyal

    #iMessage #ftw - so sick of having that “but all my friends are on bbm” discussion.

  • Jason Cave

    Well, its kind of a tie for me. Love the Wifi-Sync and also the Notification bar. Can’t choose just one, sorry!

  • Ashraf Elkhashab

    The iNotifiactions is the best of all

  • ashraf_elkhashab @

    The iNotifiactions is the best of all

  • JonasJSchreiber

    My favorite part of IOS5 is iMessage. And my FB prof is .com/JonasJSchreiber

  • Mario Guillen

    i would like my udid activated so i can decide if i buy an iphone 4 or stay with my ipod

  • Thomas

    I think the coolest featere will be the new notification system!

  • Bruno

    best feature I’m looking forward to is the social networks integration

  • Mike Nakoff

    I love the fact that yon can customize your sounds for your text messages. Now it will be easier to tell if it was my phone or my wife’s phone.

  • Ahmad_aiy

    Notification Center!!

  • Ahmad_aiy

    Notification Center!!

  • Matty

    i love the pull down menu (info thingy)

  • James Keawpaluk

    Ios is an improvement, I think that puts my Iphone is new, I like it. By Phumipat

  • Tristan ‘Blue Steel’ Steyn

    I really like the sound of being able to sync wirelessly with my itunes. I tend to download loads of stuff directly to the phone which is then a right ball ache when i sync as it takes for ever.

  • Tristan ‘Blue Steel’ Steyn

    I really like the sound of being able to sync wirelessly with my itunes. I tend to download loads of stuff directly to the phone which is then a right ball ache when i sync as it takes for ever.

  • Jonzhang2433

    my favorite ios5 feature is the wifi sync

  • Kevin Struthers

    Fav feature is new notification centre

  • Fredrik Skaret Larsen


  • Bandysguy2008

    Being able to activate PC free is for sure what I am looking foreward to most. I know many people without a PC that will jump on the Iphone band wagon when that becomes available

  • Alex Lopez

    best feature is icloud!

  • Emmanuel Benoit


  • Keith Berube

    I cannot wait for notifications to be more accessible and increased multi tasking

  • Theman

    I like how there will be better notifications

  • Kleon Toffetti

    i reckon pc free and notification centre are the best new features

  • Mike Kalaf

    I’m incredibly excited about the notifications! Always wanted to have a simple but effective way to receive lists of new notifications. Wanting to have this feature now!

  • Frostyiphone

    Like - Notifications - at last something like Android for iphone

  • Layi

    Wifi Sync and the Lock screen information are very simple but very useful features that I like about the new ios5.

  • Layi

    Wifi Sync and the Lock screen information are very simple but very useful features that I like about the new ios5.

  • Justin Valley

    Just want to ensure that switching from an android phone to an iphone is really for me.

  • Shane Patton

    LOVE the new notification methods for iOS 5

  • Shane Patton

    LOVE the new notification methods for iOS 5

  • Prozz02

    I think the wireless sync and new camera button on the locked screen are going to be the most used by me!

  • Austin Mullen

    My favorite feature would have to be the same as Logan said, being computer free, except for charging.

  • Dave Marusiak

    Can’t wait for the notification panel. Definitely my favorite new feature.

  • Tnv

    notification and home screen camera button!

  • Krishnan LN

    Hi My favourite feature is Notifications which is simple superb.

  • ChristopherKhay

    This is an awesome experience. Can’t wait to try this new iDevice experience on my iPhone 4! Please send me the activation link D:

  • Amr Saleh

    Loved the concept of iMessages

  • Jatindranath

    My favorite feature is the new notification center

  • Juan Cuara

    Best feature would be being able to sync wirelessly

  • Aaron

    Notification center and wifi sycn….difficult to choose a clear winner.

    • GoheX

      WiFi sync.

  • Mighty Mp

    I think the wifi sync and notifier are some of the best new feautre for iphone ios 5 because it brings them upto the level of android funcationilty… android are going to have a tough time aftr this updat.

  • Nehal

    i like the pc free one so handy lose ur cable and u wont need to buy a new one

  • Marcus Joannou

    I think the notifications centre and iMessage will be the best features in iOS5… Lack of interruptions when messages come through and the ability to interface with iPads on an OS messaging system will rock!!!


  • greenpoison


  • Josh Weinstein

    i love the new notifications centre!

  • Ivo Tsvetkov

    Wireless sync… Definitely this is the most anticipated feature for me.

  • Brooke Hatton

    I think the best feature by far is the upgraded notification system/ centre it will make it so much easier and will be a better experience I’m sure

  • 19shaun92

    photo editing in camera

  • Matthew Webster

    my favorite feature of the new ios is the wifi sync. finally ill be able to sync without having to be tethered to my computer. that is so annoying having to find the cable when i need to sync.
    Name is Matthew Webster
    Email is

  • Ken Simpson

    I am looking forward to the split keyboard, for easier typing on the iPAD2

  • Kevinnc28269

    i like to new io5 cause i dont know what in it yet

  • Thomas Jones

    my favorite iOS 5 feature(s) are the improvements to the photos app, because you can edit photos and move albums around on the iPod touch without a computer.

  • Girishramarao

    The obvious like feature in io5 are Beautiful Notification system and PC free

  • Cjmartin89

    Notification bar is amazing.

  • Cjmartin89

    Notification bar is amazing.

  • Bjoern schuster

    My favorite feature by far is the Notification Center.

  • Jay

    Love the no PC feature

  • Wyatt Ferguson

    Notification Center and iMessage!

  • Wyatt Ferguson

    Notification Center and iMessage!

  • Rohit Singh

    wi-fi sync is my like hands down of all the updates on the iOS5!

  • Thukralakhil

    Really like the icloud feature in ios5

  • Mrm8

    favorite part of iOS5 is the notifactions

  • JooseBocks

    One of the best features of iOS 5 is the notifications center. Finally, notifications that are unobtrusive!

  • संकल्प जगदीश ढवळे

    ota downloads of new os’s, imessage, icloud and better mutli tasking

  • Jordan

    My favourite feature is the notification centre.

  • Viper99

    Features of IOS5 eagerly awaited notification centre and messenger alongwith embedded twitter

  • Rhys

    PC Free updates over wifi , notification centre and embedded twitter alongwith new message app

  • rmark

    Photo editing, wifi-sync, split keyboard

  • Ant Baca

    my favorite feature is i message. and would like to get it oon my iPhone 4!

  • Devamaya

    iOS 5 brings about dozens of welcome changes that users at all experience levels will appreciate and, most importantly, will actually use. I love the wireless activation, syn and backup. iCloud integration makes all the difference in the world. The new system is more useful and customizable. Anticipating the new Messages app. and revamped lock screen. Apple consistently shows that powerful new features don’t necessarily mean added complexity; the updates that are coming with iOS 5, while not entirely original, reiterate that fact.

    Almost as important, the changes solidify the role of iOS in the overall Apple ecosystem and the part iCloud will play in neatly tying together the plethora of devices people use every day.

  • Jair Perez

    Love the notification center!

  • JC@ssio

    Notification center i will like more

  • Shuka Smith

    My favorite feature in iOS 5 is wireless sync.

  • Shuka Smith

    My favorite feature in iOS 5 is wireless sync.

  • Shuka Smith

    My favorite feature in iOS 5 is wireless sync.

  • Jordan Ryan Kennedy

    I love the wireless Sync feature!!

  • Jordan Ryan Kennedy

    I love the wireless Sync feature!!

  • Kevin Fn

    the best ios 5 feature is definitely iMessage. It will help ipod touch users like me to communicate much easier to my iphone-using friends

  • Kevin Fn

    the best ios 5 feature is definitely iMessage. It will help ipod touch users like me to communicate much easier to my iphone-using friends

  • Kevin Fn

    the best ios 5 feature is definitely iMessage. It will help ipod touch users like me to communicate much easier to my iphone-using friends

  • Sangjun Yi

    I like OTA and notification center of iOS Beta 4

  • Avishay Yariv Matalon

    Well, my favorite iOS 5 feature is the Todos feature, a built in todo manager.

  • David Roberge

    I like the new notification centre

  • David Roberge

    I like the new notification centre

  • Stephan A.

    I’m thrilled to see how the notification bar works out! I’m tired of the pop up bubbles and I long for something the android has for a long time now. That way the android users can quit it with their “my notifications are better than yours” argument xD.

  • JayDizzle

    New Notifications by far is the best new feature!

  • JayDizzle

    New Notifications by far is the best new feature!

  • Shovro45th

    I like ios5 notification and the ota update system

  • Morgan Kollarus

    favorite is the notification center, screw you droid

  • Ian Girouard

    I Like the new notification system

  • Mauro García

    Notification center, and Wi-Fi sync

  • Andrew


  • Marcus Peters

    PC Free and the Notification Center are the kill features and i need them..
    Best Regards
    Marcus Peters

  • iJustyn

    The new notifications are awesome!

  • Ytikim

    I love the status bar and being PC free!

  • Edwardcai88

    I love the split keyboard for iPad 2. I also like the main feature of the new software which is notification center.

  • Thegrinch958

    I like the ios5 custom message tones!!

  • Anonymous

    I like the imessage app the best.

  • Dmitry Trubovich

    I like all 200 new features of iOS 5

  • Sai

    I love the notifications and wifi-sync features in ios 5

  • Djwithnoname

    I am most looking forward to the. New camera and editing features as well as pc free & notification center !!! Please hook me up !!!

  • Djwithnoname

    I am most looking forward to the. New camera and editing features as well as pc free & notification center !!! Please hook me up !!!

  • Alex Consorti

    Without a doubt I am greatly excited by the new notification center and the instant camera button!

  • Alex Consorti

    Without a doubt I am greatly excited by the new notification center and the instant camera button!

  • Mavrick1591

    I like ios5 notification

  • Mavrick1591

    and i message , great

  • Jason Alexander Mullins

    i like the new notification system, the wifi sync for both mac and windows!!!! also the over the air updates!!!!

  • Fautechtalk

    Wireless sync. Desperately needed that.

  • Nixxx

    I’have so waited for new notification system

  • Valdirp2007

    Eu gosto do notificação do ios 5.

  • Lucas Kunert

    I like the notifications and OTA updates as well as the possible voice commands we’ve been seeing in the new b4!

  • Matt Searls

    Could you please activate my UDID ? please? I would love you forever! and some of my fav IOS 5 features are.
    1. Notification Center
    3.Integrated twitter<3

  • drummerman247

    the new cloud system will be awesome as well as the notifications and the ota update system

  • drummerman247

    the new cloud system will be awesome as well as the notifications and the ota update system

  • Coolswarm

    The new notification bar is definitely my favorite feature.

  • Coolswarm

    The new notification bar is definitely my favorite feature.

  • Coolswarm

    The new notification bar is definitely my favorite feature.

  • rjneid

    PC free feature is great, and i like the OTA updaye system as well

  • Matthew Apostol

    My favorite feature of the new iOS 5 is the toggle notification menu! I’ve been waiting for this!

  • Babtee


  • Bykovskaya Ekaterina

    iOS OTA activation and upgrade

  • So Chi Sum

    I like the new Chinese input feature of iOS5

  • Jeezzaz

    well, the older versions of iOS and iPhone/iPod touch systems have had a faulty notifications system and I would love to be able to have notifications that don’t screw up the game i’m in the middle of and/or the phone call up to my ear.

  • Nattapon

    I like ios5 ota update

  • Nattapon

    I like ios5 ota update

  • Msale987

    new look and cool new features

  • Theguyser

    my favorite ios 5 feature is that it has icloud!!!!

  • Dev

    my fav is imessenger and ota update

  • Xavierdadexavierdade

    wireless syncing…my computer is sloooow

  • Erollmac823

    I love the notification center it is my favorite part.

  • Shameershahab

    Love notification center

  • Tim Steiner

    My favorite new feature is Notification Center! Along with Cutting the cord!

  • Erollmac823

    I like the notification center.

  • Alex Bassin

    my favorite feature is the email flagging

  • Rob10

    My favorite is the newsstand and the notification centre

  • Jordan Henderson

    My favorite feature is easily the Notification Center

  • Javier Revillas

    Of course, my favourite iOS 5 feature is iCloud ^^

  • Akaguus

    favrit feature….iMessage

  • damion

    my favorite ios feature is the notification center and the widgets

  • damion

    my favorite ios feature is the notification center and the widgets

  • mabalady

    my favorite is definitely the wifi sync

  • mabalady

    my favorite is definitely the wifi sync

  • ToushiroHikaru

    iCould. Definitely my favorite iOS 5 feature.

  • Adrian

    Has To Be The iCloud, Best Feature Ever!!!

  • Ashok Bhattoe

    The WiFi OTA update and iCloud. But most of all iMessaging versus Whatsapp.

  • Arie


  • Akhops

    My favorite IOS 5 feature is the notification center!

  • Jair Perez

    i think free of pc is a awesome feature and also how the notification is way easier than having a message interrupt.

  • Rafay Khurram

    My favorite feature is notification center I mean I get a million emails and texts

  • Rafay Khurram

    My favorite feature is notifaction center I liked you I’m Rafay

  • JasonC

    the new notification in IOS5 is going to be sweet…

  • BCrow84

    I can not wait to have wireless syncing with iOS5!

  • Deeptrax

    I’m gonna iCloud me so high I’ll never come down

  • Tommy Soler

    Has to be the Camera on the lock screen. its awesome

  • Travislong09

    the notification center.

  • Travislong09

    the notification center.

  • Edenzr

    My favorite feature is notifications gui

  • Shawn Odwyer

    I think, of course it has to be icloud and how sleek the os is.

  • Shawn Odwyer

    I think, of course it has to be icloud and how sleek the os is.

  • Aditya Bhatia

    everything in ios 5 is the best - notifications bar,icloud, imessage,etc…best ios released ever!!!!

  • Vince Laurense

    Love the ICloud function between my IMac-iPad and iPhone:) Hell yeah.

    Greets from the Netherlands,


  • Faried Williams

    I love notifications and mirror viewing.and I just love that iphone 3GS is also supported. Please send me an activation serial!

  • Ryan

    Favourite IOS feature is the Notification and OTA update

  • Orhansalacin

    notifications mainly and the new keyboard and gestures

  • Orhansalacin

    notifications mainly and the new keyboard and gestures

  • Orhansalacin

    notifications mainly and the new keyboard and gestures

  • Luke Mulvaney

    my favorite ios 5 feature is the iCloud

  • Younganimater35

    the imessage feature is really cool, i can message my friends who own ipad/ipod over wifi, very cool apple

  • Burak Şentürk

    I love notifications center and also imessage seems to be very perfect but i havent tried it yet

  • Stachowiak_14

    i love how you can have the notifcation center activated anywhere you are:P

  • Anonymous

    My Favorite Feature is wifi Sync and the new camera

  • Benjamintolbert

    I like all the updated for Notifications the best. o.o

  • Jackson Salopek

    my favorite feature of ios 5 is the new notification center so that the annoying messages stop popping up

  • MIchael Zappa


    • Carsoares

      Same where

  • Dudley Lionheart

    Has got to be WiFi Sync first and notifications second.

  • Dudley Lionheart

    Has got to be WiFi Sync first and notifications second.

  • Calvin

    I cannot wait to see what the NEW things are such as icloud and the notifications

  • Bipin Adhikari

    icloud ..none can beat this..

  • Bipin Adhikari

    icloud ..none can beat this..

  • Muhamed Polovina

    i really like the notification center

  • Anonymous

    The notification center is awesome!! I can look at the stocks and not even leave the current program

  • Luke Williams

    My favourite features are the new notifications centre, plus iMessage!

  • KoRoV

    Cant wait to get rid of pc adiction…. Love the camera on lock screen, and of corse notification centar. Cant wait ios5 any more

  • Steynpt

    I would say the iMessage feature is going to ROCK

  • Steynpt

    I would say the iMessage feature is going to ROCK

  • Felipe Wagner

    Twitter integration and notification center !!

  • Neff786

    i love the imessaging in ios 5

  • Abdulkarim S.R. Al-Mutlaq

    I like the wireless connectivity

  • KyleTrickBoston

    Looking to have my UDID registered as soon as possible. I’m really looking forward to having my life a little more organized on my phone. The notifications drop down menu will be nice. And the all new To Do list and Calendar functions would make my life a hell of a lot easier. Ha. Hopefully you guys will be able to hook me up. Haha.

  • João Machado

    the New notification center is great i love ios 5.0 ..
    give me a trie

  • Anonymous

    Best feature is the notification bar, for sure. I’ve switched back and forth form iPhone to Android so many times, and I think this is the deal-sealer for the iPhone.

  • Lilbenm

    My favorite feature would have to be iCloud, keeping my devices in sync would be awesome! My other favorite feature is PC free, (OTA updates and wireless sync).

  • Nathan Cluff

    i like the notification center. it reminds me of android

  • João Machado

    like to help sending log reports to apple to help dev

  • João Machado

    like to help sending log reports to apple to help dev

  • Carsoares

    my favorite ios5 feature iS icloud…

  • Nick Borsani

    My favorite iOS 5 feature would have to be Notification Center, its so sweet lookin lol

  • Adner

    New Notifications feature is what I like in iOS5. I hope I get activation

  • Trevor Baker

    iCloud and Itunes via the Cloud FTW!

  • Darknlight55

    My favorite iOS 5 feature would have to be the iclouds backup feature, as well as the OTA updates provided by apple.

  • Anonymous

    Sorry i forget to say you that my facebook email adress is so its different from my disqus registered email and from the email in the form which i filled. My email which i filled in the form:!

    so my favourite feature is the icloud and the wifi sync!

    Please activate my serial!

  • Andres Arango

    i love the new notification system and imessage

  • Ibandeali

    imessage for sure!!

  • Ibandeali

    imessage for sure!!

  • Jordan Halliday

    I like the “cloud” feature where you can wirelessly update your iOS.

  • Macfreak109

    My favorite feature on iOS5 is wireless syncing

  • Macfreak109

    My favorite feature on iOS5 is wireless syncing

  • Omnicons

    The OTA feature is great

  • Diarmuid55

    My fav new feature so far is iMessage,

  • Diarmuid55

    My fav new feature so far is iMessage,

  • Anonymous

    Of course, my favourite iOS 5 feature is iCloud and wifi sync

  • Lucasmay

    Just got an iPad 2, hope u guys still do this because I really want to try ios 5, especially for finally having a good notification system (hopefully)!

    Would be much appreciated! : )

  • Ramesh Ganapathy

    The feature I am looking forward to is iMessage. Would be nice to interact with other iPhone users. BBM will no longer be the world’s leading messaging client

  • Aditya Bhatia

    Please send me activation mail…. Please register my UDID PLEASE IT HAS BEEN THREE DAYS WAITING FOR IT !! Can’t wait longer pls have some pity on me send the mail mail fast…..
    Thanks a lot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • julian776677

    My davonritt Feature is the Notifikation bar

  • julian776677

    My davonritt Feature is the Notifikation bar

  • julian776677

    Oh i ment favourite feature

  • julian776677

    Oh i ment favourite feature

  • Robotboy111

    Notification center is my favourite ios 5 feature

  • Marco Dimed

    my favorite iOS feature is the notification center and OTA

  • Anime-fan1

    iCloud is my favorite feature of iOS 5

  • Victor Lin

    the wifi sync function is epic, hating using the usb connector

    • Christian de volder

      The speech to text seems realy nice and handy

  • Robotboy111

    notifications is my fav feature

  • Ninjaboysmithp

    My favorite feature about ios five is imessage
    Name erry Smith

  • Jason

    I can’t wait to mess with iCloud and iMessage.

  • Matthew Maiden

    My favorite feature would have to be wi-fi sync because I don’t want to waste my time trying to find my USB cable

  • Matthew Maiden

    Gotta love iOS 5 and this web page

  • Matthew Maiden
  • Perry Smith

    My favorite ios 5 feature would be icloud

  • Adam

    Love the new task drop down menu. This is going to be clutch when dealing with a load of text, e-mails and phone calls.

  • Amymccomic

    i think twitter is my favourite

  • Amymccomic

    i think twitter is my favourite

  • eider111

    My favourite feature is iMessage

  • robotek111

    i love Notifications center

  • Tyler Bell

    I love the wifi sync function, because I can be in the Kitchen and my computer will be in the living room, and I can do it all hands free!

  • Halid

    Hi, me and my family will use iClouds, shared calendars, photosync etc. Really curious about Notification Center as well.

    BR Hans, Sweden

  • Halid

    Hi, me and my family will use iClouds, shared calendars, photosync etc. Really curious about Notification Center as well.

    BR Hans, Sweden

  • Joachim Idland

    That you dont need to use usb cable for updating and syncing, and automatic transferring of picures with iCloud ;D

  • nizzleb

    the new notifications is awesome

  • Darrionbartlett

    icloud is my favorite iOS 5 feature.

  • Fidel_haro

    the new notification system

  • Simon Horsfield

    iOS 5 = WIFI SYNC

  • aneesh0111

    the new notification center

  • Keith Lewis

    My favourite feature is the amazing notifications!!

  • Keith Lewis

    My favourite feature is the amazing notifications!!

  • Stephencarmona1

    notification bar is tight!

  • Perry Smith

    My favorite feature would be the Notification Center

  • Anonymous

    i like notification center and reminders app

  • Jairo

    my favorite feature is iMessage , now I talk with my friend for free !

  • Jairo

    my favorite feature is iMessage , now I talk with my friend for free !

  • Stephen Rhys Collins

    I love notification centre and the new way to receive notifications.

  • Guest

    I like the notifications. They help me stay organized.

  • Pokenerdeggo

    I love the wifi sync and wireless update, so I don’t have to mess with finding my sync cable every time I update or get a new album.

  • Tyler Eggo Eggleston

    I like the WiFi sync and OTA updates, as I hate having to search for a USB cable. Notification Center is also pretty awesome, since push notifications were too annoying.

  • Phil

    Absoloutley love the new shutter button and the notifications changes !!

  • chris_valmont30

    the wireless sync is the best and what i dreamed ever since. XD

  • Anthony Reale

    wi-fi sync for sure

  • Anthony Reale

    wi-fi sync for sure

  • Anthony Reale

    wi-fi sync for sure

  • Anthony Reale

    wi-fi sync for sure

  • Nbockelmannn

    I like the imessage feature!

  • Ron

    Synch without cables… It’s about time!

  • Keithwj1

    Definitely Wifi Sync

  • Ammar Rahman

    notification bar is brilliant!!

  • Kevin Kelley

    The new notification system

  • David Browning

    OTA updating has to be the best feature for this iOS without a doubt.

  • David Browning

    OTA updating has to be the best feature for this iOS without a doubt.

  • Adam Savard

    My favorite iOS 5 feature? iCloud! iCloud will make it so much easier for me to be able to bring my documents with me, get multiple devices synched together, share my pictures with people instantly…

  • Shawn Hoetger

    my favorite iOS5 feature is the new look to Lock Screen Notifications, very nice!

  • Rene Gatdula

    ..I can’t activate it right now…help…I want to see iCloud now…

  • Michael Peippo

    My favorite feature is definitively the Notification Center

  • Sarah Kratz

    My favorite feature of iOS5 will definitely be the notifications.

  • Johnny Dao

    Cant wait to switch from mobile me to iCloud

  • Johnny Dao

    Cant wait to switch from mobile me to iCloud

  • Karim Fox

    the best feature of IOS 5 is the ICloude feature which will make the iphone exactly like androide phones syncing to the internet so need to have a pc or itunes to sync anymore…COOL

  • Jim Ameling

    i really like the new notifications, it, doesn’t interrupt me anymore while playing Gangstar

  • Chrisgrantg

    My favorite feature is definitely Notification Center

  • Benjamin Portmann

    The notification change has to be my favorite, no more bad time pop ups love it.

  • Pauflerjeff

    I like the OTA iTunes sync…once it’s available, that is.

  • Esan S

    I love the Wifi sync! Hated when I would accidentally knock the cable out when syncing all of my music before work… ugh. PAIN!

  • Esan S

    I love the Wifi sync! Hated when I would accidentally knock the cable out when syncing all of my music before work… ugh. PAIN!

  • Esan Sommersell

    I love the Wifi sync! Hated when I would accidentally knock the cable out when syncing all of my music before work… ugh. PAIN!

  • Nico Rossi


  • alfabid

    Notificaton Center is my favorite feature. I need that feature!

  • M_A_L_O_N_E_Y

    the notification bar is good

  • Maad M. Maher

    the notification feature and the status bar

  • Mac guy

    My favorite Is icloud

  • Anonymous

    the knew photo editing on the photos app

  • juicyjul

    the notification center is amazing!!

  • William_Al8

    The wifi sync is awesome it is definently my favorite

  • Serega Parshin

    I think WiFi Sync and Notification Centre are the best functions in the iOS 5.
    I hate USB cables and annoying notification windows.

  • Yauhen

    iCloud and iMessage is epic awesome!!!!

  • Alejandro Prado

    My favorite feature is the wifi sync, Im always forgetting to plug my phone into my pc, so having it sync while charging its a life saver for me.

  • Tyler Eggleston

    iCloud and wifi sync are the best, cause then theres no need of a computer whatsoever.

  • Amerigo

    My favourite iOS 5 feature is iCloud

  • Anonymous

    th new imessages feature

  • guest

    fav feature is split keyboard

  • Joe Vidulich

    I am looking forward to the wifi sync

  • Marcelo Cardenas

    i love the wifi sync, notifications, and split keyboard.

  • Mark-Andrew Nilsson

    finally the phone acts like a camera and has a shutter button using the volume-up button instead of having to try and do a maguyver pose trying to guess where the on screen button is. The old version was not so good when taking awkward shots! would love a free activation cheers

  • Tristan Marcelis

    Notifications needed a big facelift, were pretty intrusive. I am looking forward to notification center, and to see how much better integrated they are.

  • Kishan121

    the new notafactions os my favorite
    kishan patel

  • Mubashar Ghani

    In iOS 5, i like the most is the new notification thing. had been waiting for this thing for long. Its Awesome. The second thing i like is the wifi sync.. always wanted it…

  • Serega Parshin

    WiFi Sync & Notification Centre are the best. Hate using cables and annoying notification windows

  • Sergiy Parshin

    WiFi sync and Notification Center are the best. I hate USB cables and annoying notification windows

  • Anton Nihtyanov

    My fav features are iCloud, iMessage and Notification Center

  • Nerddy

    Notifications are my favorite feature

  • Mjharrison95

    location reminders, no more forgetting shopping list or people’s birthdays

  • Wrileyherring

    the wifi sink is awesome

  • Bob

    Best feature is notifications

  • Cole Abbott

    Looking forward to the wifi sync! I hate having to go find my usb cable each time

  • John Fulbright

    android like notifications! no more annoying pop ups that when you tap them no longer notify you. now I can play infinity blade and not be interrupted by lag!

  • Joshuaedrake

    I like ios5 notification and the over-the-air updates

  • Evoandroidevo

    its been a little over a month r yall still doing this or not

  • Isabel Del Castillo Solís

    Hello! Mi favorite iOS 5 feature is the new voices of voiceover, because I am a blind girl and for me the voices are great!

  • Jay Montes

    I’m really digging the ios5 notifications and the wireless sync…next level shit.

  • Jay Montes

    I’m really digging the ios5 notifications and the wireless sync…next level shit.

  • Zmith

    Cool iCloud

  • Ryan Albert

    notifcation center is my favorite feature. the only thing missing that i missed from android after i switched!

  • thrinadh yalamanchili

    imessage is my favorite feature

  • Rondbabiera

    I love the new notification system

  • Afduboat

    iMessage appears to be the feature that I’ve been missing since I first started using my iPhone 4. Its def my fave.

  • wizkid94

    i love the wifi sync

  • Juan Smith

    Wfi sync is the best EVER

  • Afdubost

    Also I want iOS5 for the notification center and reminders, but overall all I pretty much welcome all the new features!

  • Glenn Lau

    love the new notification centre, the old 1 is irritating

  • Kibwe


  • kibwe

    ios 5 best feature to me is quick swipe app kill.. love it

  • Chuck Lynch

    iMessage is cool. so is the notification center.

  • medoc

    icloud is killer

  • Dvir Meitav

    Cables.Cables all over my desk. Every time I touch my iPhone’s cable I mistakenly disconnect all the other cables from my computer. I run out of space on my computer, I don’t have anymore USB connection on my computer and I really don’t have another USB hub. With the wireless sync and the iCloud I can finally keep my iPhone up to date without needing to connect it to my computer every minute to be sure it’s on sync with everything else and destroy my iPhone’s battery. Wait, I still need to charge it… NOOOOOO (Until the upcoming iCharge, we will be able to charge our Apple devices without the USB, maybe they will pay to the sun for charging their devices…)

  • Cory Maritn

    I’m diggin the notifications, and the text to speech

  • Cory Maritn

    I’m diggin the notifications, and the text to speech

  • Rohan Pai

    Push Notifications in iOS 4 and earlier popped up in your face, blocking the view of the current application, they were Push and “Pop anyway!”. I love the fact that in iOS 5, Push Notifications only pop up in your face when you are looking at them, but I should still allow the sound effects (such as “Ribbit” from Pocket Frogs) to play with the notifications.

  • Whesley Borbon

    I like the iMessage.

  • Whesley Borbon

    I like the iMessage.

  • Ludger Beckmann

    My favorite iOS 5 feature is the new notification center with notifications on the lock screen. This was one reason for jailbreaking the iPhone in the past.

  • Paul Casey

    I can’t wait for iMessages, the only thing keeping most of my friends on RIM handsets is BBM! Now that the equivalent is available for iPhone, they might be willing to switch, and I’ll be able to keep in touch with them for free!

  • Adam

    Best Feature: The new notification centre! Looks amazing and convinient to use

  • Adam

    Best Feature: The new notification centre! Looks amazing and convinient to use

  • Dave

    Wifi syc

  • marat

    notifications and newsstand are them best

  • Valdirp2007

    O centro de notificação e a atualização de sistema do ios5 me agrada muito.por favor me manda uma ativação

  • Hclblr Venkat

    I love notifications and mirror viewing along with other new features

  • Kreon8

    Updating without PC, sounds to good to be true almost…

  • Sumanthonline

    I love the all new notification center and wifi sync:)
    I did the procedure you said and eagerly waiting for my UDID activation. Please send me… ThanX Guyz

  • Krsentai

    My favorite iOS 5 feature is the OTA syncing.

  • Sagarpachorkar99

    Notification Center seems to be very handy tool to manage all notifications at one place! Cool!

  • Sagar Pachorkar

    Notification Center seems to be very handy tool to manage all notifications at one place! Cool!

  • Jeremy Rip

    the new notifications are gonna be boss. cant wait for this update. sucks they dont give an exact date :/

  • Bigt021

    speech to text

  • Ben Tayebnema

    The notification Bar is gonna be awesome!

  • Whesley Borbon

    eager to try i message

  • Mikemaddenz

    Wifi sync is gonna rock!

  • Irfaan Faki

    Simple, iMessage, aka BBM killer for us iAddicts

  • Ludger Beckmann

    My favourite feature is the new notification center.

  • Alexandre Jouandin

    My favorite iOS 5 feature : Notification bar. So freakin’ cool

  • Caiomunagiaco

    ICloud is the best for me.

  • Nathan Owen

    i Think my favorite is the pc free sync

  • Michael Atkins

    Loving the new notification bar!!

  • Anthonyblood

    notifications!! android slaying feature!

  • Zanderaman111

    I love the notification bar! And wifi sync is brilliant

  • Rell Mc.

    I have to say Wifi Sync.

  • Brandonbabcock1990

    I love the wireless sync and software update feature. That will make me CORDLESS! LOL

  • Hshah

    I love notifications and mirror viewing.and I just love that iphone 3GS is also supported. Please send me an activation serial!

  • Nick Crispi

    LOVEEEEEE the whole i-messenger system and the LED flasher.

  • Legend

    IOS5 best feature which i like is Over Air Sync and split keyboard are of the best new features

  • Matt Fishkin

    CORD FREE SYNC = the best feature every

  • Kevin Strebel

    my favorite feature is the new lock-screen notification system, now the lock screen does something else then just show time and protect the phone

  • Sohaib Mirza

    Every feature which makes life easier
    i really want this as I have never been accepted for betas or chosen

    • Sohaib Mirza

      and I have applied the UDID application in My Father’s name
      Abu Haider

  • Johnnmechelle

    The ota and cloud are the best features.

  • Justin Bole

    The Notification bar is epic! hope I get a free UDID activation

  • Mikael

    The PC Free functions should have been included in the first release!

  • JP

    favorite new feature = lock screen notifications!

  • JP

    favorite new feature = lock screen notifications!

  • Fernando Rodriguez

    My favorite feature is Icloud of course!

  • PotatoGlados

    wifi syncing is my favorite feature and because the iPhone 5 has rumored to have inductive charging lead me to believe that apple is trying to phase out the dock connector

  • Vadim

    keeping everything organized on the ipad is as is truly great purchase..

  • Irshad Shaikh

    wifi software update is sick

  • Slade Noecker

    My favorite new feature is using the volume button to take pictures

  • Bony Mathew

    icloud to me is the best feature ever that is available on ios 5

  • Achim

    Favorite ios5 feature? simple: tasks synchronizing back and forth between exchange and mobile;-)

  • Timo Gundacker

    I love the new Notification Center! Awesome idea and I hope that in the future you can buy widgets for it just as the weather-widget.

  • Jonah_venneri

    my favorite functions is the drop down menu, its about time i came

  • Tamatayahit

    The notifications are amazing!

  • Danny G.

    The notification center is aaaweesomme!

  • John Gummelt

    I love the cloud computing feature!

  • Alvin Martínez

    i like the wifi sync and notification center

  • Alvin Martínez

    i like the wifi sync and notification center

  • Nathan Green

    I am definitely looking forward to the wifi sync feature. Although I am jailbroken, the wifi sync on cydia will not work since I do not have a mac, so this will be super handy/

  • soncastillo

    my fave is the imessage adn the notification center..

  • Ritesh Joshi

    i like the notification center feature of iOS 5
    it will give me so many shortcuts to the clicks and swipes love it……

  • RevolteD

    Great news… thanks for the helpful information… Regards

  • RevolteD

    Great news… thanks for the helpful information… Regards

  • and.rib

    I like most the assistive touch

  • Rohit Soni

    Definitely, the wifi sync function is the best.

  • Dakota Strickner

    I love the wifi sync and the new notification center!!

  • Dakota Strickner

    I love the wifi sync and the new notification center!!

  • Dilshod Appleseed

    iMessage is perfect feature, fast and free. Wanna try ios 5 on my ipad 2 also

  • D2V1D

    Hi, my favorite feature is, definitely, iMessages (also, notifications).

  • joshua

    after seeing some of the features, I like the Wi-Fi sync and the OTA delta updates

  • Alex Schwaiger

    I hope I can enjoy the new Notification Center ) greetings Alex Schwaiger

  • Jimmy C.

    iCloud, new alert notifications, wifi-sync, and iMessage (because I’m using an iPod Touch

  • nofate301

    I love the comment center. Your site has been a huge help, I got ios5 rocking on y iphone 4 gsm and I am off to the races. I just need to be able to sync with itunes!

  • Pedro Lucas Farinha

    The best IOS 5 feature? Definately the PC-Free thingie! I hate wires!

  • Pedro Lucas Farinha

    The best IOS 5 feature? Definately the PC-Free thingie! I hate wires!

  • Kevin Stueber

    OTA Updates!

  • Terez Bailey

    Notifications is def an huge upgrade!!!

  • Votensatur

    i like the notification bar

  • Dan Doubleday

    I am so looking forward to OTA updates, wireless syncing and Notification Centre!

  • Dan Doubleday

    I am so looking forward to OTA updates, wireless syncing and Notification Centre!

  • Juan Cuevas

    Hi here!… iCloud and Wi-Fi Sync are the best two improvements with the iOS 5!!

  • Mkwarman

    wifi sync and notifications are awesome!

  • Mkwarman

    wifi sync and notifications are awesome!

  • Mkwarman

    wifi sync and notifications are awesome!

  • Dillon T

    Definitely notification center!!! Also OTA downloads.

  • BB N

    Hand down.. my fav. feature is the OTA updates. It will be amazing to not have to connect to a computer everytime an update has to be made.

  • Tylerdrich

    the speech to text

  • Tylerdrich

    the speech to text

  • Brad

    ok, so for those who didn’t get here quick enough, do you have another option of getting this registered or are you just going to leave us hang…Thanks.

  • Eran Eyal

    Guys - this is a total gyp. Weeks later and NO ONE has received an activation #FAIL #SPAMCRAP.

  • Clintmx

    Really looking forward to wireless syncing and the whole PC free business!

  • Mehrdad S

    Love the imessage

  • Chris

    I love the Wifi Sync feature. I have looked everywhere for an app that does that, and I think that removing the USB cable will be a lot more handier than having to run to my computer to plug it in each time.

  • Chris

    I love the Wifi Sync feature. I have looked everywhere for an app that does that, and I think that removing the USB cable will be a lot more handier than having to run to my computer to plug it in each time.

  • Gabriel Barba

    the imessage feature is awesome

  • Matthew Cole

    I love the look of the new notifications centre, makes so much more sense than the iOS 4 way of doing things

  • Josh Hamilton

    May favorite feature is the notification center and the tweaks that will come out to run inside it amazing

  • OlDirty

    The notificationbar is the thing i like most about iOS 5.

  • Djjeve

    notifications are much better than they were)
    thank you) awesome)

  • Corey Schroedter

    My absolute favorite feature is the notification center. It’s something Apple has refused to incorporate for years, and now that android is so successful, I’m glad to see them adding features!

  • Ahmed hadi

    hi guys i
    i like every thing in the ios 5 beta 4 notification , icloud and the wifi sync
    thanks any way hope to get my udid activate
    ahmed hadi

  • Mike Ngui

    I am waiting for the wifi sync function. Coolz.

  • Will Pritchard

    my favorite feature is the volume button camera capture

  • taslim_i

    I message notification and photo edit option

  • Taslim Ahmad

    Notification, twitter integration, ota updates, wireless activation n sync

  • Mael Lever

    The WIFI Sync is definitely my favorite feature: having my contacts and calenders (and everything else) always synced without even thinking about it is the biggest improvement Apple could make to iOS.

  • Mael Lever

    The WIFI Sync is definitely my favorite feature: having my contacts and calenders (and everything else) always synced without even thinking about it is the biggest improvement Apple could make to iOS.

  • Shmi117

    OTA function is the best!

  • Shmi117

    OTA function is the best!

  • Shmi117

    OTA function is the best!

  • Blastoise117

    OTA updates are my favorite function

  • Andreas J.

    Wireless sync has to be my favorite feature.

  • Cody Harrod

    The notification system is epic!!

  • Colin Veltri

    Wi-Fi Sync defiantly. the idea of one less cord in my truck at work is awesome!

  • Vadim

    didn’t get anything..its been days..

  • Mike Da Bomb

    the notification system is my favorite ive wanted it for a while

  • Hayden

    my favorite feature is OTA. most of the other features were already available via jailbreaking ^^

  • Hayden

    my favorite feature is OTA. most of the other features were already available via jailbreaking ^^

  • Terrymoses0121

    i like how you can text for free with an official app

  • Ipuffa

    my favourite feature is pc-free + icloud = PROFIT and no need pc or mac with itunes. i hate this stupid syncing, long backups and the inability to use the device during synchronization.

  • Anonymous

    Notifications and Reminders are the features I cannot wait for!

  • Anonymous

    Notifications and reminders are the features I cannot wait for!

  • Daniel Skop

    my favs r the bug fixes (for example the ipod volume bug),iCloud and appstore’s internal update install function

  • Dodo J12

    my favorite feature is the new notifications screen

  • Thakkudu Akj 7

    Luv the imessage.. Hav been waitin 4 something like tys on iPhone..:)

  • William David Anslow

    My favorite feature on the iOS 5 betas is the new notification center(:

  • Angel

    PC Free will be the best new features,

  • Angel

    PC Free will be the best new features,

  • Angel

    PC Free will be the best new features,

  • Vietsile

    new new new notification, OTA update also new new i like it

  • Vietsile

    new new new notification, OTA update also new new i like it

  • Davood

    I love notification center and also iCloud.

  • Adrian Choo

    I liked the FB Page. My favorite feature in the IOS 5 is by far the new notification centre. At last I can use my apps without being interupted by incoming notifications.

  • Adrian Choo

    For those that didn’t get the activation email. Please refer to Step 5.Wait and see if you are lucky to receive an activation email by us.

    It’s not a given that you will get it.. Hopefully if you’re lucky you may get it

  • Jmessina88

    my fav feature is iCloud, 4.2.10 is terrible. wifi sync is genious

  • Jeffery Rose

    iCloud, been a loyal MobileMe user from the beginning .. want to see whats changing and if its for the better

  • Minime

    My favorite iOS 5 feature is, well, all of em! This is by far the best iOS ever, and I love every one of these brand new features.

  • Minime

    My favorite iOS 5 feature is, well, all of em! This is by far the best iOS ever, and I love every one of these brand new features.

  • Chris

    Wifi sync is a must!

  • Singledad27

    My fav part of ios5 is the fact that you get the automatic photo backup with the cloud and don’t have to manually save or upload each pic. Helps when restoring all the time.

  • Curtis8523

    my fave is the OTA updates, and the notifications

  • Amit Batra

    notification centre

  • Jrbrown19

    My favorite features are pc-free, wifi sync, and the new notifications.

  • Ricky

    Wifi sync without a doubt especially as all my usb cables have frayed and are a electrical hazzard!

  • Rene

    My favorite iOS 5 Feature

  • Rene

    My favorite iOS 5 Feature is the wifi sync

  • brennan

    my favorite part is the “cloud” updates and no longer having to be connected to a pc!

  • Kidrock11

    my favorite new feature is the fact you can activate the camera app from the lock screen.. Camera is always useful when needed in a hurry

  • Edgar Pereira

    my favorite feature is probably reminders. being able to set alerts by location is a godsend

  • Daniel Mendel

    I love the Twitter integration and Wi-Fi Sync.

  • Omfgcookieswoot

    My favorite ios 5 feature is wireless syncing, I cant wait until I don’t have to use my usb cord to sync to my phone. I also like the camera button next to the lock screen for quick and easy access. LOL I really just like the entire iOS actually, haha.

  • Richsvo

    My favorite feature has to be the cloud integration across all of your devices!

  • Jaredking198

    My favorite feature is messages on the ipod touch and also i really like newstand on my ipad 2

  • Manuel Stroh

    the ios 5 notification center and wi-fi sync

  • Lorygen

    My favorite iOS 5 Feature is the wifi sync

    • Loredana Gentile

      sorry, my name is Loredana Gentile, thank you

    • Loredana Gentile

      sorry, my name is Loredana Gentile, thank you

  • Chasestern

    IOS 5 rules because of iCloud!!!

  • Mashleyhacker

    Wireless syncing - At Last - Welcome to the 21st Century

  • Fernando Rodriguez

    My favorite feature is icloud and imessage

  • Jeffery Rose

    iCloud and the notifications

  • Tomo Tanthony Ashley Mellor

    my favourite new feature is the notification centre

    the last one was just awful, it wouldnt display everything and id forget what i actually just had a notification for most of the time when it disappeared

  • Mccaffrey229

    My favorite feature is the amazing jailbreak!

  • Tylerdavismedia

    excited about the wifi syncing addition… epic

  • Sivayadavmail

    my favorite features in ios5
    1. Smooth Notifictaions
    2.Easy access to current notifications.
    3.Pc free

  • maxlagos

    I am REALLY looking forward to the icloud feature except for all the bandwidth charges for the initial sync…

  • Alberto García

    My fav is OTA updates and in second place iCloud services

  • Jamie Jam Evans

    iCloud is brilliant - I love the ability to back-up to iCloud and that you can even specify which apps settings etc. get backed up. Apple have really pulled it out of the bag for iOS 5!

  • Scott Lind

    My favourite feature is Notification Center and PC Free. The only two things I’ve been jailbreaking for. Now for the new iOS 5. There’s no need to jailbreak anymore!!

  • Scott Lind

    My favourite feature is Notification Center and PC Free. The only two things I’ve been jailbreaking for. Now for the new iOS 5. There’s no need to jailbreak anymore!!

  • thexad

    The flash led alert

  • Jorge Arroyo

    I love the new Notification center and how the notifications are presented so nicely and can even be set up to not interrupt your current actions.

  • Tareq

    I am more excited about the iOS 5 than the OS X Lion. What I like the most about iOS 5 is the twitter integration.

  • Marc

    The best feature I like of the IOs5, is the icloud by far… mixed with the reminder utility Pc free and wifi sync too.
    Although I’m wondering if I can sync my itunes (potcasts, and other stuff not in the cloud) through sharing my allways-on-PC through internet, like a cloud wifi…

  • Anonymous

    My Favourite Feature’s would have to be the Notification Centre, iMessage for iPod’s and iPad’s, iCloud, & WiFi Sync… Although all the Features look really Amazing and Intuitive!

  • Eric Fournier

    The Wifi sync will be a big deal to me. Having to plug my iPhone into my PC all the time KILLS! Goodjob iPhoneism

  • Nathaniel

    Looking forward to seeing notifications

  • Dex

    My favourite feature is definitely the new notification center. Saw my friend use it in action and it made me want it.

  • Anonymous

    Most looking forward to ota sync. will make it easier to recover when my 4 year old wipes my phone again!!!!

  • Larryliggetts

    My favorite feature on the new iOS 5 has to be the way they Integrated our notifications on any idevice, where we are able to see any notification without stopping what were already doing.

  • Rodrigo

    my favorite features are notifications and iCloud. Just having things sync automatically, makes syncing much easier

  • skagkiller

    my favourite feature is icloud that looks so awsome and a massive time saver

  • Shashwat Nagpal

    i love the itunes-free activation and notifications…

  • abdullah al qassar

    my favorite iOS feature is iMessage and pc-free syncing

  • Rajat Chauhan

    icloud sounds amazing to me!

  • Christopher Robbins

    My favorite iOS5 feature, when it comes out, will most likely be iCloud - if only so the songs that I’ve acquired over the years from different sources are put into the cloud synced everywhere alongside my iTunes purchases.

  • Christopher Robbins

    My favorite iOS5 feature, when it comes out, will most likely be iCloud - if only so the songs that I’ve acquired over the years from different sources are put into the cloud synced everywhere alongside my iTunes purchases.

  • Anonymous

    iCloud of course is the main feature I want to test and the encryption scheme for data protection.

  • Willy Survivalee

    Notification Center and iMessage is my favourite

  • Anonymous

    I’m going to have to say my favorite feature of iOS 5 will be the direct twitter integration. I know the rest is cool, but I’m sure the integration will save me valuable minutes out of my day as I tweet like a mad man.

  • Moroni

    I LOVE the notification center. Makes it easier to get around

  • Ditch64242

    My favorite feature is the wifi sync, thats just awesome.

  • Hector Ballesteros

    The Notification Center look great , seems a bit like some other app HTC

  • golden

    I can not decode the network ios 5 beta 6 on my iphone 3g

  • Zoot

    The new split keyboard on iPad

  • Tealk

    i like the new push notifys

  • Raudy06

    my favorite feautures is OTA’s

  • Rachel

    This is awesome!
    Hope i’ll receive an activation email from you guys soon.

  • Nik

    favorite feature is definitely the notification center and OTA updates

  • Mokirpalani

    favorite feature by far is the new notification system. I hated getting interrupted while watching a video by a stupid Facebook or twitter notification.

  • MantaRay

    Notification center, wifi sync. I’d like to test the speed on my 3GS.

  • Dan

    i like the wifi sync and the custom alert tones..finally!

  • Adib Powermove Stylemove

    please oh please add my UDID to your developer account. I liked your facebook page. my UDID for ipt 4 is c782d8b70a9af2329e9a9db0fac678fb99ed1714 and yeah, the best feature for me in iOS 5 is the new notifications system and also OTA Update.

  • Ron

    my favourite feature is the notification center - PRETTY DAMN BEASTY

  • Nihil

    iCloud is very useful, iMessage looks interesting too

  • Michael Armogan

    I’m going to have to agree with Ipuffa on this one, wireless and iCloud are on par with what I want to see and it’s just LOVE.

  • Wjwickham

    iOS 4 notifications sucked. But in IOS 5, the user interface delivers a brand new, seamless design. Looking forward to it!

  • Carloseduardo2394

    La mejor característica del iOS 5 es el Notification Center!!!

  • Ronald Victoriano

    Simply can’t wait! I love the iMassage, Reminders, Wifi Sync & PC-Free. These are practical and sensible solutions/features for an IT/Bus Mgr guy like me. If apple continues to take this route … they will make it even if Mr Jobs is out of the equation. I am slowly moving to the Apple side with my arsenal of iPhone4, iPad 2, Apple TV and hopefully a Mac Mini and iMac in the near future.

  • Allenlistar

    my favorite feature is that no pc needed feature. the syncing takes so long and backing up is slow.

  • Kartik Arora

    My favorite feature is iCloud and iMessage. I think iMessage would be a bigger hit that BBM.
    I love all the features! The new notification center, Wifi-Sync etc. I love apple! Tim Cook and Steve Jobs mm/

  • Dodya32

    the best thing about iOS 5 is the camera feature. im a photographer and i just love how you can take pics by using the volume button instead of touching the screen. makes it so much easier.

  • Vtorrez2010

    My Fav new feature is the WiFi sync w iTunes!!

  • Kevin Sinniah

    My favourite feature is the new notifications center, i have seen an android one and it looks really handy, as does this one.

  • Drunken_Stormtrooper

    I can’t wait for the notifications and calendar updates

  • Shawn Williams

    MY favourite feature is the notification centre!! IT IS BRILLIANT!

  • Joshie

    My favourite feature in iOS 5 is the notification center, I hate being interuppted while im doing things on my iPhone. Especially when I cant get back to the notification to find out what it is!!

  • Sushicat666

    notification bar is my favortie

  • Nick Potts

    My favourite feature is iCloud. Can’t wait for the GM.

  • Admn Ccc

    Notification Centre.

  • Farikcarrascal

    my favourite feature is the icloud and the notifications

  • Dinu

    My favorite feature is Notification Center.

  • Junaid Muhamed Baramy

    i like the notifications and imessage the most

  • Sesamestrt

    Awesome status bar new feature (like android)

  • Blackdiamondreco

    hate to be a sheep and follow pretty much everyone else but wi-fi sync is pretty sic!!!!

  • Joshua williams

    I’m most excited about the notification centre. I hate that little bubble always interrupting me.

  • Joe

    I am most looking forward to the updated Notifications system, also the Reminders app.

  • Dheeraj Reddy

    Well, I guess the iOS 5 comes built in with 200+ features and it is carrot difficult to choose which one is my favorite, but I think two features which stand out are the wi-fi sync and the setup of the device without the need of any Mac or PC. Even though iOS 5 has many new features, most of them aren’t really knew because they were available even before through jailbreaking your device. Please notify me after my device’s UDID is registered. I’d be truly grateful towards you. Thanks!

  • Jfitzott23

    I would say im most excited for the iMessage and the new message center

  • Magana_1770

    Notification center has to be my favorite feature in iOS 5

  • Paul

    My Favourite feature is the ability to update your ipod wirelessly!

  • Ethan Margolis

    i need the udid because when i get home and need to text with i messages and the new notifications andf i need to use reminders every day, IOS 5 is awesome

  • Christopher Gifford


  • Emoulay

    register my udid!

  • sascha

    the new notification and wlan-sync..

  • Bulat Khabriev

    My favorite function is the notification centre)

  • raj

    best feature airplay mirror

  • Åķ Ķħåïřå

    iCloud and iMessage. PLease! >.<

  • Darek Slaby

    The best part of iOS 5 is the camera app and the fact that we no longer have to sync our iPhones with a computer ever again!

  • Rommel Lapuz

    Hey Lota Man my favorite iOS 5 feature is the wifi SYNC .. Thanks

  • Nathan

    Favourite feature of ios 5 would have to be 200+ new features and pc free on the go update + icloud, and i love the new notification centre

  • Blakemallett

    I actually have a few features i’m really excited about. I’m excited about wireless syncing, the notification center, and the updated camera application.

  • Rhhebert

    I had an Android and loved the notifications. Now iPhone will have that. Yay!

  • MacKenzie LeFort

    I love the new notification system.

  • Justin

    My favorite IOS 5 Feature is the notification center because i love android and IOS so now tey are kind of combined

  • Ky S Dav

    I like the wireless sync function as well as the new information center

  • Anonymous


  • George Jones

    yay. ios 5

  • Uberpanda89

    Wireless sync and notification center - that’s the the way to go

  • Jeremy-morton

    I like that they added Twitter into the package:)

  • Matthewross10

    My favorite feature is iMessage!!! Ipad messaging!

  • Salil9992

    Hey, what’s crackin’ iphoneism.

    Out of all the features, I believe that iOS 5′s new iMessages feature is the BOMB! I mean, people, mostly teens, are always dying to get texting these days. With iOS 5, that has now been possible, except it’s free! Paying 20, 30 bucks a month? Forget it! Just grab iOS 5, and use iMessages. Only downside to this is that it’s only iDevice to iDevice, but that is a minor issue to me.

    - Shank

  • Sascha Jazbec

    i want the new iMessages and notifications now on my brand-new iPod 4g.. I want so badly to have it registered so i can run ios5 b7 now.. pls pls.. i know it might only be two weeks until it will be available for us all free but i want it now. C#mon please

  • Dylan Michael

    Definitely looking forward to using the camera without unlocking my iPod on IOS 5. <3 It takes so long for me to enter my password, close the app I was using before, then open up the folder I keep my camera in, that I miss the photo half the time. :/ Love iphoneism! <3

  • Leo Jimenez

    Hi, i love the iMessage app, because it will be fun and cheap to talk and send messages, photos and even videos to my friends.

  • Garethe2008

    IOS 5.0 new message system looks the business……email -
    UDID - iphone 4- 29a3127c5ddcc57dc2a8fea9633ad931befaeebb

  • tfritz559

    icloud is def the best thing to hit ios5

  • Cody Kerstiens

    notification center is my favorite!

  • Marek Thaler

    my favortie feature on ios5 are the new safari features

  • James Grey

    I love the GPS location aware reminders!

  • Andreas Melzer

    My favorite upcoming features of iOS5 are the Notification Center, Wifi synchronization and OTA updates. Less hassle, more entertainment and productivity

  • coder

    My favorite iOS 5 feature is the new notification center!

  • Ruben

    Hope the best new feature on iOS 5 is notifications.

  • Bryan Wei

    I think my favorite iOS5 feature is definitly Reminder. For years I have been using third-party apps to remind me of important things, but now I can finally use the built-in app Reminder! And also another awsome feature I think is PC-Free. This gives an opportinuty for those who doesn’t have a computer to experience the amazing world of iOS

  • Jenn

    I dunno if your still doing this, but I thought I’d give it a shot. What do I love about iOS 5? So many thing!! iCloud! I was stoked to see all the music I’ve lost per the years! The notification center! Awesome! Being pc free to update an if I decided I need to backup I can do it without my USB cord. Apple has really stepped things up and now the only reason I will be jail breaking is FaceTime over 3G (which I’ve actually heard rumors that that will be included in iOS 5 final version) and unlimtones! Go apple!!

  • Lacrossekid95

    Cant wait for wifi syncing or the new lockscreen notifications. So sessy!

  • Freddie Simmons

    The more cloud the merrier. iCloud can potentially rock. Wifi sync is pretty slick, too. Already use it all the time.

  • Warcorer

    Favorite feature has to be syncing wireless, makes me spend less time at my computer when i don’t need to be in my house.

  • Gary Roberts

    Best iOS feature is the home screen widgets.

  • Leon Conner

    I think the over-the-air functionality is great for the iPhone, it saves the hassle of things, and the notification system is a big step for apple to integrate into the iDevices the whole ios 5 should be phenomenal.

  • John Fletcher

    my favorite feature is the fact that its been jailbroken i mean apple came out with it and its been jailbroken haha. this might not even count please please activate it??

  • Danish

    My favorite upcoming features of iOS5 are the Notification Center which will help to keep stuff sorted n imessage apple’s competition to bbm as i previously owned a bbm n want a feature like that also wireless sync to itunes which gets rid of the annoying cable…….
    hope i get my udid registered….

  • Jeganggs

    My favourite featre of iOS 5 is PC-FREE

  • Justin Donnaruma

    I’m excited about the new notifications. I hate the current notifications system, and as that is the only thing I like about the Android platform, I’m glad they are bringing it to the iPhone in a similar fashion.

  • Anonymous

    My favorite feature would mostly be the wifi-sync, imessages, AND of course the updates straight from the ipod so i dont need too always turn on my pc

  • Liljo94

    Favorite iOS 5 feature? new notifications!

  • Anonymous

    My Favorite feature would be the PC free, i always hate to have to wait for my slow pc too start up, Also they added Text messaging which is amazing! No more facetime 24/7 or Skype for me!

  • Fcs132


  • Neeraj Patel

    My favourite feature is the movable keyboard

  • Ronniegriffin96

    My favorite is the messaging integration into iPad and iPod touch

  • Peter

    Being able to update the IOS software without the tentacle of iTunes and a complete download of a ipsw every time you want to install a new version of the operating system is wonderful.

  • Gilson Machado

    I think the WiFi sync will be the most usefull of the new features!

  • John

    The notification center will be awesome! I hate annoying notifications that get in the way

  • Rvskmbrly3

    I like the Notification Center of iOS 5.

  • S.Tex

    innovation, inspiration. Although it seems that Apple is out of date with the news from other companies, she creates the standard and the other copy, but never get the same level. Welcome icloud.

  • Adir Ohana

    like ios 5

  • Deemoun

    Hey iphonesim,
    According to me, the best thing about iOS 5 is wifi sync and OTA updates. That makes the device truly wireless.

  • Scottw721

    i love imessage. this is perfect for me. i try never to use my cell messaging plan so this will be great for me

  • JDHaas

    My favorite feature has got to be the Notification Center. Its an amazing concept that has finally come alive with the new iOS. I’m looking forward to being able to use it in the near future .

  • Justi

    the new notification system and the camera button on the lock screen

  • Transamgt24

    My favorite iOS 5 feature is syncing and updating wirelessly!!!

  • Patrick Villar Meneses

    It’s not that necessary but I would like to have a Retina iOS 5 on my iPod touch 4G. Alredy have it on my iPhone 3GS and iPad 1 (a friend of my register me). What I love the most about iOS 5 is iMessage very usefull, finaly unlimited “SMS”

  • Alexandros

    My favorite iOS 5 feature: Notification center

  • Megaman

    The IOS feature that’s my favorite one is the ability to scroll with 3 fingers and see the info drop down screen - much like how the “today” screen used to be in old PDA days.

  • Willeeam

    I like the Notification Center of iOS 5.

  • Jonspydr1500

    I am really looking forward to the message center and hoping they do integrate facebook into the iOS.

  • Michael Conway

    My must-have is the Notification Center

    • Daniel Stiller


  • Josh Gardner

    Yeah, the WiFi sync will be cool, but I’ve gotta say the main reason I’ve been jailbreaking IOS4 is to get an informational home screen. I’m looking forward to the IOS5 home screen - might not even bother jailbreaking!

  • dbar

    my favorite feature is the twitter integration!

  • Brad Swanson

    The Twitter integration is my favorite new feature of iOS 5.

  • Wingfai28

    Really love the PC-Free feature, sick of wires.

  • lol-hopeitworks

    I think that iMessage will be very cool thing in iOS 5

  • Michael Smith

    I have to go with the pc free about time !!!!!!
    no more itunes

  • Anandu J Chandran

    My favorite feature on iOS 5 is the wireless upgrade.I used to go nuts over this upgrading process with iTunes.Now u can preserve the jailbreak and upgrade!

  • Kappam6a

    PC Free is the best feature - my father so happy!

  • Alexander Corvin

    So far what blew me away is Siri! Fabulous!

  • Akshay

    I love PC Free!!!!

  • Deangelo Rodriguez

    My favorite iOS 5 feature is the voice assistant! Please activate my UDID! You’re the only ones who do it for free

  • Peele Steve

    Favorite feature? Notifications!

  • Vinicius Porto

    My favorite feature is notification!
    I’m a gamer and that pop up really bother me!


  • Max Molina

    My favorite feature: The notification system!

  • Charles Saint-Chess


  • Vince

    My favorite IOS5 is voice assistant too! Can you activate my UDUD? Cheers and rock on. Vince

  • Daniel Maziarz

    My favorite iOS 5 feature is iMessages and notification center !

  • John Garcia

    I am definitely looking forward to iOS 5 and would like to check out the beta.

  • Javier Escribano

    My fave feature of iOS 5 is notification alert

  • Jarin Olsen

    my favorite ios feature is wifi syncing, please pick me!!!

  • Meqdad

    I would like to try out the Siri feature for voice command, pleas register my UDIDI

    Thanks fro your support!!

  • Vincelaurense

    Why was my comment removed?? Still waiting for my UDID activation. Liked your FB, did it way back ago……filled my details (point 4 above), but still did not got anything….. Wanna try the voice assistant out, I guess one of my favorite features. Thnx anyway, greets Vince

  • Resya Joseph Napitupulu

    My favorite iOS 5 feature is “NOTIFICATIONS” and “PC FREE”. Please activate my UDID. Thanks

  • Michael Lambertino

    My favorite part is either the all new notification center, or the new controls for the camera!

  • Umang Doshi

    Its the location reminders, pretty cool, u can share location with friends.. please

  • Morenitode192

    Hopefully i stand out with that!!! buy My favorite iOS 5 feature is the whole icloud concept and how easy it is to just sync everything together… ipad iphone and mac!!! Do u really need a computer anymore? lol… anyways I am definately interested in trying the new ios 5 on my phone!!! and u guys as always have been my number 1 resource for all iphone info ive needed.

  • Dmess12005

    My favorite iOS5 is the notification center. Please activate my UDID.
    Enternally grateful,

  • Anonymous

    imessage is the best application

  • Alan Torres

    Notification center is by far the best feature on iOS 5

  • Marcio Roberto Fernandes

    The new notification center is a must have that I long wait.

  • gklimited

    I really like the notification bar

  • gklimited

    I am in love with the notification bar

    Please activate my UDID i really need it, cause my ipod is stuck and i can’t downgrade it

  • kamila ticha

    my favorite iOS 5 feature is iCloud sync! Please activate my UDID, you will make my day better!:-) Kamila

  • Michael Pascal Maneia

    My favourite ios 5 feauture is the notification bar, i love this on android and have it on ios is cool

  • Diner Yılmaz

    of course my favourite is Siri. I am waiting it will be availible for iphone 4 after few updates

  • Vee :)

    My favourite feature is the imessenger! I’d love it if you could help me get this iOS 5 up and running!

  • John

    Is this still available??

  • T-pain95

    hey i love siri bro one of the best features made

  • Finn Godwin

    My favorite is the iMessage feature so i don’t get expensive phone bills any more.

  • Ryan

    I love the new notification system in IOS5. I don’t have a 4S yet but Siri is an amazing addition to our phones and cant wait much longer to get a hold of here!! I really need a registered phone so I can hopefully get the beta to correct the battery issue!!!

  • Faizan

    i really like the notification bar

  • Pichhviruz

    My favorite iOS 5 feature is Newsstand. Please activate my UDID!

  • iphone4s-me

    The best feature is Siri.

  • OlDirty

    The notification center is my favorite feature in iOS5

  • Nate

    The notification center is definitely the defining feature of iOS 5 and the fact that I can edit my music library from my iPod now, delete songs etc.

  • Desh

    So far my favorite feature of iOS 5 is the iMessaging

  • Kenneth Tse

    Love the speech to text feature on io5. Looking forward to the activating my UDID. Thanks!

  • Kanan

    The new photo-enhancing is nice

  • Husam Almosa


  • Josema

    My favorite iOS 5 feature is the Notification Center. I really appreciate it!

  • Anonymous

    My favorite iOS 5 feature is the Notification Center. I really appreciate it!

  • David Fraello

    LOVE the new push notifications on ios5!

  • Jerome b.

    My favorite feature of IOS 5 is the wifi sync, because I often lost my USB cable

  • P_valenciano

    I really like Notification Center; IMessage and reminders

  • Pablo

    I like the notification center and the automatic wheater by location

  • maciek janiak

    notification center and wifi sync! )

  • Mike Laws

    I like the twitter integration and now ios 6 had facebook integ.

  • Matthew Manley

    Notification center is definately my favorite iOS 5 feature.

  • Karan Bindal

    Heya! People! My favorite iOS 5 feature is Custom Vibrations and Siri of course.