How To Get Installous Cracked Apps On iOS 4.3.3 Jailbroken iPad 2 [Video]


Let's face it, most of us have only been waiting for an iPad 2 jailbreak release so that we can get Installous on our iPad 2. While Installous isn't everything to jailbreaking, for some it is the most essential part of jailbreaking their device. Many users just jailbreak their devices to get access to a wide range of tweaks, apps and themes not approved by Apple, while some on the other hand just don't want to pay developers for the hard work they put in to developing an app, hence the thought behind getting Installous to install cracked apps on jailbroken iOS devices.

I assume that you know how to use JailbreakMe 3.0 to jailbreak iOS 4.3.3 iPad 2. After you have done that, and are relatively new to the jailbreaking scene, you probably have heard of Installous but don't know how to get it. Don't worry, this guide will teach you exactly how you can do that.

Step 1: Launch Cydia on your jailbroken iPad 2.

Step 2: Tap on Sources in the bottom right corner.

Step 3: Now tap on Edit in the top right corner followed by Add in the top left corner. Cydia will now ask you to enter a URL.

Step 4: Enter the following URL: and tap on Add Source.

Following a series of automated steps, Cydia will now install the Hackulous repository. Once that is done, simply search for Installous in Cydia and download it.

For you convenience, video guide is embedded below:

Once you have downloaded Installous on your device, launch it from the home screen and proceed to install cracked apps, which we obviously do not encourage you to do.

Please note that this procedure for getting Installous is exactly the same for supported iOS devices other than the iPad 2 as well.

Any problems? Don't hesitate to leave a comment below and our team will help you out immediately.

  • Ryan

    Hi. My Installous cache categories pretty long time and when at reaches to last category, it just stopped working. I tried several times and no luck. When I open again, I see Installous with empty category directories. Any help would be appreciated.

    • Wev

      Hey Ryan, had the Same problem. I simply installed hackulo a secound time and it was solved. Greetz

      • Ryan

        Ok. Great! I’ll try that. Thanks!

        • zeus011

          Within Installous, Go to Settings, iTunes sync. If set to ON, change to OFF… then try it again

      • Robert Barrentine

        I had the same problem. Took me three tries. There were no colorful error messages on my last go and the directories were filled!

  • Bryan Casey

    Yeah I keep getting Api error after install when I try to go into any catergory

    • Richard Gorton

      Same here

    • Tambiya786

      I jailbroke when it was released, instalous worked for a good few hours and now I get the api error!!

    • Cozmerk Isenberg


    • Extravagant

      Me too

    • Kenji

      same problem here!

    • Paras Tolani

      you need to remove the xsellize repo first. bcoz when u install installous, it installs Appsync (from xsellize repo).

      solutions is below.

      1. remove xsellize repo
      2. remoe appsync ( this will remove installous too)
      3. search installous and it will install appsync 4.0+

      4. then add xsellize repo as u like.

      • mammamia

        where is the ‘xsellize repo’??i could’t find it!!

        • Ojay13

          Where can i find xsellize repo??

        • Ojay13

          Where can i find xsellize repo??

      • Thauk84

        thankss very much ……..i can do it ..

        • Thauk84

          api error………. what happen ?

      • Kanav_goel

        how to remove zsellize repo i cant able to downlaod application through installous like map my india etc itz show api error or resource not found

        • Lota Man

          Go to Cydia>Manage>Sources. Swipe your finger over the xsellize repo. Tap on delete to remove it from Cydia.

      • Jo

        I don’t have xsellize repo… what do I do?

  • Bryan Casey

    Yeah I keep getting Api error after install when I try to go into any catergory

  • Bryan Casey

    Yeah I keep getting Api error after install when I try to go into any catergory

  • Guest

    API Error constantly…

    • Lota Man

      Too much load on Installous servers right now. Imagine those poor servers trying to cope with an additional load of round about a million jailbroken iPads, on top of millions of jailbroken iPhones and iPod touches.

      Don’t sweat, try again after a couple of hours.
      Sent from my BlackBerry® Smartphone provided by Ufone

      • Bryan Casey

        Okay..glad thats all it is and that the install wasnt bad

      • Kevin

        Thank you

  • Hallo

    I also get API error in Installous

  • Irene Abraham

    When I try to open Installous , a blank category list appears..?


      Me too

  • Kevin

    I have API errors at startup, also After reinstaling it, so a blank installous screen opens only.

  • MinkooV3

    mine has api error every once in a while but the bad part is when i click download on them there are no links at all

  • MinkooV3

    mine has api error every once in a while but the bad part is when i click download on them there are no links at all

  • Ldldldldlzd

    Same same saaame

    Do u really think this is all because any overload of their server?

    • Lota Man

      Sent from my BlackBerry® Smartphone provided by Ufone

  • 1993

    Api errors and also the list of apps just doesn’t load.

  • Hotniel

    Yeah seems like it’s just not working I am getting the same error

    • Rafael Rodriguez

      try rebooting your device, mine worked after i did

  • MJ

    I got installous installed but when I try to download an app it brings me the app store. Is that correct? Occasionally I get the API error also.

    • Martin

      I think the problem is that you clicked “View In AppStore” instead of hitting a free download link below.

      • MJ

        Oh so don’t click where it says download/download later? That’s what I originally clicked on. I’m new to the whole ipad/ipod jailbreaking process.

      • MJ

        I see my mistake. I didn’t wait for the page to populate. Thanks Martin.

  • Martin

    Their server is being assaulted by all the new jailbroken devices. Use AppCake while you wait for the server overload to die down.

  • Chris Kim

    why does it lead me to the app store when i try to download via installous???

    • Markusb

      Dont select the App store like..wait for the others such as Mediafire, Fileape, ect

  • angel

    I thought it was only me =)) Just got jailbroken lol. What a bad timing?

  • Raff

    is it possible that you cant download any apps at all via installous right now?
    It’s just linking to the appstore no matter which app i choose?!

    • Lota Man

      Servers having trouble coping with the massive traffic.
      Sent from my BlackBerry® Smartphone provided by Ufone

    • Someone

      That’s because u are clicking th show in app store option. There’s suppose to be several more options showing up below, if not, wait.

  • Tambiya786

    Yeah, just went on installous on my iPhone, there saying that it’s due to the amount off people trying to use it. So I think waiting is the only solution for now!

  • Naveenkotni

    I donno whther this is installation error or some server issue… API ERROR . I m frm india .. I was jus waitin fr this jailbrk to install apps vth out purchasing them …. Nd installous is nt at all wrkng .. Cn anyone temme of anyothr option which do the same as installous …..

    • Ohmadaze

      cheapo. pay for the apps.

  • s_r

    Ok guys! It works. If you get the API error - just re-install hackulo and then installous and it’ll work. Else, just download the apps from and sync them to your iPad

    • Lota Man

      This works too.
      Sent from my BlackBerry® Smartphone provided by Ufone

    • Junkie8178

      I ve got installous on mi ipad2 now, now will apps frm apptrckr work on my iPad

      • Lota Man

        Sent from my BlackBerry® Smartphone provided by Ufone

  • Mynameisjosh

    Yes, API error for me as well. Guess it’s not working on iPad 2 yet, or maybe it’s 4.3.3.?

  • Guspollux

    Tes so do i….api error

  • Guspollux

    Tes so do i….api error

  • Guspollux

    Tes so do i….api error

  • Guspollux

    Ok it works now…first install appsync 4.0+ and installous after

  • Dex

    Update: Comex mentioned that his site was having web-caching issues and errors are reported while trying to download the jailbreak files. He told everyone ”If it doesn’t work, try tomorrow! Cheers!!.”

  • TharThar

    It works. as Guspollux said, first install appsync 4.0+ and installous after …Cheers.

  • Dreamerzz

    Here also, i can download, but everything i install api error

  • Cozmerk Isenberg

    API error on my ipad 2

  • Lousarindy

    it’s have error during in stall app

  • Yummy Hits

    that was really helpful thx man

  • Vincent Stampede

    i have the installous icon,but when open it’s blank n close by itself,

  • Jonathan Borden

    derr we don’t encourage downloading cracked apps…but we’ll show you down to a T how to get that sheeet!!

    • Lota Man

      Article is for informational purposes only. If you don’t like downloading cracked apps, then don’t download them!

  • Bas Berendse

    I have another prob… When i click download i only see view on the app store and nothing else and it is with every app-.- help!

    • Ib agha

      Same here!!! And also sometimes it says api unavailable help!! :/

  • Geo Temelkov

    When I want to download an app is just giving me an option to view/download it from the AppStore… Is that normal? What’s the point of having installous if we should buy the apps from the AppStore… Useless…

    • Lota Man

      Installous servers were so slammed with traffic that this issue was being caused. Installous is functioning normally right now.

  • Paras Tolani

    you need to remove the xsellize repo first. bcoz when u install installous, it installs Appsync (from xsellize repo).

    solutions is below.

    1. remove xsellize repo
    2. remoe appsync ( this will remove installous too)
    3. search installous and it will install appsync 4.0+

    4. then add xsellize repo as u like.

  • Orangepie_selvi

    It keeps saying my iTunes password is wrong although I am trying to download free app from apps store. I want to undo this Cydia. Pls help. Thanks.

    • Lota Man

      There’s no need to install a free app from installous, is it?

      • Orangepie_selvi

        Hmm what app is that?

    • Azander1977

      Did you put your AppStore and iTunes In a folder ? Take them out and leave it on tray.. It will work.

      • Orangepie_selvi

        I reset my password, it’s working fine now but now I have the API error :/

  • Kogira

    after installed instalous every simgle app on the ipad doesn´t open

    • Lota Man

      Installous servers were overloaded and were causing this problem. Its working fine now.

  • Kogira

    after installed instalous every simgle app on the ipad doesn´t open

  • Mohd_kherold

    Paras tolani: there is no repo xsellize

    • Lota Man

      Sent from my BlackBerry® Smartphone provided by Ufone

      • Mohd_kherold

        Thank you. My solution is after downloading installous u need to restart your ipad 2 then try open the apps again

  • Tresteven

    Heeeelppppppp!!! API error……

  • Srigups

    Wr is xseelize repo? Hw to remove it?

  • The Guy Behind The Guy

    Try a respiring or a reboot. the reboot worked for me.

  • Yammy_erika

    having a problem with api error?how can i solve it?

  • Ak56u

    I am getting some API error(API unavailable) when I run installous on my iPad 2. I have rebooted my device, reinstalled installous many times but I always get the same error. Help me out someone!

  • Sureshsanthana Sk

    hi folks

    initially i got API error then i removed intallous and installed again at cydia.

    then i worked… but i feel it installous server response is very slow !

    which result this!!!?

    better error could be misleading! for server time out we could get timeout error!!!

  • Mike

    I have ipad 2, 4.33. Jailbroken, In installous I keep getting this message API error, Resource not found. I tried remove Hackulo, xsellize, installous, appsyn and then reinstalled them so many times, I also restart few times too. Still see API error, I couldn’t see free crack apps. Can anyone please please help and advice?????? Thank you very much in advance!

  • Tony

    After installing the app from installous, I couldn’t fine the app’s icon on the home screen. Help!! ps. it was successfully installed (installous said)

  • DDR

    Installous is not working

  • Mab Baria

    hi i have jailbreaked the ipad 2 anf downloaded app but when i syn with itunes it removes it can u pla tell me the solution… thanks

  • Sign

    I have ipad 2, 4.33. Jailbroken, In installous I keep getting this message API error, Resource not found. I tried remove Hackulo, xsellize, installous, appsyn and then reinstalled them so many times, I also restart few times too. Still see API error, I couldn’t see free crack apps. Can anyone please please help and advice?????? Thank you very much in advance!

    Mines doing same thing

    • Mike

      I don’t think there’s any possible solution to solve this API error problem in Installous for iPad 2 and iPhone 4, (4.3.3. firmware).

  • Amogh Mohanty

    double click home and close Installous n open it again,it worked for me!

  • Mab Baria

    hi i have jailbreaked the ipad 2 anf downloaded app but when i syn with itunes it removes it can u pla tell me the solution… thanks

  • Tdadelaja

    Thanks guys the idea of installing app sync before installous worked

  • Lota Man

    Try different source.
    Sent from my BlackBerry® Smartphone provided by Ufone

  • Mikestrok

    Its working now.. Thanks for the share

  • Celp6375

    how do you get iphone apps on an ipad with installous? O:

    • Lota Man

      You can download the .ipa and install it normally.

  • Abdulwasiyu Salahudin

    hi, pls how can unistal apps in a jail break ipad 2

    • Lota Man

      From home screen, press and hold the app that you want to uninstall. Then tap on the little X that appears. You’re good to go.

  • Bijjoevron

    I have a problem 2 sync with iTunes with my iPad 2

  • Bijjoevron

    I have a problem 2 sync with iTunes with my iPad 2

  • Akaru83

    can we connect ipad 2 to computer after jailbreak??

    • Lota Man

      Yes you can.

  • Ryosuke Lee

    Awesome guide..Thank you so much.

  • Sv8897


    I have a jailbreaked ipad 2, so then I installed MyWi 4 on my ipad, but after it’s installed, I can’t open any applications or delete any of them. Once I try to open it, it will turns blank (black screen with the Apple icon). My ipad version is still 4.3.3. I am not sure if I need to reinstall it or not, but it seems like I have no other ways. Please help give me some ideas. I’ll be very appreciated.

  • Bouqui

    I can’t locate my downloaded apps from cydia on my iPad 2 4.3.. I download apps install….but no icons and I can’t find them, plus my installous (icon appears but doesn’t work.

    • Lota Man

      Do a clean restore and re-run the jailbreak.

  • Asdfgh

    I cant find free apps at installous, every single one costs.

  • Sirehiko

    Installous 4 isn’t appearing on my ipad after being installed and reinstalled.

    • Lota Man

      Did you do the jailbreak correctly?

  • lucasiodula

    how can i get cydia apps with insltallous?

  • Lota Man

    Rerun the jailbreak.

    • Karimboukhaf

      Thkx lot . I reinstall Cydia from the jailbreakme but IT s a same problem .
      IT s not because I have install Cydia after using my IPad 3 or 4 days With a lot of différente installation from AppStore and a PC synchronisation ?

  • Lota Man

    Rerun the jailbreak.

  • Cyberonic

    Same problem as the rest where I installed installous butit was empty , hanged and auto close by itself. Tried reinstalling for the fourth time but it doesn’t work. Please help. Thanks

    • Lota Man

      Try rerunning the jailbreak. It will help.

      • Cyberonic

        I realized the installous will only work at 12am and it run for 10 mins before the whole installous hanged. Any idea why?

  • Batman

    I believe I found the fix. Under settings under installious, ensure that the auto install after finish download is checked. Fixed the error for me!



    I had been trying to install Skype to my iPad, but apple had been asking ke for a credit card which I do not have. How will I install programs to my iPad when apple keeps on asking for a credit card? I have so many programs and apps that I need and want for my iPad.. Please help???!!! Thank you so much. Godspeed!

  • Shun_ukiya0225

    Anyone can help me please??when I click on installous, the caching is running very slow…when I wait it until finish,I accidently press the home button,and I try to go in the installous, I saw those home page and others ate blank…and a few second, installlous will auto minimize….I try to reinstall and remove install back, also still having the same problem…anyone can help?I’m using iPad 2 4.3.3version

    • Lota Man

      Did you try any of the steps mentioned in this guide?

  • Sunil badlani

    my iphone 3gs 4.3.3 hangs between a call when it is connected to pc what must be the problem. please help

    • Yvan

      PEBCAK error, dude

  • Moetrix_7

    i dowloaded te installous but the downloading is very slow and my internet is very fast how can i fix this issue please?

  • Bgiridharr

    After downloading Installous, I searched for and installed “Anatomy Quiz” and after 2 minutes it gave me a quick notification “Download Complete” in a square box which disappeared quickly. But now I am unable to locate it on my iPad2 4.3.3, even after respringing, and further re-booting it. Help!

    • Lota Man

      Simply download it from another source. Installous lists plenty of sources for downloading apps.

  • Mz

    I got this error:Did not find Repository : the idicated repository could not be found. this could be because you are trying to add a legacy installer repository ( these are not supported.) also, this interface is only capable of working with exact repository URLs..
    What should I do to my Ipod touch

  • Jo

    I have installous, and I know you are supposed to download cracked apps, but whenever I try to download, it says open app store, and it costs money! WHAT DO I DO?!?!

    • Lota Man

      Wait for a bit. Links will show up.
      Sent from my BlackBerry® Smartphone provided by Ufone

  • Erik

    Tried to install installious (ios5.01 redsn0w), but everything dissapeared except the kiosk…

    • Lota Man

      Probably servers are trashed right now!

      Sent from my BlackBerry® Smartphone provided by Ufone

  • Alenj1996

    After typing the source ID of installous, I get verification error ” the request timed out” . What does this mean?????

  • please help

    wen ever i press install it shows error for installous

  • Ikelucas88

    I installed installous but whenever I try to download a app it gives me one choice of launching the itunes app store

  • Canttouchbrazil1

    I seem to put in the captha and then it says download I hit it then it gives me an ad???

  • Kath

    Hi i am using an ipod 5.0 and tried to install some apps from installous several times, it wont appear on my spring board, i tried having it automatically installed and manually i also looked at the download section of installous but nothing is on there, i checked my memory and its still the same but installous said that the downloads are completed, help please., thanks

    • Lota Man

      You have to install Installous again.
      Sent from my BlackBerry® Smartphone provided by Ufone

  • Albert

    My installous worked fine but now whenever i opened it, it cant update and the writting “API error” pops out. What should I do?

  • himanshu

    i hav downloaded apps but i cannot install it! it says invalid ipa file! what to do pls help!

  • Maggierabina

    My iPad 2 was been jailbreak 5 mons. Ago and been enjoying free downloads using installous4 via file ape and file dude servers. But suddenly, these servers are no longer there for me to get free downloads. Could you please help me how to restore these servers as media fire servers are also blocked.

  • kim

    my 5.1 ipod touch too gets error everytime i install an apps. (


    installous on ios 5.1.1 is not working, says wrong url.

  • Random

    You get Api Error because It is many people who is using it in the same time. You have to wait. Well, It worked for me.