How To Activate iOS 5 Beta 3 On iPhone, iPad, iPod touch Without Developers Account


A couple of days ago, Apple released iOS 5 beta 3 for developers. Before that, both beta 1 and beta 2 were released and many non-developers got them working on their devices, without needing a UDID registration. How to do that? Basically, workarounds are discovered in each beta firmware that let aspiring beta testers use iOS 5 beta firmware on their devices without a developers account. Though legally, the UDID of the device needs to be registered by enrolled Developers that past $99 per annum to Apple for being enrolled in the Developers Program. So how would you install iOS 5 beta 3 on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch without a Developers Account? You'll find the tutorial down below.

A word of warning for all of those that scour the internet for UDID activations. What most people do, that offer UDID activations for you in return of a price is that in most cases, they just take your money and never reply back. So its better that you stay away. However, you can try out your luck with us as we have been offering free UDID activations for budding iOS beta firmware testers.

Right, so the procedure documented below is what you have to follow carefully on your iPhone.

Step 1: Download iOS 5 beta 3 ipsw for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch and download iTunes 10.5 beta 3 as well.

Step 2: Restore your device to iOS 5 beta 3 then proceed with the PC free setup.

Step 3: On language selection, press the Home button quickly thrice. Once the Voice Over option pops up, press the Home button thrice again to bring up the Emergency Call option. Once that pops up, you need to tap on Emergency Call.

Step 4: Once the dial pad is display, dial 112 and initiate the call. Once the call gets underway, tap on Contacts. Once you have tapped on that, simply press the Home button to proceed to the Home screen.

Step 5: Enjoy your iPhone activated on iOS 5 beta 3 without a developers account.

Want to activate iPad and iPod touch on iOS 5 beta 3 without a developer account as well? Follow this procedure:

Step 1: Download both iOS 5 beta 3 ipsw for your iPad and iPod touch and iTunes 10.5 beta 3. Now restore your device to iOS 5 beta 3. Once done with the restore, you have to put it in recovery mode, while it is connected to the computer.

Step 2: Now unplug your device from the computer and power it off. Plug it in once again to your computer, so that it turns on.

Step 3: Once the device turns on, you will be greeted with the iOS 5 setup screen. Press the power button once so that the device goes into sleep mode. Press it once again to take it out of sleep mode. You'll now see the default iOS wallpaper. You know, with all the bubbles and stuff.

Step 4: Press the Home button thrice to bring up Voice Over. Now slide to unlock the device. Tap on the time that will be appearing in the top right corner of the status bar up top. As Voice Over begins speaking out instructions, swipe down from the status bar using three fingers to bring down the Notification Center. Once that comes down, simply tap on the Weather widget. Once the comes up, simply press the Home button to proceed to the Home screen.

That's it! Your device, whether it be an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, is now fully activated on iOS 5 beta 3 without a developers account.

We already have posted workarounds for activating iOS 5 beta 1 without developers account and how to hactivate iOS 5 beta 2.

If you try this procedure out for yourself and face any problems, don't hesitate to drop a comment below to ask for help. Our team will help you out immediately.

  • Lander Kemp

    is this beta 3 different of beta 2? cause when you did this in beta 2 you couldn’t sync with iTunes and many other things didn’t work.

    • fanckush

      you can do that on ios 5 beta 2 OR 1 for FREE but you need to (hacktivate)
      you device, if anyone want’s that , go to my youtube channel
      it’s called fanckush

    • Lota Man

      Yes this is an entirely new iOS 5 beta.

      • Lander Kemp

        I tried to bypass the setup screen but I got stuck when I had to pull down the notification screen, it just didn’t came down. One small question; does both facetime and safari work? I need both. :p

      • Lander Kemp

        I tried to bypass the setup screen but I got stuck when I had to pull down the notification screen, it just didn’t came down. One small question; does both facetime and safari work? I need both. :p

        • Bahabakawee

          Did u got any answer cos i have the same problem

  • Sgneisen

    Hi, im on my ipod touch 3rd gen, and everything works until i get to step 3, when it turns back on from being in recovery mode when your supposed to press the lock button and then unlock it, i dont get the bubbles im stuck on the set up screen still. Help

  • Nigh T Wish

    Hi, I have a problem on my iPad, when i swipe down the notification bar, it is empty and there is no weather and etc… So what would i do?

  • Charls

    I dont have notification bar?

  • Trent

    i followed the instructions on my ipod touch 4g and when i pressed the power button again it was still on the setup screen. Any Help?

  • Yakir

    I did this for beta 1 but I wasn’t able to sync with iTunes or get mobile service.

    • fanckush

      if you wanr to FULLT activate (hacktivate) ios 5 beta 1, 2 and 3 go to my you tube channel
      my channel is called fanckush

    • fanckush

      for all ios 5 beta(S), that is not an activate!!, it’s just bypassing the activation screen.
      if you want to fully activate ios 5 beta 1, 2 and 3 (hacktivate) for FREE
      go to my youtube channel, it’s called fanckush

  • fanckush

    i need some help here, PLEASE
    on my ipad (1) i have a problem with number 3, when i prees the power button (so it can go to sleep mode) nothing happens!!!


  • Vinloh72

    I’ve tried it on my 3G iPad2 but I’m stuck. Once restore ios 5, I’ll let iTune to detect back my iPad2 then press Power button and Home button together for 10secs. My ipad turn black (like it’s in recoevery mode) but when I unplug, it didn’t turns on and the set remained black. When connect to iTune, it can detect my ipad and I have to do the restore again. Any solution to this?

  • JDuncan569

    This process does not work with the iPod Touch 4G. Either a corrected process needs to be posted that does function, or the original article needs to be edited to remove references to the iPod Touch.

  • Lander Kemp

    I don’t know why, but my itunes refuses to copy ios5 b3 to my iPod 4G, it says that an unknown error occured (20). I hit “more information” wich brings me to iTunes Problems or something like that in safari, and according to that, error 20 is a security error. So I did everything iTunes said me to do, but still… nothing. -’ can somebody experienced with this problem help me out? plz. :’(

    • William_hagerman

      you have to put your ipod in DFU mode first

    • Lota Man

      Running iTunes 10.5 beta 3?

    • Muarkus

      same boat as u i really need help can u tell me when u figure this out

  • Shane Patton

    so i tryed this out and i got the software installed on the ipad1 i have but i am not able to get the bubble screen to show up
    it doesnt respond to the power button from the lock screen

  • Needs Help

    Doesnt work for iPod Touch 4g

  • MAtt

    You all are idiots for risking your devices with beta software. You’ll be sorry

    • James and a half

      chill!! this is obviously at thier own risk and I understnad that, that’s why I’m only doing it to my iPod, so my iPad will be usable still.

  • Arjun_major

    i am unable to follow the step 4

  • Doctors Companion

    Doesnt work, notification centre doesnt slide down.

    • Lota Man

      Follow the instructions very carefully.

  • fdjishnug

    it is clear that these instructions are unclear and don’t work. Cool.

  • Dustinadona

    Do you have to already have beta 3 installed in order for this to work? Im on 4.3.3.

    • Lota Man


  • rms georgia

    This trick allowed me to get to the home screen, but cellular service was no longer available. I finally had to get my UDID registered via another site (at a cost of $4, but it only took a couple of hours to get it).

  • Imjustkidding86

    need help please. downloaded and installed beta 3 on ipad 1 and when i swipe down the notification bar there is no weather widget. is there any other way to activate??

  • Omegadownloader

    I dont get the 2. part of the iPod section. Cause when u have your iPod in recovery mode then you plug it out what do you turn off?

  • Omegadownloader

    I dont get the 2. part of the iPod section. Cause when u have your iPod in recovery mode then you plug it out what do you turn off?

  • Karim Fox

    when i initiate the emergency call i cannot find the contacts button mentioned so wat do i do i dont wanna keep disturbing the emergency service.

  • Kevin Lee

    I don’t think it’s working for beta 5

  • Jhgju

    Pure Bullshit my ipod touch 4g is bricked thanks to the ios5 beta

    • Lota Man

      It can not be bricked. I’m sure we can help you fix it.