iOS 4.3.5 Untethered Jailbreak iPhone, iPad, iPod touch Release Not Possible


As you might be aware by now that a few hours earlier, Apple has released iOS 4.3.5 for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. This software update was totally unprecedented. Those of you who wish for an iOS 4.3.5 untethered jailbreak, shouldn't get their hopes up as one isn't releasing at all.

Merely ten days have passed since Apple released iOS 4.3.4 for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Even though you can jailbreak iOS 4.3.4 tethered, no untethered iOS 4.3.4 jailbreak has been released. The reason behind iOS 4.3.4 was that Apple needed to patch a vulnerability in mobile Safari that allowed hackers to gain root access to your device through the mobile Safari browser. Comex used this vulnerability to develop a PDF based exploit for iPad 2 jailbreak on iOS 4.3.3 and iPhone, iPad, iPod touch jailbreak on iOS 4.3 - 4.3.3. Regardless of the fact that PDF Patcher 2 was released by Comex in Cydia to patch this vulnerability as well as retain the jailbreak, Apple still released iOS 4.3.4 to officially patch this vulnerability.

The reason why iOS 4.3.5 release was unprecedented is because of the fact that Apple has already patched the said exploit in iOS 4.3.4, so why the need for a sudden iOS 4 software update when iOS 5 release is just around the corner? Apple claims it has to fix an issue with certificate validation which could be a potential security risk for iOS devices.

Why is an iOS 4.3.5 untethered jailbreak release impossible? Its simple. Why would the devs even think of dedicating their time in order to develop an untethered jailbreak exploit for a firmware that is going to be outdated in less than 50 days? As previously mentioned, iOS 5 is going to be released this fall and we have already been able to jailbreak iOS 5 beta firmware, albeit tethered. It seems only logical for the devs to concentrate on making an iOS 5 untethered jailbreak, regardless of the fact that Apple has patched too very well known untethered jailbreak exploits in the latest iOS 5 beta firmware.

Currently, it is only possible to jailbreak iOS 4.3.5 tethered on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, guide posted here. Keep in mind that you can't jailbreak iPad 2 on iOS 4.3.5. Though we know for sure that untethered iOS 4.3.5 jailbreak will never be a possibility. Keep your fingers crossed for iOS 5 untethered jailbreak instead.

  • Justice

    Two not too.

  • 123

    Though we know for sure that untethered iOS 5 jailbreak will never be a possibility. Keep your fingers crossed for iOS 5 untethered jailbreak instead.

    Makes no sense.

    • Lota Man

      Simple typing error. Fixed.

      • Whorecake

        ur mother

  • Kosto

    Well… This sucks…

  • Lota Man

    First register the UDID of your iPhone 4 using Xcode or through the developers portal. Then install iOS 5 beta on it

    • Anon

      There’s also “UDIDTool” that will show your device UDID or email it to any address you want.

      • Will_kit

        Without Untethered break for 4.3.5 i’m bored with it!!! I’m planning to sell it to get an android instead!!

    • LALA

      lol you guys are idiots. im a girl and i have my iphone 4 4.3.5 already untethered jailbreaak.. wow a 14 year old girl can beat ya out. can you spell: SAD

      • Lota Man

        No but we can spell Phoney.

      • Ramin_kosha

        Lala, you for sure boosting, show a proof that you have untethered jb on your iOS 4.3.5

      • nav

        Lala, how did u do that? i m going mad bout that

      • Shafi2smiling

        hi lala my sister im hussain from india 17 year old boy
        i wont to know how to get untethered jailbreak
        please help me thnxxxxxxxxxx
        my id

      • Bilalakhtar268

        Yeah sure lala first get to know about what is unthethered

  • Mohamedjaffar

    I order to get iOS 5 on the device must install iTunes 10.5 beta2 and register you UDID (iPhone) serial. I installed my works perfect though.

  • Ted Gibbins

    this does suck - another quick patch because apple is precios over jailbroken phones…. and they have screwed the time zone in UK. Pretty fed up of apple ‘agile without test’ procedures.

  • Gun

    iOS 5 is quite a problem as now apple can easily release (and force onto us) updates on a whim. But they can easily track jailbroken devices and void their warranties thus rendering our lives more difficult. As we will no longer fly by by unjailbreaking our devices when we go to service them! The worse part is apple can easily brick our devices that are jailbroken (which would be illegal but easily proven) and then when those whom are willing to speak up and complain do they could easily claim that because the device was jailbroken they will do nothing (highly illegal). But the fact lies that they intentionally bricked our devices (still illegal) we could claim them for the intentional use of malicious software ( horrendously illegal in every way) to thereof take advantage of the voided warranty (which would lead to apple temporally being shut down thus possibly leading to many stocks values going down to riddicoulos prices and possibly starting a market crash) which would be investigated by the FBI

    • 846926

      It’s legal to jailbreak, the hardware is yours to manipulate, but violating copyrights by downloading illegal cracked apps is illegal. Thus, Apple is trying to shut down piracy, not jailbreaking in general.
      And the market wouldnt crash, since about only 30 percent of iphone users are on a jailbreak.

      • Jeriah9

        so there is no uteatherd jailbreak for ipod touch4.3.5 4g

        • Sathya Narayanan

          more than 45% of apple devices are on jailbreak my frnd ur wrong many ppl are so dum they buy jailbreak devices for cheap and updates it and gets stuck haha i know quite many ppl out here in nz

  • apple

    is there possibility to have untethered jailbreak 4.3.5 in the future or in this month?

    • Lota Man

      There won’t be an iOS 4.3.5 untethered jailbreak release, not in this month, not ever.

      • Palisa_palisa

        That’s a better way to phrase what you intend to say. It’s not that jailbreaking 4.3.5 is “impossible”; it’s that developers won’t spend any time on it because something new is coming along soon.

        It’s not “impossible”; it’s only unlikely.

  • Jay

    Why are you guys crying over the past.?
    iOS 4.3.5 is history before its started..!!!
    “Heads up,..If your smart, just wait for the release of the iOS 5 untethered JB.

  • Mr__cheese_

    Another developement team has made an UNTETHERED jailbreak for 4.3.5, works perfectly

    • Roy


    • Gabrielcarrillo11

      What is it called

    • Lota Man

      Which development team? There have been no such reports.

    • Lota Man

      Which development team? There have been no such reports.

    • Ammar

      where ???? i read about the wildra1n but ppl say its fake :/

    • jaredtheclark


    • Will_kit

      Total fool to believe it as untethered jailbreak for 4.3.5 will never be possible

  • Keyz

    Apple needs to stop fighting jailbreakers, Hire them and allow them to better the iphone as is. if they would stop trying to rule the world and allow these hackers to make them better the money return would be huge. Not that they need more money. But i know as an iphone user alot of the jailbreaks are awesome stuff that apple wont do, Cydia should be a stock iphone app. hands down

    • Mmansour96

      you have the right idea. most of the problems that the iphone had were fixed by the jailbreak. they should incorrage it, not deny it

    • Pp2up

      dont forget how cydia apps can make your device slow and make it crash!
      and some tweaks wont work well together!
      but im with you and wish apple would stop fighting!

      • Daniosaur

        If apple stopped fighting it and flash, then maybe they would find a way to speed up your iDevice so Cydia could run on it…

    • Lxrocha

      how would you like to work long and hard on a game and have every one stealing it

      • Rpgenius420

        Actually you need to add a repository and Installous app to get anything pirated. Average jailbreaker does not do that or even knows how.

      • WhoreCake

        faggotism is most terribly wrong…u suk donkey balls and enjoy licking them as well

  • iLuke106

    It is legal to Jailbreak, however Apple look down upon it, ‘Like masturbating on a flight’.

    • Syncere010

      Masturbating on a flight is illegal!!! : )

      • guest

        Thanks a lot Bin Laden!

        • Forrest

          omg that was so epic.

    • Nobody

      you saying thats a bad thing?

  • Ryanlemmons

    jailbreaking is legal. however when u jail break any iDevice it waranty that came with it is trash

    • Timothy656

      Unless your dumb enough to walk into the apple store with a jailbroken iDevice then your warranty will be worth fuck all. But most people like myself simply restore back to before we jailbreaked our iDevice, sync a few apps onto it and it is basically (un-jailbreaked) therefore the warranty never went a way in the first place. Done this myself like 2x before and they done even bother to check it so in a way jailbreaking does not void your warranty. But I like morons like yourself that say it does - makes mocking you seem so easy. In a way it’s like you trashing your brand new car on purpose and asking for a refund next day obviously it is going to be denied but if you simply rewind time back to before you trashed the car it was like you warranty never went away. Then again the reason most people say it voids your warranty is because they themselves are under-educated in the matter and only say it to cover their asses.

  • Mr Hollywooder

    Waiting 4 ios 5 and NOTHING ELSE>>>>

  • Saaje Lovebird

    i tried to jail break iphone 4.3.5 now its in dfo mode…………any help

    • Lota Man

      Follow the instructions given here very carefully.

    • Nickhamdan86

      Restore it and do it again . An if it gives an error that mean u have to trick iTunes by editing the host file. Cause iTunes will stop the restore everytime u restore ur iphone .

  • PublicAddress

    Apple must fight jailbreaking to some extent. How could they justify looking the other way to the thousands of developers who pay money just to get the IOS SDK - not to mention actually make iphone/ipad apps.

    its not illegal to jailbreak. (this has been established as fact - thats not a guess, it went to court)

    If piracy ensues, that is, of course, illegal. So is murder..

    • Lota Man

      It is solely the consumers discretion what they use the jailbreak for. You are not compelled to install pirated apps once you jailbreak, yet people do that. So obviously you can’t say jailbreaking is illegal.

  • Macs

    What if apple path every hole in there iOS .then what the use you buy an apple iPhones,or iPad ,if there is no just as well buy any other phone and tablets out there.the only reason I and all the other people buy apple devices ,is to jailbreak it .without jailbreakers apple is nothing.

  • iDevice Nation

    Many people buy their iDevices for the jailbreak and the freedom to customize their iDevice with all the fancy gadgets and widgets that suits their personality. Without jailbreak, the iDevice nation is nothing. Many of the sales for iDevices will go down dramatically and they may be bankrupt. Jailbreakers and Apple should unite to make the iDevice nation the best nation of devices that bests Android by sextillions!

    • Will_kit

      Totally Agreed!!!

  • crunchitech

    i Think it will come before the iOS 5 launch

  • Bambu

    what is the difference between ‘tethered’ and ‘untethered’????


    • Larzconwell

      Tethered is connected to the computer each time you boot and run a Cydia app. Untethered you don’t have to connect it to your computer.

    • Chamby32

      Tethered means your phone will get stuck in boot loops if it goes dead or is rebooted. Meaning if you reboot or add a package you need to be connected to your computer. A reboot tool on your computer will then boot your phone back into a jailbreak state. Un-tethered means once you jailbreak you no longer need your laptop to stay jailbroken even if the phone goes dead or is rebooted.

  • Dankotov13

    Apple fucked up the time zones in Canada with this new firmware

    I have to change the time every 5 hr 2 hours back

  • Kingu

    dont they all work for both ?

  • 300istilmig

    keyz is right o.0 they should really stop fighting jailbreak it would be much better if they just worked together making it fully safe to change stuff on IOS they could just make it so the changes would be checked to be secure with each other,,, if they worked together they wouldnt lose as much money on people stealing apps since thats a fully illegal thing in itself instead of a part of something legal although mewseek they should allow itunes have to high prices for music compared to just buying a real CD its like 20% more on itunes

  • Pimmel

    Lol…Apple will win just a little time and not more! The jailbreak community will not give up!

  • Haleem101

    i need help please? my iphone 4 was 4.3.3 then i make download for version 4.3.5 then nothing was open it because i didn’t save my Application on my laptop?i need to install the installous at my new version?anyone can help me ????

    • Lota Man

      Your iPhone 4 can only be jailbroken tethered on iOS 4.3.5.

  • Gogo

    My ipad 2…4.3.5 is still virgin,..when will it get 16 yrs old so i can break it…

    • Lota Man

      No jailbreak for iPad 2 on iOS 4.3.5, and there won’t be one. Wait until iOS 5 comes out.

  • bo

    thats fucking bullshit, yet im waiting for ios 5 ill be first to jailbreak it

  • HaZe

    Apple reminds me of Hitler!!!!

  • Dfads

    Okay everyone saying that cydia leads to pirating apps, you can download and put cracked apps into your itunes library and sync them without a jailbroken iPhone

  • serop

    hi guyz plzz help !i jailbroke an tethered jailbreak my ipad with the latest redsnow on ios 4.3.5 then after downloading an app from cydia it recommended me to reboot the ipad ang the n pressed reboot when it was rebooting the ipad it got stuck on the apple logo. can i rejailbreak an untethered jailbreak on ios 4.3.5 ??? or what should i do plzz help.

  • Garrett11

    Untethered jailbreak eventually for iPod touch 4.3.5

    • Garrett11

      So be happy and apple ruin your life

  • Ferdy Marquez

    anybody know how to add firmware tiny umbrella. downgrade my iPad 4.3.5 to 4.2.1 but firmware not enlisted on tiny umbrella could help me how to add firmware 4.2.1so i can downgrade my ipad. thanks

  • Shadyman

    I have 3rd gen and 4th gen itouch. Updated 3rd gen to ios 3.3.5 before I even thought about jailbreaking either. But at the time didnt have enough hdd space for the backup so I couldnt update my 4th. Thank God cuz I woulda been f’d. But still would like to jailbreak my 3rd gen untethered.

  • Riettahill

    hey…i have version 4.3.5 on my ipod……i have not saved any shsh as i really know that i should not update….anyway…..if i never saved any prev shsh files… it impossible to downgrade to ver 4.3.3 and then use the jailbreak for that ?

  • Kenboyles72

    I previously had an Android phone, which could be rooted with one touch of a button and I could modify and change themes. This is the main reason behind “rooting” or “jailbreaking”, so you can customize the phone how you see fit. Not just pirating apps. I just wish Apple would make it so I could customize this phone, then I would be happy.

  • Yannsi Paniagua

    I have a 3gs and recently installed 4.3.5 but when i was trying to install it in itunes it kept giving me a 1015 error message, so i jailbreak it with redsn0w 0.9.8b7c the only way to make the iphone starts is only SELECTING BOOT TENTHERED only. the iphone works fine, i loaded the backup and everything, it works perfectly if i dont have to restart it. CAN SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!!!!

  • Ayman Alhamimi

    nothing impossible bro….

  • Nathan Dahlen

    when is the untethered 4.3.5 jailbreak coming out

  • Vill12009

    There is no untethered jailbreak if you dont have saved SHSH blobs for 4.3.3

  • sad

    so 4.3.5 jailbreak untethered is impossible?

    • Lota Man

      Sent from my BlackBerry® Smartphone provided by Ufone

  • Norm

    if anything you would expect them to make it possible because if we fuck up our warranty was voided so they made monney when we need to buy a new device

  • Jet

    what happen to my ipod touch 4g..The sound didnt function well..!!!

  • Whorecake
