How To Install iOS 5 Beta 5 On iPhone, iPad and iPod touch


Moments ago, Apple has finally released iOS 5 beta 5 for developers. If you are a registered in the iPhone Developer Program, you can download iOS 5 beta 5 right now and install it on your device. This guide will show you precisely how to install iOS 5 beta 5 on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

You must first keep in mind that iOS 5 beta 5 is an OTA update for supported iPhones, iPads and iPod touches. Meaning that your developer registered device will receive only the changes OTA and you won't be required to download the whole iOS 5 beta 5 ipsw. iOS 5 beta 5 OTA update is 123 MB in size and download times for that will obviously vary depending upon your connection speed.

How To Install iOS 5 Beta 5 OTA On iPhone, iPad and iPod touch

Step 1: Go to the

Step 2: Tap on General.

Step 3: Scroll down and tap on Reset.

Step 4: Tap on Erase All Content and Settings.

Step 5: Tap on Erase iPhone/iPad/iPod touch, the device will ask you twice.

Step 6: Set up your device PC-free once again.

Step 7: Once you have set up the device, once again go in to the

Step 8: Now tap on General followed by Software Update. You will be shown the image posted below. Tap on Download and Install.

If you don't want to install iOS 5 beta 5 OTA for reasons best known to you only, follow the steps documented below in order to install iOS 5 beta 5 on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch using a Windows or Mac computer.

Step 1: Download iOS 5 beta 5 ipsw for your respective iDevice.

Step 2: Download iTunes 10.5 beta 5 for Windows and Mac.

Step 3: Back up your device with iTunes before proceeding.

Step 4: Windows users will launch iTunes and once their device is detected, will press and hold the Shift key and click on Restore. Mac users will press and hold the alt key and click on Restore.

Step 5: iTunes will now prompt you to select the ipsw you previously download in step 1. Navigate to where you saved it and select it.

Step 6: Now let iTunes 10.5 beta 5 install iOS 5 beta 5 on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. This process can take well up to 10 minutes so be patient.

Some things to keep in mind are: If you have a software unlocked iPhone, stay away from stock iOS 5 beta 5 firmware. You will lose your unlock if you install iOS 5 beta 5 on your software unlocked iPhone. If you have a factory or officially unlocked iPhone, you may proceed to install iOS 5 beta 5 without any worries.

Should you face any problems during this process, please do not hesitate to leave a comment down below and seek help from our experts round the clock.

  • pierhjg

    my nigga,
    im so pissed right now,
    i fucking deleted all my shit on my phone to ota but fuck that shit won’t work yo,
    its better to do it manually

    • Tynerhomes

      restore with itunes, it would have been smarter to backup everything first.

    • Tynerhomes

      restore with itunes, it would have been smarter to backup everything first.

  • Isaac Ruiz

    what if my iPod touch 4G is jailbroken? and i have 4.3.3 firmware. can i still install iOS 5?

    • Talha Ismail

      i have an ipod touch 4g jailbroken on ios 4.3.3, and i updated to ios 5 beta 1, (long ago) so beta 5 should work properly too

  • Mubashar

    It takes forever to to erase everything. keep circling from half hour. What to do ? Should i wait?

    • Lota Man

      Sent from my BlackBerry® Smartphone provided by Ufone

  • Anonymous

    Why should we erase everything? It’s frustrating

  • Johnothan Vincent Crook

    I keep getting error code 3002 with the ios 5b4 download i got from your site any advice

  • Ashraf Elkhashab

    after earsing all data, it shows the apple logo for 1 second then a circle.
    It has been about 1 hour since the circle appeared and it;s still circling
    should i wait? and how long it should take?

    • Ramy Nessim

      wait 2 days more

    • Ramy Nessim

      wait 2 days more

    • Ramy Nessim

      wait 2 days more

  • Rod Cunningham

    it wont let me putios5 beta5 on my iphone 4 can u help itunes says no

  • Ben Treble

    Hey all, I was running the beta 1. (iPhone) I have a legit unlocked iPhone 4 (Aussie). I tried to install beta 4 with xcode, told me to restore, I hit restore on itunes( big mistake). iTunes got part way through the process … deleting the software off the phone before error 1600 which I”m sure is cause you can’t restore on iTunes with beta. So xcode can’t recognise the phone anymore and itunes won’t restore it.

    Nothing wrong with the hardware but I can’t seem to get the os installed again. Help? Cheers

    • Bjtreble

      All covered and fixed.

  • Druminstein

    uploaded iOS5 Beta 5 and now I can’t see any photo thumbnails. I erased and uploaded the software again and it still wont let me see the thumbnails. I tried turning it off and on again. I erased all photos and tried taking new ones, still no TN’s. Tried deleting cache. I found a bunch of posts for this problem with previous beta versions, but not beta 5. Any body have a fix for this?

    • Kentaro

      I’m having just the same issue and not resolved yet…
      I tried removing SQLite files but Photo can’t be invoked after removal.

  • Josh Keyes

    I’m running iTunes 10.5 beta 5 on a mac. I updated my phone to iOS 5 beta 5. Now whenever I try to sync my phone with iTunes, it thinks that the phone is a new, blank phone and it asks me if I want to set it up as a “New Phone” or if I want to restore it from a previous backup. Does anyone have any idea why it is doing this? It’s quite a pain to keep backing it up from my last phone backup.

    I updated to iOS 5 beta 5 plugged into my computer not OTA because I didn’t realize I had to do the reset. Now the only time I can sync the phone is right after I set it up. If I unplug it and then reconnect it to my computer and to iTunes, it gives me the problem described above.

  • Talha Ismail

    Hey i need help, plz reply ASAP to my EMAIL ID :
    I installed ios 5 beta 5 on my ipod touch 4g, and everything went smoothly, but there is one problem, when i sync, the app apperas on my ipod and says ‘waiting…’ but on the computer it says that its installing and eventually says ‘sync complete’ but the app still says ‘waiting’
    plz reply fast !

  • prmccarron

    When I try to install, iTunes says that my iPhone is not eligible for the requested build… help? iTunes 5 beta 5, iOS 5 beta 5, iPhone 4 CDMA (currently on 4.2.8), Mac OS X Lion.

  • Liozon

    I’ve got the same problem like Talha Ismail. If I want to install apps on my iPod Touch 3G, I have to use iFunbox.
    How can i fix that?
    Thank you very much for your fast reply

    • Talha Ismail

      i had to download all my apps again directly on my iPod, hope this issue is fixed in the sixth beta

  • Cellomaster71

    I have the same problem as Talha Ismail and Liozon:( Thanks so much for the help

  • Cellomaster71

    And also, when i “sync apps” after it already has all the “waiting” things, it loads them one o by one but the when I play them all my data and saves are gone. Please help:(

  • Jodyarifin

    my iphone says this when setup:

    “This devices is not registered as part of the iPhone developer program.##br####br##if you are a member of the program, please register your device in the @@url@@.”

    what should i do?
    please reply to my email :

  • Crankdatriahhx

    I’m trying to update my ipod touch to the newest update but its software is like at like 4.1 or some shit. I’m scared to update because I don’t wanna lose everything. Any way around this? I refuse to lose 29.9g of music right now -__-