Fix iTunes Error 3200 And 3002 During iOS 5 Update


Apple released its latest mobile platform update to millions of iOS 5 hungry users around the globe however the release hasn't gone as smoothly as they had planned. Many of our readers complain they're facing iTunes error 3200 or error 3002 while trying to update their devices to iOS 5. So, how does one fix iTunes error 3200?

Why am I facing iTunes error 3200 or 3002?

We're pretty sure that you've asked this question plenty of times while hopelessly trying to fix iTunes error 3200. As we previously mentioned, Apple's update servers are literally getting hammered with phenomenal amounts of traffic coming from all parts of the world. This results in the servers failing to filling more than half of the authorization requests they're receiving, hence end users are getting iTunes error codes 3200 or 3002. Some users have also reported that making backups of their devices using iTunes is taking longer than usual. Some say that they have to reorganize all of their apps once iOS 5 is restored on their device. Others say that just downloading and installing iOS 5 is taking more time than it should. On the other hand, some lucky ones say that they got iOS 5 up and running on their devices in less than fifteen minutes.

Apple's service representatives have said that this issue is mainly because of the insane amount of traffic, and that error 3200 should subside on its on once the traffic thins out a bit. However we know that you're impatient for iOS 5, as is everyone around the world. So why should you be made to wait for iOS 5 when you can just fix iTunes error 3200 and get the latest and greatest iOS update on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch?

How To Fix iTunes Error 3200 Or Error 3002 During iOS 5 Update:

Before you proceed, make sure that your host file is correctly routed to Apple's servers. If its not, you're likely to encounter error 3194. To make sure you don't, follow this tutorial to fix iTunes error 3194.

Step 1: Download iTunes 10.5 final for Windows and Mac, if you haven't already.

Step 2: Follow the steps given here in order to prepare your device for iOS 5 installation

Step 3: Download iOS 5 final IPSWs for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch

Step 4:Once you have the latest iTunes and your device is plugged in, press and hold the Shift key on Windows or the alt key on Mac and click on Check for Update. Now select the iOS 5 IPSW that you previously downloaded and click Ok.

Your device will now being updating to iOS 5 firmware, this is how you fix iTunes error 3200 or error 3002. Some of you might also encounter "An internal error occurred" message, this means that Apple's servers are down. To fix this, you just need to try again after some time.

If you still face any problems while trying to fix iTunes error 3200, just leave a comment down below and we will help you out immediately.

  • Anonymous

    I had the “An internal error occurred” message and the “iTunes error 3200″. After a while and some tries it worked!

    After installing iOS, several apps didn’t start and I had just to wait until iTunes finished restoring apps and music. It seemed this happened in background.

    So I think all these issues happened due to performance problems at Apples servers.

  • guest

    still have the 3002

  • Ebay Da

    just put your device into DFU mode, erase any modification in host files( usually when you use umbrella ) then update as regular shift mode choosing the right IPSW

  • Sorin Curteanu

    i tried like 30 times and nothing.. still have 3002

    • Lota Man

      Edited your hosts file?
      Sent from my BlackBerry® Smartphone provided by Ufone

  • Shorty3508

    To fix this, put the IPSW that you downloaded into the “AppDataRoamingApple ComputeriTunesiPhone Software Updates” folder.. then just click update in itunes like normal and it will go through. Worked for me and i got the 3002 error 100 times

    • Mrskryten

      Thank you for this info! This completely solved the 3002 errors I was getting over and over and over again. I received a -5000 once after moving the file, but I disconnected my device, reconnected it and clicked “update” again and it worked. You saved me additional frustrating hours!

    • Jdcardinals

      Where are those files at?

    • 123

      Helped as well! Backup started after clicking update which wasn’t the case at the other location and opening with the shift button

  • Bsommer

    I’ve tried to update with the downloaded file, but I still continue to get the error 3002! The mobile phone is NOT jailbroken.

  • Giest

    I have iOS 5 firmware downloaded on my imac. My Internet has been down for a couple of days. Can I update my iPad without an Internet connection?

    • Lota Man

      No you need internet connection because iTunes needs it to get authorization from Apple’s servers. Sent from my BlackBerry® Smartphone provided by Ufone