How To Install Siri On iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS And iPod touch 4G


Finally you can install Siri on iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS and iPod touch 4G running iOS 5 firmware. If your iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS or iPod touch 4G is running iOS 5 firmware, follow this detailed guide to learn how to install Siri.

Do keep in mind that this guide lets you install Siri GUI only on your iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS or iPod touch 4G. The developers have not been able to make Siri on non-iPhone 4S devices connect to Apple's servers which recognize your voice commands and enable Siri to do the tasks you ask it to do.

As mentioned, you'll just be able to get Siri GUI working on your iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS or iPod touch 4G running iOS 5 firmware. If you're not concerned about Siri's functionality, do try out this procedure. Do keep in mind that you yourself will be responsible should anything go wrong. If you're not accustomed to doing complex processes on your iOS devices, its advised that you do not try this.

How To Install Siri On iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS Or iPod touch 4G:

Step 1: Jailbreak iOS 5 firmware on your device using redsn0w

Step 2: Download files required for installing Siri from here. (mirror)

Step 3: Plug in your device to the computer and use software such as iPhone Explorer or i-Funbox to copy AssistantServices.framework folder downloaded from the link in Step 2 to this location on your device: Root>System>Library>PrivateFrameworks

Step 4: Open Springboard folder from the files downloaded in Step 2 and copy all of the files to this location on your device: Root>System>Library>CoreServices>

Step 5: Now download iFile from Cydia if you don't already have it and go to this location: System>Library>CoreServices>, from here open the .plist file for your respective device. For iPhone 4 the file will either be named N90, N91 or N92 and for iPod touch it will be named N81AP

Step 6: Add new property list to the .plist file and name it assistant. Set class to Boolean and value as Yes

Step 7: Add this: <key>assistant</key><true/> to the .plist file

After adding this, simply re-spring your device. You have successfully installed Siri on your iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS or iPod touch 4G. Once again keep in mind that Siri on your device won't be able to perform any functions as its unable to connect to Apple's servers. You just get the GUI after performing this procedure to install Siri on iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS or iPod touch 4G.

If you face any problems during the installation process, simply leave a comment down below and we will help you out.

  • Thelastbaron752

    Can I do this with a sn0wbreeze jailbreak?

  • Thelastbaron752

    Can I do this with a Sn0wbreeze jailbreak?

    • Lota Man

      Yes you can.

  • Ewaut

    Add this: assistant to the .plist file

    must you type it in the new or old file ?

    • Tobias Boväng

      you should only have one .plist-file, but you can add property-lists to that file, and when you do that (adding the “assistant boolean”-stuff, it will automatically add the string to the .plist-file (at least mine did). However, it still doesn’t work

      • Thereitis!

        Same :/

    • Lota Man

      new file.

  • Sector_2001

    its not Working …………. ??????

    • Lota Man

      You’ll only get the GUI, as mentioned.

  • Sector2_2001

    into the plist File ……. After WE create the assistan in the capabilities and Turn it on ….

    the Line is there

  • Tobias Boväng

    Feels like it is a couple of steps missing. What about all the other files downloaded in the .zip-file?

    • Lota Man

      Those are not required. All you need to get it working is given in these steps.

  • Tayab Khan

    Does this work on iphone 3gs new bootroom and please give me a simple instruction

    • Lota Man

      Yes it will work.

      • navid

        i did everything correctly but still doesn’t work (iphone 3gs 8gb)

  • Jweselake96

    THANKS to this my ipod wont evern boot now

    • Justanotherlespaul

      Dont worry, this happened to me as well, just restore in iTunes and you’ll be fine!

    • Lota Man


  • Jweselake96

    i got it then stuck in dfu mode and got it to boot aging withe the pinaple logo now stuck insted my device is ipod touch 4G Jailbrocken on IOS 5 GM

  • Argymazing

    i did everything correctly but still doesn’t work

  • Kylesach

    Didn’t work for me, just like everybody else.

  • Lota Man

    The mirror link is for this file.

  • Stian Instebo

    try this

    • Lota Man


    • stifft79

      cheers mate - now it does apper n my menu but no sounds… let just wait till the “porting” will be released

    • Argymazing

      thank you , now this worked!

  • WahSiu Chen

    any video??? i not so sure de..

    tep 5: Now download iFile from Cydia if you don’t already have it and go to this location: System>Library>CoreServices>, from here open the .plist file for your respective device. For iPhone 4 the file will either be named N90, N91 or N92 and for iPod touch it will be named N81AP

    Step 6: Add new property list to the .plist file and name it assistant. Set class to Boolean and value as Yes

    how to set it YES ??

    and Add this: assistant to the .plist file

    add to which line?

    • Lota Man

      Buy turning ON, the value is automatically set to Yes.

      Open the N.plist file for your device in Text Viewer and add this code after 720

      • Abhimaneau Kohli

        done every thing but still when i press home button voice memo opens up

  • Aidan Orlando Stevens

    i”ve restored my ipod touch 3 times now and i still dont have siri on it.. i”ve followed the steps so closely.. is there a simplier way to do this?

  • Kylegreenlaw

    ok i did everything but when i hold the home button it does nothing (btw i turned of voice control


    Its very a simple task to bring the GUI to your other iDevices… So dont think they have done a Stunning job… Its a cake for them….

  • Courtsoph09

    i always get stuck in boot loop no matter what i do? iPhone 3GS

  • Ferdinand

    Can anyone explainme exactly step by step (step 6 and step 7) pleaseee help me, i would apreciate it

  • Nchaseb

    trying this on ipad what will the file be named for the ipad N what?

  • Mike

    on step 4 do I copy all files separate or Siri file all at once??

  • Michael Kanellidis

    how to install one iPhone 3gs jailbreak

  • Kzhimel

    Don’t understand Step 6. What To Exactly???

    • Pozzdonnz

      Yes i dont understand Step To add key to n90 plist have it ? Pls share me thanks

  • Pozzdonnz

    Can someone post n90 edited for us Edit by my salf Not sure Pls somone

  • Pozzdonnz

    Pls someone sucessfully To enabled Pls Share us I Need file and how to Plist edited Thanks For Cool one !!!

    • Engy M78

      just move it to desktop and use word pad to edit , then re paste it again in same location

  • Enji_m78

    please help me
    I’ve done all steps . many times
    and every time when i reach the step , edit split file
    and reboot or respring
    iphone is not opening and stuck on respring circle
    i’ve tried using redsnow to boot to open phone
    but no hope , till i connect iphone and edit split file again and delete assistant key

    any suggestions ??:(:(

    • Chrismarroquin

      open up your .plist file in notepad. remove what you entered and then copy it back into your idevice. I was stuck like that actually. Hope it helps.

  • Michał Kural

    hehe, I’ve got the GUI on iPod touch 3G :D

  • wriley herring

    how do you access the GUI

  • Andrew

    I have Iphone 4 (4.3.5) Gevey Sim Modem Firmware 4.10.01. If i upgrade to iOS 5 will it change my firmware? Please answer asap.

  • Pingwiins

    Hi! I followed every step but i still dont have this GUI…(

  • Gurveench2

    fuck siri dont work on iphone 4g….

  • Nipun Birla

    please someone help me..when i press my home button in ipod touch 4g…siri comes up and speaks also..dat means i have gui installed..ryt?..but when it comes to says could not connect ot network not available..what should i do?