Unlock iPhone 4S Ultrasn0w Release Coming Soon


MuscleNerd of the iPhone Dev Team has confirmed earlier today that soon enough, the unlock iPhone 4S ultrasn0w release will be taking place. This revelation was made earlier today via Twitter. More details on the iPhone 4S ultrasn0w unlock, after the break.

As previously mentioned, MuscleNerd of the iPhone Dev Team revealed via Twitter earlier today that a very promising iPhone 4S unlock is in the works. As proof, he posted an image which shows this very promising iPhone 4S ultrasn0w unlock.

An iPhone 4S ultrasn0w unlock is highly anticipated because its the only iPhone that can not be unlocked as of now on iOS 5. That is because currently there is no jailbreak for iPhone 4S. To unlock an iPhone using ultrasn0w, it is mandatory to first jailbreak it. So despite the fact that the iPhone Dev Team is sitting on a very promising iPhone 4S ultrasn0w unlock, the fact remains that an iPhone 4S jailbreak will have to be released first before this unlock is of any use. Last month, the iPhone Dev Team demoed an iPhone 4S jailbreak on video however they said it was in preliminary stage and needed a lot of work before it could be released to the public. Needless of say, the iPhone Dev Team is working hard on iPhone 4S jailbreak as well and will release it first to be soon followed by the iPhone 4S ultrasn0w unlock.

Those who are running iOS 5 firmware on iPhone 3GS or iPhone 4 with unlockable basebands can unlock their iPhones using the latest ultrasn0w 1.2.4 update. Developing an unlock isn't the hindrance here, its the jailbreak which is a pre-requisite. As soon as a jailbreak for iPhone 4S is released, even if by the Chronic Dev Team, the iPhone 4S ultrasn0w unlock will be released allowing you to use your latest Apple smartphone on any carrier of your choice around the world.

The iPhone Dev Team has revealed no further details about this very promising iPhone 4S ultrasn0w unlock and its going to remain that way until an iPhone 4S jailbreak is made available. We'll keep you in the loop. On the other note, its possible to unlock GSM iPhone 4S using a simple method that does not require a jailbreak.