Those who want to jailbreak 5.0.1 iOS untethered on Mac and preserve iPhone baseband, the iPhone Dev Team has now released PwnageTool 5.0.1. Earlier today, pod2g's 5.0.1 untethered jailbreak for A4 based devices was released through redsn0w 0.9.10b1 and the Corona Cydia package.
There is no major difference between the functionality of redsn0w and PwnageTool. Redsn0w can now even be used to create a custom firmware with unlockable baseband preserved. However previously Mac owners had to use PwnageTool to preserve iPhone baseband when upgrading to newer iOS firmware version. As the jailbreak has finally been released, there are many people who want to jailbreak 5.0.1 iOS untethered on Mac as well as preserve the baseband of their iPhone. So PwnageTool 5.0.1 has been released to end their misery.
Why would you need to preserve iPhone baseband? First keep in mind that the baseband preservation scenario only applies to software unlocked iPhones. If you have an officially unlocked or factory unlocked iPhone, you can go ahead and jailbreak 5.0.1 iOS untethered on Mac without any worries of losing your unlock. If you've a software unlocked iPhone, you must save the baseband so that you don't lose your unlock. PwnageTool 5.0.1 is the perfect tool to do that.
PwnageTool will allow you to jailbreak 5.0.1 iOS untethered on Mac while preserving the unlockable baseband. You will create a custom 5.0.1 IPSW using PwnageTool 5.0.1. After the custom firmware IPSW has been made, simply connect your device to iTunes, press the alt key and click on Restore. Select the custom firmware file you just made and restore your iPhone. Keep in mind that the custom firmware you made to jailbreak 5.0.1 iOS untethered on Mac will automatically be jailbroken once it's loaded on your device.
May we remind you that PwnageTool is exclusive only to the Mac operating system, so that's why it can only be used to jailbreak 5.0.1 iOS untethered on Mac. Windows users can use redsn0w 0.9.10b1. Official download link of PwnageTool 5.0.1 is given below.
Download PwnageTool 5.0. 1 to jailbreak 5.0. 1 iOS untethered on Mac
Jailbreak 5.0.1 Untethered on iPhone 4, 3GS, iPod touch and iPad 1 using redsn0w 0.9.10b1 / Corona