How To Install Siri On iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS And iPod touch 4G

Finally you can install Siri on iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS and iPod touch 4G running iOS 5 firmware. If your iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS or iPod touch 4G is running iOS 5 firmware, follow this detailed guide to learn how to install Siri. Do keep in mind ...

To Downgrade iOS 5.1 Firmware, Save iOS 5 SHSH Blobs Using iSHSHit [How To]

iSHSHit has been updated and now it allows you to save iOS 5 firmware SHSH blobs of your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. If you're wondering why you need to save iOS 5 firmware SHSH blobs, you've come to the right place. We know that Apple released ...

iOS 5 iTunes App Comes With New Tones Store

Apple has added a new tones store in the iOS 5 iTunes app. iOS 5 was finally released to public yesterday for support iPhone, iPad and iPod touch devices. (image credit) The iTunes Store on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch now includes the Tone Store — an ...

Download iOS 5 Firmware For iPhone, iPad and iPod touch

Finally, we can now download iOS 5 firmware for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. After being in beta for over four months, Apple has released iOS 5 to the public. What are you waiting for, get downloading! Direct lnks given below. iOS 5 is Apple's most extensive ...

How To Install iOS 5 Firmware On iPhone, iPad and iPod touch

With Apple due to release iOS 5 firmware to the public in less than two hours, here's a tutorial that will help you get ready to install iOS 5 firmware on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Step 1: Download iTunes 10.5 final for Windows and Mac. ...

iOS 5 GM Changelog Full [What's New]

Apple just released iOS 5 GM for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Below is the full iOS 5 GM changelog. The following issues relate to using the 5 SDK to develop code.     Accounts When creating an iCloud account, you can use any Apple ID as long as it is ...

iOS 5 iPhone, iPad, iPod touch Released Confirmed For October 12

Just moments ago at the Let's Talk iPhone event, Apple has unveiled iOS 5 public release date. iOS 5 will be released to the public on October 12. Ever since iOS 5 was revealed at WWDC 2011, Apple has seeded eight betas to its developers. From the ...

Download redsn0w 0.9.9b1 for Mac / Windows to jailbreak without IPSW

As promised, the new redsn0w 0.9.9b1 update has been pushed live which lets you jailbreak the iPhone, iPod Touch or the iPad without the IPSW. The main features of this new update consist of auto-discovery of device and firmware while in DFU mode, and you no longer ...

Apple to reset iCloud backup data for developer accounts on September 22

Well it seems that iOS 5 may launch sooner than expected as according to a recent posting on the Apple Developers board, Apple will be resetting iCloud Backup data for all developer accounts on Thursday, September 22nd. It is believed that the reset operation is being performed ...

iOS 5 Untethered Jailbreak For iPhone 5, iPad 2, iPhone 4 Release Soon

Apple is likely to release iOS 5 on October 10 and we're quite sure that once iOS 5 is made available to the public for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad 1, iPad 2, Apple TV 2G, iPod touch 3G and iPod touch 4G most of our ...